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Generic Name: Finasteride

Brand Name: Proscar

Proscar Drug and Medication User Reviews

Proscar has ruined my love life. I am unable to make love to my love. Do not take this medication. There are other options less severe.

I'm sure this helps some folks, but I put off taking it for years - in fear of the side effects I'd read about. I just used flomax. Finally, about a month ago, my flow had decreased to the point it was scaring me, so I tried 1 pill per day at my urologist's urging. For the first 4-5 days I had no problems. Then I had 3 days of misery as I tried 3 more days of 1 pill per day! The entire area between my legs was quite tender (I couldn't even sit without serious discomfort), my urination flow was reduced even more (and would take several seconds even to begin) and it now included a mild burning feeling, and I now had almost constant urges to urinate (making life and sleep very tough). On top of all of this, constipation! I stopped after 9th dose. It took about 10 days for things to gradually return to how they were prior to trying proscar.

Have taken .4 mg for many years and in conjunction with .4 mg Flomax ....still urinating 4 times per night after all these years. Has also noticed a drop off in sex performance

I have used this product for about 5 weeks and it is definitely the best product I found for enlarged prostate problems. However, after using it for a few weeks I have developed a bleeding hemorroid. Have never had one before and I am 71 yo. Coincidence? Not sure.

Was in hospital with hemorraging from prostate into bladder. No cancer. Facing surgery but was given Proscar and Flomax as last thing to try. One week later bleeding stopped. Symptoms BPH eased. Then after 2 months odd sensations, pain in joints, no erections, so I decided to stop Proscar. I am grateful to Proscar for helping me through crisis w/o surgery, but now 15 months after crisis I use supplements, diet

After 2 months my semen was non-existent and sex drive greatly decreased. Embarrassing breast enlargement made me to decide to stop taking it and just use Flomax.

Not even two days and my breasts became swollen and had a burning, tender sensation. Actually, it hurt like hell. Stopped taking it and the syptoms went away.

I am an 85 year old male. I had a radical prostatectomy in early 1991. Initially my PSA dropped to zero or near zero. Four years later it had risen to 1.6 at which point my urologist prescribed 5 mg proscar twice a day and 125 mg flutamide three times a day. Later when my PSA started to rise again, the flutamide dosage was doubled to 250 mg three times a day. I have been on this protocol for 20 years. Although I have experienced several side effects (gynecomastia, osteoporosis, and compression fractures and hot flushes) these medications kept my cancer at bay. Recently, Medicare refused to cover more than 5 mg of proscar per day. I was finally able to get an exception so I am n back on my regular proscar dosage.

used 6 month, it has cut down on night time trips to the bathroom, but sex drive gone, erctions just barely and penis is shrinking. getting of this stuff

I am 60 with BPH. Started Proscar on April 1 (April Fools Day). No notice of change in urination. Same as before. says changes may take up to 1 year. Hope not. will report back at 6 months, Beginning of November with update.

Experienced scary side effects of swollen chest and tremors that felt like excessive heart palpitations. Brought to local ER, no heart or lung problems, just horrible side effects of the med. A urologist denied this but I know how my body reacted and it was extremely unpleasant. Going off it to try something else.

Seemed to be working ok till I took a mild laxative. Then my urination is become difficult

This drug should be Band from Market. Side effects,E D,low or no sex drive. Burning while urinating,fequent trips to bathroom all day and night. No warnings from my Dr. about these side effects took it 4 months and it was 4 months of hell. Quit 18 days ago and 90% of side effects gone...........PS-Class acton suit(google it)

This med. caused me to have ED.I was cone of the few? men who experirenced this side effect !

Bladder damage during surgery - Doc thought that this drug would help reduce the urine squirting. Totally useless.

70 y/o taking proscar for 18 years. Dr. recently stated "you have done very well".

I was given a prescription for this drug by a urologist for an enlarged prostate. I had some problems getting up multiple times at night, like 10 or 12, to empty my bladder. Before taking the drug I began looking closely at what was in the food I was eating. Apple sauce for example, the chucky kind has lemon juice in it. I stopped eating apple sauce. I suspected that my bladder was as much or more at fault than my prostate. I cut back on ice cream, and some fruits that I knew irritated my urinary system. Never did take the proscar and I am having a better stream,and better sleep without the urgency I used to feel while getting up two times a night.I added Prostate Revive which is helping to calm the prostate too. Only suggestion I have is look at the contents of what you are eating or drinking and drop those things you know are causing you harm.

miricle drug.if i stop taking,i stop peeing. started working in less than 2 weeks.i may not be horney all the time,but when opportunity knocks,i can still open the door.

I devloped Arm tremor amd shaking from my limbs. I see this is one of the side effects. I recently saw a Neurologist who diagnosed me with Parksons. Its not Parksons at all, its the side effects of Procar (Tremor)