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Generic Name: Hydrocodone Bitartrate and Acetaminophen

Brand Name: Norco

Norco Drug and Medication User Reviews

This medication did not work for me. It made me groggy, can still feel pain, headache and overall malaise feeling. Never again

Walgreens is giving inferior or fake pain medication since 2018. I am very close to not paying Part D insurance and moving out of the country.

I have been on this med for about 2 years. I take 15 mg twice a day for my back. I'm not sure why it is on the narcotics list. It doesn't make you "high" like they say it does. At least it's never done that to me. It doesn't take all of the pain away. It takes the sharp pains away which is exactly what I need. The sharp pains are debilitating. Overall I'm ok with this med.

I have not had migraine since May 26th these meds have saved my life. I thank God for Norco I pray it continues giving me relief as I have suffered since age 14.

I have used Norco for a couple of years now. I sleep better with it, and I notice I have more energy when I take it. I take it when I go to bed, so I dont even notice a difference in myself. I dont feel loopy or anything, I myself don't feel an addictive reaction to it at all. I take it for my back,there are some nights when I don't even take it. It helps me sleep, so I sleep comfortable rather than toss and turn side to side from the pain.

I've had several surgeries and I have a hard time taking anything for pain. I usually had severe pain after taking regular hydrocodone. It usually hurts my stomach really bad. NORCO helps I just gave trouble falling asleep

I have some compression fractures from falling with osteoporosis, arthritis and restless leg syndrome. This one pill will work on pretty much all of my pain. I try not to take but 1 5mg at night but sometimes take 1/2 in the morning

The side effects were horrible. Bad headache and constipation. I don't see how people could get addicted to this. Zero euphoria and the side effects were almost as bad as the ear infection pain I took it to stop. I quit taking it and lucky for me the pain finally stopped.

Norco has a bad rep from some people but it has given me my life back. 2 neck discectomy's, sciatic nerve surgery,4 fused discs and nothing was working. the harder drugs made me loopy and still all they did was dull the pain a little. Norco dulled it a little more with no side effects for me. I take 10mg 4 times a day and yes they are addicting, but the alternative is pain, so I have learned to live with the dependency. I do not want more and have been on same dose for many years. I have tried more thinking it would dull pain more, but due to loopy feeling I stick to the 4 a day. I will say that in all the reviews I read people must realize that not everyone is the same. Some people are more suited to be addicted than others. Some people are satisfied with results and do not seek more as the need for more to maintain does not increase. I have been taking 40mg per day for 10 years, monitored monthly with urine tests and liver tests occasionally to make sure we are doing ok. Dr use to just call in prescription for me, but due to all the abusers that is a thing of the past. I have used same Dr. and same pharmacy for entire time, never see another Dr. and surgery's I tell Dr. to consult with my family Dr. about my meds. Keeping it all in the loop and being honest about your pain and needs is best policy.

I was prescribed this for pain due to neck spurs. The first time I took I had no side effects. The next time I took like 12 hours later I experienced vomiting ad lightheadness that lasted all day long. The medicine helped the pain but the side effects was horrible.

I was prescribed 7.5mg Norco after oral surgery. 14 teeth removed. I was told to take one every 4-6 hours. It somewhat helps with the pain. It wears off quickly and makes me nauseated. It seems that I get more benefits from Ibuprofen.

I am a diabetic neuropathy Heart patient w/ Multiple Myeloma Cancer. So, with my feet on fire with Neuropathy, of course the Insurance wants to go "cheap" on me with Norco 10-325. It is pennies compared with Vicodin 10-300. But, Norco's mix gives me a blinding headache. Generic Hydrocodone Bitartrate / AC 10-100 (Vicodin ES) is a different formula I can take with no side effects. Add it to your allergy list and they have no choice but to give you the better drug with less Tylenol and a more consistent effect.

Barely effective on pain. Took recommended dosage and resulted in anxiety attacks. Cut back on dosage (1 to 2 every 4 to 6 hours) was taking 3/4 of a tablet twice a day. In pain. Can't sleep due to depressed respiratory issues. Sick of the internet listing this as an "overdose" issue. NO IT ISN'T! Taking far less than instructed and can't breathe when trying to sleep!

I am 77 years old. I take Norco 10/325 for chronic pain related to 1) Effects of long term Lyme disease syndrome. 2) Recent accident causing cellulitis. 3) From a fall causing a Reverse Arthroscopy (shoulder replacement). 4) Arthritis. 5) Fibromyalgia, probably caused by the Lyme disease. For years I just hurt. Doctors had me take naproxin and ibuprofen, which were largely ineffective. Then I got a doctor who is an elder care specialist. I recommend that you elderly folks, even if your doctor has been treating you for years, search out an elder care specialist. If your doctor is not successfully managing your pain, change doctors. You may just get your life back. I did. The new crop of orthopedic doctors are very good at treating arthritis with new procedures without surgery or pain medicines. Opoid constipation can be successfully controlled by eating minimally processed vegetables and fruit, such as dates, pineapple, avocado, etc. think outside the box here,fruit is no longer prunes and apples. Dried fruits are excellent and seem to be more effective. A cellulose fiber supplement such as Fiber-Con helps, too. You need to keep your stool bulky and soft. Just my experiences, I hope this helps you.

Was in a motorcycle accident with an SUV, fractured many areas, Norco did nothing for pain, nor did it help my scraps and bruises. it said take one every 4-6 hours, I was taking two along with one Motrin IB and still nothing. I'm going back to my doctor, shake his hand and break one of his fingers and tell him to take one Norco for pain.

I use to take Loritab for pain, they have since stopped making them and now this is the result. It has little to no affect compared. I have also know a few others that have been forced to swap to these and the same result. Not much. It is amazing to see reviews that I have read. I have asked questions about the results and some claim it is the binder that is used, not sure if that can have that much result but it has to be something.

i have to take this medication for my hidradenitis, and it works great with the pain! if you have what i do, i advise you to talk to your doctor about this medication.

I have taken this drug for a herniated lumbar disc and I am not taking it as part of a pain treatment for degenerative disc disease. I have had great success. During the herniated disc period I was two 10/325 three times daily for a long period of time. It was a life saver. I recently started the treatment of one to two 7.5/325 every other day along with epidural steroid injections once a month. The treatment of every day or as needed is to help me from becoming dependent. So far it does great as far as pain treatment.

Was prescribed this medication to take in addition to Sumatriptan for a migraine headache that lasted 4 days. This medication did not ease my pain, it just made me feel high and sleepy, migraine was still there.

Constipation horrible