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Generic Name: Erleada (apalutamide)

Erleada Reviews

For Prostate Cancer "77 years old, prostatectomy 16 years ago, PSA began doubling every month in 2017, Stage 4 PCa diagnosed, PSA surged to >50, began and still on Firmagon. After beginning Erleada at 4 pills with my evening meal, my PSA dropped roughly 80% every month thereafter. It's been <0.01 for months now. The only side effect I've noticed is physical weakness when I work out or play hard (I'm a very active athlete). My docs attribute that to my very low (single digit on the 300-800 scale) testosterone, not to the med itself. My poor balance, muscle loss, and some muscle and joint aches and pains are probably due respectively and primarily to 25 years with Meniere's disease, closed gyms plus no T, and prior injuries or current overuse. I'm extremely pleased with Erleada, and it gives my oncologist a proven (in my case) fallback position as he tweaks my medication protocol to keep confusing and thwarting my widespread cancer."

For Prostate Cancer "Lowered my PSA very quickly, below 1.0. Have been on the drug for 6 months. Tiredness to the point of falling asleep whenever I sit down, especially after meals. Memory loss or lack of concentration, which is moderate. Some agitation, mild personality/depression changes. And taste affected for cold water and milk, both tasting terrible, and previously loved both. This is starting to resolve after 6 months. Age 69 with CRPC, not metastatic."

For Prostate Cancer "Starting Erleada in Sept 2021, immediately experience side effects, severe edema in both legs, slightly elevated glucose numbers, higher blood pressure, muscle weakness in both legs, rash, discoloration in my skin tone & at times some dizziness. After speaking with oncology & primary physicians, both concluded it was Erleada. Other medications that I was on, were adjusted & with careful monitoring my condition, several months later, PSA drop to under zero, non detected levels, glucose & high blood pressure are now reading normal. Only side effects that persist is the fatigue & weakness in both legs. Weakness in muscles is slowly regaining strength, some slight water retention on the ankles & feet & is being monitored by primary physician. Overall, medication address my PSA numbers & has accomplish & assist in bringing down the numbers to under zero. Rough start, but my health numbers are good now."

For Prostate Cancer "Been on four pills a day for two months. I continue to go to the gym and walk but some mornings I need to push myself. The most challenging are the hot flashes but willingly accept them. Dr appointment next month and hoping for low PSA. Overall life is good."

For Prostate Cancer "Metastatic prostate cancer to the ribs. Use with Gnax and Calcium and Vitamin D. At 42 months, PSA begins to rise but tumor appears to have been suppressed on bone scan. 64 g x 4 daily. Dizziness. Fatigue. Falls."

For Prostate Cancer "I'll be honest, I took Erleada for 7 days. The side effects were hot flashes, swelling, and dizziness, so I stopped taking it and went back to my oncologist. He basically told me that I have 2 choices: take the Erleada and live, or don't take it and die, as I'm in stage 4 metastatic with no chance of being cured. Despite all that, my PSA has dropped to 0.06 from 16."

For Prostate Cancer "Loss of body hair, loss of libido, falls, and ataxia were all significant. BP unchanged. Did not have GI symptoms or weight loss. The cost is awful. Have had no evidence of an increase in PSA from undetectable since starting."

For Prostate Cancer "Because of my other medication I cannot really separate the side effects of taking Erleada except for the latest event that I am experiencing. About four days ago, I went to lay down and my brain seemed to be swirling around inside my head. The same feeling when I sat up. I did not have any dizziness when walking. I had been pulling weeds in the yard and the pollen was all over the place and me, so I thought it was a reaction to it. My sinuses did not react to the pollen. I mean no runny nose or coughing. So, in thinking about it, I read where taking an antihistamine would relieve the dizzy feeling. The drug has lowered my PSA from 3.98 to 0.01. I also take Eligard injections, so hot flashes and other side effects have to be shared by the two drugs."

For Prostate Cancer "Been on Erleada for 2.5 months. Was previously on Bicalutamide, but PSA started rising to 2.6. After 2 mos, PSA dropped to 0.23, so it appears to be working well. Changed to a plant-based diet and I continue to workout 5 days a week. Side effects have been hardly felt, however, consist of very slight off & on joint pain at night and/or in the gym. Lost some weight, occasional fatigue (but nothing a 20 min power nap can't take care of), no hot flashes at all, no ED, no skin rashes, no diarrhea at all. Hoping next PSA check drops it even lower, but so far so good. Well tolerated."

For Prostate Cancer "Restored bone health, stopped all bone and muscular pain with little to no side effects."

For Prostate Cancer "1 month and a half on Erleada, I developed hot flashes and penis and testicular size reduction. I developed a bad case of the hives. The urologist stopped taking Erleada."

For Prostate Cancer "Did help but side effects were terrible, such as falling and blurred vision. Fatigue and weakness were bad from the onset."

For Prostate Cancer "After two months on Erleada my PSA is lower. Taking drug four times is a challenge. So far side effects are minor."

For Prostate Cancer "Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) dropped below 1, but the severe joint pain and constipation were intolerable."

For Prostate Cancer "Early stages only, blurred vision, hot flushes, tiredness. PSA count decreased dramatically to 0.54 after 2 weeks of medication so it definitely works."

For Prostate Cancer "Severe weakness, fatigue, and weight loss, secondary to the fact that everything tastes terrible, so no appetite."

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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: antiandrogens
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Erleada drug information

Professional resources

  • Erleada prescribing information
  • Apalutamide (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Prostate Cancer