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Generic Name: Fosfomycin

Brand Name: Monurol

Monurol Drug and Medication User Reviews

Worked very well despite a bit of diarrhoea really pleased to get sorted out Excellent medication

I've had many UTIs through the years and this is the only medication I want to use. I've tried all the traditional meds given by doctors and most caused severe side effects but this one beats everything else I've ever tried. The symptoms of a UTI are relieved very quickly!

Absolutely wished this medicine was prescribed to me before. I get uti's a fair bit and taking the pills before we're awful, and I don't forget to take this all at once. Excellent product.

I had a HORRIBLE uti and was prescribed this medication while over seas. They say after taking the mixture to wait a few hours or as long as possible before you go pee, because you could pee the medicine out. I waited about an hour, but the UTI was making it impossible to hold longer. I drank tons of water and rested for the entire day. Today i woke up and all my symptoms are gone. This medicine is great ! But i do have to say it will make you feel very tired, a bit of a headache and dizzy. Better than having UTI symptoms though.

Although the infection eventually went after a few days, the side effects of this drug are horrible- I had awful diarrhoea for 3 days and the symptoms of the UTI infection didn’t go completely until 4 days after beginning treatment.

Recommended to my GP by a microbiologist in the lab, for my frequent antibiotic- resistant UTIs. Took exactly according to instructions, and I was very hopeful, but it didn't work.

This drug does NOT work. The second day after you take it the symptoms will lessen and you’ll think it’s working. But no, the day after that the symptoms come back 10x worse. I was hopeful that it would work for me and didn’t listen to the already bad reviews about this product. If you doctor gives you this, go back and ask for a different one

I was very skeptical at first, one packet of meds that tasted like koolaid. I am also very allergic to a whole list of antibiotics but I gave it a shot. Well I drank it and about 3 hours into it all my symptoms were gone. No bloating, burning, frequency to go. This drug is amazing, the only thing I would complain about is the stomach cramps you get with it but they were easily managed.

Have frequent UTI's. Always was proscribed Macobid or Cipro or something similar. Monurol worked almost instantly. Another time it didn't seem to work as well. My doctor insisted on a lab test and it turned out that the infection was not caused by the usual bacteria but by ecloi. So, you should take something right away (the pain etc are unbearable)but if it doesn't seem to work, get a lab culture. further analysis. Your time on medication box doesn't make sense to me as these infections come once or twice a year.

I had a UTI,my doctor prescribed Macrobid even though I had previously experienced side effects. In less than 24 hrs, I was experiencing side effects again. I went to my doctors office, and he told me to go to the ER since I was exhibiting symptoms of a possible kidney event. I was diagnosed with a UTI. Due to my extensive list of drug allergies (PCN,cipro,macrobid,sulfa, etc), the ER physician prescribed Monurol after consulting the hospital pharmacist. I had a dose while in the ER. I was given a script for 2 packets to be taken 48 hrs apart. This part kind of concerns me, since the recommendation is one packet. I did experience a bout of diarrhea. I feel much better, but still having a slight burning sensation. Also, my insurance declined coverage. (Medicare Part D) I had to pay a WHOPPING $216.00 for 2 packets. I have filed an appeal of the denial.

I'm doing UTI twice a year. This is the second time I'm using monurol with absolutely NO results. Very disapointing. I will never use it again.

Best thing yet kept me out of the hospital several times . Only thing that helps me when I get one. The problem I have with is the price hard for me to get it when I need it and can't get help .

Be prepared for sudden diarrhea... just had to get in shower was so bad. Second time taking it. The infection cleared up in three days but unfortunately came back... due to cystitis, ibs d and previous radiation damage to bladder . I too cannot take penicillin and two years ago dr gave me something like Cipro .. another Quinolone drug, and now have nerve damage... so Monurol is safest for me.

Easy but it contains saccharin. If I knew I wouldn’t have taken it. But it beats 7 days of alternatives which rarely work. I think it’s worked. Only been 6 days

I took it at night and woke up feeling a bit better but still with the same stinging sensation. It didnâ??t really work. Very disappointing

Easy to use just powder in water. But it didn’t work. I’m in so much pain I need to go try something else. I was so hopeful after reading the reviews here.

The symptoms of uti are gone but have had the worse watery diarrhea ever! Cramps..headache and nausea for 3+days.

Did not work for me at all. Made my symptoms worsed. Suffered for 5 days. What worked for me was natural products, VitaCist, Sisu vitamine C and probiotics. One dose of VitaCist and the benefits were felt right away. Monurol was the worst for me.

I get UTI every 2 years or so and was always prescribed Cipro for a 7 day regimen. This time the doctor suggested this "new" one dose medication. I am in Canada and a 1 dose of 3g of Monurol costs 21$ and only 4$ with insurance coverage. It is easy to prepare (just throw the contents of the packet in little water and drink it! A sweet taste, without any "medical" or bitter aftertaste). Took it at night, my symptoms were gone the next day. I wish I could get a couple of those packets to keep them handy for.next time!