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Generic Name: Fenofibric Acid Capsules

Brand Name: Trilipix

Trilipix Drug and Medication User Reviews

I hate this drug. I've been taking it for three weeks and have horrible pack pain, nausea and constipation. Also tired all the time. I'm not taking it any more.

After taking medication for 6 months I started coughing and chocking and I would cough up the little round hard beads of medicine which is in the capsule

I took this drug for a few years with no problems, but then developed a crick in my neck. Over the next year it got a little bit worse every day and my shoulder started hurting as well. I eventually couldn't lift my arm higher than my shoulder, and it hurt to reach for things. My doctor had no idea what was wrong. At the same time I had gradually developed a problem with my eyesight. If I read for even 15-20 minutes it would take half hour before I could focus on distant things. So I couldn't read if I had to drive later. My eye doctor had no clue. On a hunch I stopped taking trilipix and the next day my neck was slightly better. Over the next year and a half my neck, shoulder and eyesight have all very gradually gotten about 90% better. I hope that in another 6 months to be back to normal. Dangerous drug! I would strongly dissuade anyone from taking it. Reducing cholesterol and triglyceride numbers is not worth the side effects. Especially when the doctors can't make the connection of having medical problems and taking the drug.

I take this medicine with Lipitor. Lipitor alone won't reduce the Triglyceride levels and increase the HDL and lower the LDL levels. Combination of these two medications(Lipitor, Trilipix) lowered my triglyceride and LDL; increase the HDL levels. I'm 5'8" and 142 Lbs and exercise regularly and watch the diet. But these alone did not help without these drug combination. Side effect is the muscle problems but not untolerable.

I had none of the adverse reactions described by other users. My LDL went down and HDL up. My only problem was the cost and am now taking the generic. Lower cost, no reaction and it's working.

After only a week of taking this medication I developed pain over the right shoulder blade. After a few weeks the pain was so great I was sent to the ER via ambulance by my primary care doctor. After cat scans and MRI this medication nearly destroyed the Infraspinatus and both the Teres Minor and Teres Major muscles. Still almost a year I am in still in pain center treatments.

Really did not get to take it long enough to see if it worked. After 8 days developed terrible indigestion, heartburn, headache, sore throat and mouth swelling.

have used for 2 years. total cholesterol has dropped to 107,HDL is 30, LDL 61, TRIGLYCERIDES have gone from over 300 to 82. Take with breakfast daily and no noticeable side effects.

I have been takin for about a week. Backache,dizzy and fogginess of eyes.

I have been taking this medication for over 3 years, and have seen no marked results. Plan to find another drug for my cholesterol.

i started on trilipix for 12 days -on the last day i started vomiting and severe diarrhea for two days -have not taken any more

After 4 months of treatment I was up almost every night with lower back, leg, hip and muscle pain. Also, I developed colon problems and GERD. I would not take the medication again, but am aware of the dangers of high cholesterol and triglycerides. I'm currently trying red yeast rice to help with the condition.

Thought it was just me and me getting old!! the muscle pains, and the itching are a real bother; but my Dr says give my body a lil while to get used to it ??? after all these reviews...not sure I wanna do that...:( been on it a week and 2 days and it all started 4 days into taking it...

I have been on assorted statins which resulted in high liver enzymes. started on trilipix about 6 months ago, now I have cysts on my thyroid, kidney & liver as well as the aches , pains & dizziness. I also now have gall stones! This drug also does not prevent you from having a heart attack or stroke!! Very dangerous, should definately be off the market!! wish I had read the reviews before I started instead of trusting my dr.

Have been taking trilipix and lovaza,one capsule each together once a day for over a year but developed severe itching over entire body.Stopped taking both drugs and the itching left after about a week,and hesitant about resuming the medicine since it produced only moderate results with my triglycerides and cholesterol.

I have had most of the side effects mentioned in the side effects. Never ever have I had the itching skin and or scaly skin. I have tried everthing to get rid of it to no avail.

about the same time I developed a dry dry mouth and tongue, I wear dentures but they hurt when it gets too dry.

I m somewhat o k with the medications but they easy to take, but the muscle pain and cramping, are hard to deal with, it makes me cut back on the days i take them

I was on a very low dosage of Trilipix for the first month. I had no symptoms of any kind, so my physician increased the dosage last week. I have been on the increased dosage for 6 days now and the muscle pain in my legs and lower back is intolerable. I threw the medicine away.