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Generic Name: Lubiprostone

Brand Name: Amitiza

Amitiza Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have IBS-C which causes a lot of constipation and discomfort. This medicine causes nausea although it does make me go. The problem is it makes me go A LOT and it's like diarrhea. It also causes stomach cramps which is extremely uncomfortable and painful. I'm literally in bed due to the cramps. Does anyone have a solution for the cramping? If so, PLEASE HELP.

Was initially prescribed the 8 mg. pill which did nothing, then was given the 24 mg to take twice daily. Horrible stuff and didn't work. No complete bowel movements, only tiny watery bits. Also felt shortness of breath, severe migraines and clammy skin. Told my doctor the symptoms and wanted to stop- she agreed. Today she wrote she doesn't recall that conversation. Being told to just increase miralax and metamucil which also has become less effective. Only thing that works is magnesium citrate- not taken every day.

The first month being on this medication, I had 2 incomplete movements. Two for the whole month? Ridiculous! I also have MS. I don't think this a real pill anyway. I have my doubts. I broke one open and there wasn't any medication inside the candy-shell pill encased with a gelatin outer covering. I'm going to take this med to my doctor to have it evaluated.

I have had Constipation for years but Miralax always worked. Then when I became a Diabetic and was put on Metformin, I was like wow I had no issues going. Then slowly it got to where the medicine no longer worked in that department then I was taking Miralax along with Laxatives just to go. I saw a Gasterologist then he came me Amitiza. I thought good finally something that will help. I took it and didn't get much results. I then had to start taking 3 - 4 Dosages of Miralax a day for 3 - 4 days just to go. I have been on the medicine for 3 weeks and it isn't helping. I see some talk about it causing Nausea and that it does. I make sure I take it after I eat my meal and it helps some but not 100%. Back to Square 1 as this doesn't work.

Makes you so nauseated! And abdominal cramps! And so expensive!

Amitiza did not help with my constipation; quite the opposite I became even more bound up, bloated and in intestinal pain. I also was unable to go to sleep and developed pain in the middle of my chest. Even if this medication did help me, a fate I so very much wished, I would not continue due to the exhorbitant daily cost.

I tried Amitiza for IBS-C 8 years ago, but on an as-needed basis. It usually worked at 16 mcg, but the next day there was rebound constipation and I was reluctant to take it daily (largely because of the expense). Now I've been through them all and the doctor wants me to try Lubiprostone (now generic) on a regular 2x per day basis. Oddly, it is not as effective now as it was 8 years ago. I am going to try combining it with Miralax, which is apparently an option for colonoscopy prep. The bottom line seems to be that no laxative ever works predictably except (for me) mag cit, and it's a bad idea to take that daily.

Have M.S. and IBS. After much trial and error: my best daily regimen: Take 1 cap full Miralax in 10 oz hot water or coffee before breakfast. Take 1 8 mg capsule Amitiza with breakfast. Results in 2 hours. May need liquid glycerin suppository when you have urge to go. Dose of 8 mg Amitiza every morning is sufficient. Recommend sticking to a regular schedule but don't worry if you miss a day.

Expensuve junk that made my poo like peanut butter. Mirlax works and is cheaper than $320 a month.

Doctor gave samples. Within 1 hour I got nauseated, hot all over, chest tight and lungs burning with tiny deep breath, felt 'bad' all over, heart pounding and anxious. Oh...and I had a bowel evacuation (only moderate) but was feeling so bad I needed to lay down. I can't take this stuff ever again. I was incidentally poisoned 10 years ago and the symptoms are the same. I wonder if it has any benzene or formaldehyde in it?

Gave me deadly Diarrhea with horrible dehydration. 1 of the most horrible laxatives I have ever taken.

It makes you go just a little tiny bit without control about every 20 minutes like 8 or more times all day. Thatâ??s only taking it once instead of twice a day and 8 mcg. I canâ??t trust to leave the house. It cost $250 a month, so I will not be taking it again. It makes your poop mucousy. Awful drug. Gave me cramps and an abdominal ache too. Iâ??ll take fiber or Senokot or anything else before I waste money feeling sick again. I have gastroparesis so the GI doctor told me I needed it but didnâ??t warn me about the awful effects.

My IBS-C symptoms are not as severe as many reviews that I have read. I do not have any pain associated with my diagnosis and my constipation could be handled with OTC remedies. My issue is with severe bloating and the Amitiza does not effectively relieve these symptoms. I started at 8mcg per meal, now I'm regularly at 24mcg per meal and still no relief from the bloating. Even knowing what my trigger foods are I can't avoid all of them because they're the most healthy foods to eat.

I’ve tried EVERYTHING for IBS-C and either the medication caused diarrhea or didn’t work at all. I keep track of my water intake, I exercise, and watch what I eat, too. This drug is a total game changer. I take the small dose twice per day (and I’m a 210 lb guy) and it works perfectly. Normal BM 2-3 times per day, no more bloating, no more gas, and no side effects (for me, at least). Seriously, the only downside is the enormous price.

Still drinking smooth move tea while on the med. Random results. Still days between BM. Terrible swelling and excruciating pain in hands and feet. Was on med and quit when I was in so much pain and not eating. When I was up, moving and eating for 2 days and no BM, I started the med. after 3 days it started all over. NO MORE. Not worth the agony.


I was put on the 24mg dosage and after 3-4 hours of being uncomfortable, I had a good b.m. I thought this was going to be great until about an hour later. I had diarrhea 9 times during the day and could not leave my house because a few times I almost didn't make it the 12 steps to the bathroom. I tried it again a few days later and it was a repeat of the first day. I was switched to 8mg and for 3 days it was great, but then it didn't work. I now use the 24 when I feel so bad I cannot go another day. I always plan to do nothing for 24 hours!

As a Type 1 diabetic with GI autonomic neuropathy and gastroparesis, I have been on Amitiza 8mcg for over 2 years. It is the only medication which gives me relief, but it takes several hours after ingestion to effect a movement. It is difficult to leave the house until that happens. The cost of the medication is outrageous and my insurance stopped covering any of the cost. Also, it is not approved for males at the 8mcg dose. Linzess side effects were worse which is why I was switched to Amitiza. For me, the 24mcg dose would be too much. Not sure what to do in the future, as few doctors handle diabetic neuropathy of the GI system. I have been a type 1 diabetic for 28 years and I don't expect my symptoms to improve on their own without medication.

I've been on this medication for 2 months. After reading all reviews and experiencing side effects, I'm going to stop taking it. I have following side effects: difficulty breathing, chest tightness, gas, insomnia, mood swings. Side effects not worth the benefit of this medication (it's hasn't been effective for me at all).

I wasn't having BM for at least 14 days. Went on the meds and now I have severe diarrhea every day. I go at least 5 times a day. Want to be taken off this!