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Generic Name: Fenofibrate Tablets

Brand Name: Fenoglide

Fenoglide Drug and Medication User Reviews

Had severe side effects. Extreme dizziness, nausea, muscle pain, back pain, dark orange urine after taking this drug for 3 days. Cannot take it.

My doctor asked me to take this drug because he thought it was the best way to lower my triglycerides after diet and exersise weren't enough. I took one pillat 5 pm with food, and an hour and a half later my chest and neck felt flushed. I got cooled down by having a swim. I had just spent 60 dollars on 30 pills and did not want to believe there were side effects . I developed a very bad headache, flu like symptoms, heart felt weak and I felt "wrong" like I had been poisoned. Did not sleep well, kept walking around the house like a trapped animal. Waited for the dr office to open/ biding my time trying not to go to the ER. By the time his office opened I could sense that I was going to make it by letting the drug wear off. Called pharmacist to ask about taking alieve for the headache. It took 24 hours to feel mostly recovered. One more night of normal sleep and I would say I felt 90% recovered. Disapointing as i had believed this drug could help me.

Mu husband has been taken this for almost 2 months and now can not hold a pen! Dr has taken him off it and will undergo more test to make sure that his liver and everything still works. He is in soooo much pain and can not be given anything of the pain thanks to this drug!!!! OVER ALL DONT TAKE IT!!!!

I take it with my supper every evening. It triggers my acid reflux so bad that within an hour, I am in serious pain. Most evenings I end up vomitting. I will not be continuing this medicine.

I had a bad reaction to a couple of statins (I was feeling muscle weekness after a couple of months and felt like I couldn't remember where I left anything). The Dr took me off them and put me on this- Fenoglide. She said this drug is different than statins and is less drug than other feno drugs due to dosing technology in it. I got my blood results in the mail about a month after starting it with a big smiley from the doc. My cholesterol and triglycerides dropped like a rock and my good cholesterol went up too. My wife loves this drug and so do I!!!! SO far no mucsle cramps and my mind feels clearer.

I used to be very high in my tricyclerides and my overall cholesterol number however, taking it the past 1 and 1/2 years has brought all of my numbers to a point of within normal range. I am thrilled. Have had no side effects so far.

triglycerides were at 465 prior to taking this and have been between 110 and 130 since I have been taking this with no side effects

Not enough room to list all the side effects from this drug. I'm now off it and very concerned that some of the effects may be permanent. My doctor started me out with 120mg, which was much too high! From everything I have read, she should have started with a much smaller dose. I guess it's time for a new doctor!

I took this medication for 4 days, and was sick to my stomach every morning, my heart rate was 88 resting, when it's normally 68 to 72.This is ridiculous! I won't take it again.I refuse to be a guinea pig!

Ended up with bumps on my arm. Decided to stop taking the drug.

WAY too many red flag side effects there is NO WAY IN HELL I am putting this garbage in my body... No wonder the Med company is giving coupon cards with this medication they cant give it away

I have been taking this for 8 weeks and i have strange bumps on my arms and legs???

too many severe side effects for me to attempt to take. Worse than not taking at all.

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