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Generic Name: Gemifloxacin Mesylate

Brand Name: Factive

Factive Drug and Medication User Reviews

Wish I would have read these before taking. Wish my doctor and/or pharmacist would have told me the major side effect. Had a 7 day course. On day 9, I started to develop a rash/hives. On day 10, it worsened and started to itch. Now I'm on day 11 and can barely stand the itching. It's all over my body except my shins. There are tiny spots on my torso and back, but large blotches on my inner forearms and knees. My palms and soles are the areas that itch the most, though, and antihistamines/steroids/calamine lotion/cortison/oatmeal baths do little to stop the itching. MAKE IT GO AWAY

took for sinus infections three different times, worked good

I took this for seven days. On day seven I started getting what felt like muscle pain in my back and shoulders. On day nine I broke out in a itchy rash all over my body. The side effects can be serious. I would not recommend.

My doctor has prescribed (Factive) as a treatment for my tonssils infection, and it was a 7 day course. After I was done with this medicine I experienced some red pimples all over my body on the 8th day, that turned onto itchy RASH all over my body, and my face was swaollen and redish. This is my 3rd day with the body rashes and I am still taking an Antihistamine but the rashes are spread all over my body and not gone yet. The dermatologist told me that it might take 3 weeks till they are gone. I would not take this medicine again because of the horrible side effects.

My physician put me on Factive for 7 days due to recurrent tonsillitis. After finishing my course of antibiotics, on the 9th day, I developed a rash over my torso and back. My face was also very swollen. The rash was not itchy. The pharmacist put me on Histamed for 5 days (this is the 3rd day I take Histamed). The swelling in my face is better, the rash on my chest is also better, but my back is still the same. My tonsillitis is gone but I am never taking this medication again. Check if you are allergic to quinolones before you take Factive, the side effects are not worth it.

My physician prescribed Factive for my tonsillitis, which has been recurrent throughout summer over the past few years. I took a 7 day course of antibiotics. On the afternoon of the 9th day, I noticed some red blotches behind my ears and over my chest. I have psoriasis so I dismissed it and thought that maybe my psoriasis was acting out. That evening, the blotches got way worse and I had a rash all over my chest and back. The next day the rash got even worse, and my face was very swollen. I contacted my physician and scheduled an appointment with him that day. In the meanwhile, I was taking Histamed (antihistamines) for the rash as prescribed by the pharmacist (I couldn't wait for the doctor's appointment as I was getting worse). The doctor told me that this was an allergic reaction to Factive, and that I was allergic to quinolones and should not take them anymore (I had never taken quinolones before). The rash is not itchy, but quite widespread all over my torso and back. This is the second day that I take antihistamines, and the sweeling on my face is better, although the rash on my chest and back looks the same. The doctor gave me the name of a steroid shot to take in case the rash gets worse and doesn't stay localized but I hope I won't have to use it. Before taking this medication make sure you are not allergic to quinolones and if there is a different antibiotic you can take that could still treat your infection. The side effects and the rash are not worth it!

I had a terrible experience with Factive. I broke out with a rash over my entire body that was so itchy I literally couldn't sit still. It was one of the worst experiences of my life. I was miserable!!

My Father-in-law's doctor prescribed me Factive for a sinus infection a few weeks ago. 9 days after the start of treatment (2 days after it was all finished) I broke out in a horrifying rash all over my body! I had never had an allergic reaction to a medication (or anything) before. The rash was the most awful experience, I could not stop thinking of the burning and itching (felt like the severe sunburn x 10). I could not sit down because my butt had the hives the worst (not a pretty sight)! I was forced to lay on my side for about 3 days non-stop, only place it was tolerable. Went to another doctor for the rash and she instantly knew the culprit was Factive. (I hadn't thought that this was the cause because I was already finished with the Factive). She said that the med builds up in the system and many allergic reactions have a delay. She also said that most doctors do not prescribe this med anymore because so many people have the allergic reaction to it. I was very upset that the first doctor did prescribe this to me, especially for something like a sinus infection. It is important to have a doctor who is up to date on their research! I was given steroids to treat the rash (Medrol). The rash started getting better and lasted a total of 5 days. Please, DO NOT TAKE FACTIVE! It is not worth the risk, you may be allergic to it even if you have never had a known allergy. Only try this med if it is the only antibiotic option you have, and you have a worthwhile infection!

took 1 does before reading side effects unfortchantly,male 48 age. never had problem with ankle,cleaning up after cat ,probly 10 min. work,now ankle has been hurting 12days so far.in tendon area,i am no doctor but i do not think it is quincdense,no insurance.do not take this crap unless u want to take a chance on being a cripple.my name is terry crouse thomasville n.c.,just in case the manufacterer hhas a problem with me telling the truth about there sorry crap medicine

I took a 7 day dose of Factive after still not getting better with a respiratory infection after taking a 5 day Zpack. On the 4th day after completeting the Factive, I broke out in a terrible itchy rash that started on my legs and is now covering my entire torso. I ran to the doctor and was given a one week steroid treatment. I am still not completely over my respiratory infection either. I should have been suspicious of this drug when after going to 5 pharmacy's I finally found one that stocked it. NEVER AGAIN!!!!

AFTER TAKEING THE SEVEN DAY PACK I HAVE AN AWFUL RASH THAT IS RED ITCHING AND PAINFUL.This medicine needs to be taken off the market.I will never take this medicine again .

Within 2 days I had a severe rash from head to toe and had to have steriod shots. I have never had a reaction to an antibiotic until Factiv. It has been 2 years since that happened and I now have rashes and itching almost everyday. It made my skin hyper active. I have to have creams and prescription meds to help me with the itching and rash. I am now having issues with other prescriptions that previously to Factiv, I did not!!!!

four days after taking this medicine I broke out in a rash all over my body, sores on my tongue and got a yeast infection. This is horrible medicine! I will check this site before I take any more medicine!

3 and a half days after I finished 7 days of this antibiotic named Factive, I developed a severe rash on my torso, arms and legs. I think the pharmaceutical company is downplaying this side effect. My doctor admitted that he's seen this side effect much more often than what the literature says. I've been put on steroids and antihistamines and I hope that takes care of it. I've never had a rash in my entire life and I'm concerned that other side effects may crop up too. The list of side effects is long and troubling. I wish I had not tried this rather new antibiotic for my sinus infection.

In 2005 my doctor put me on a 10 day treatment. As I was finishing the treatment I broke out in a terrible rash and had to go to the ER to get a steriod treatment. Since then I have suddenly become allergic to peanuts and peppers which I believe were caused by this drug.

Was given a 7 day course of Factive and last night was last dose. I woke up this morning with hives all over my body! I went to doctor because had no clue as to what happening, and she told me it was hives due to the factive. I told her I have never had this happen and I have taken Cipro and Avelox meds. She said even thought it is close to the same thing as Avelox it is slightly different..

I have no problem with this treatment. I did drink alot of water.

this treatment is awsome. I love drugs.

I was prescribed Factive for treatment of pneumonia; it did not work. It did however cause me to have hallucinations,i.e., things within pictures moved; I watched my grass grow to five feet when I took the dog out; and a mouse lemur the size of a large domestic cat sat on my shoulder and blinked it baseball size eyes at me. My prescription was for five days and the hallucinations began on the second day of taking Factive.

VERY DISSATISFIED!My husband went to the doctor on Thursday and started taking Factive. On Saturday, his cough was severly worse.On Sunday,he started with diarrhea. On Monday, he started with fever and aching all over, headaches,flu like symptons. Monday, he stopped taking it. Who in their right mind would put something on the market, that would make people have new like infections when they are already sick? How did this make it on the market? In my opinion it needs to be taken off the market. My husband is miserable and needless to say sicker now than before he went to the doctor.