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Generic Name: Simponi Aria (golimumab)

Simponi Aria Reviews

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I just had my 2nd infusion and I feel so much better. I can do my everyday chores around the house without pain and fatigue. I feel like I am getting more oxygen, I know that sounds crazy but it is true. I can breathe better. No stiffness in the mornings. I walk like a normal person again. My hair is falling out more than normal, I don't know if it's the Simponi, methotrexate, or plaquenil. Going to call my doctor about my hair. I am on the drug company's assistance plan. I pay $5.00 for the Simponi and $55.00 to the infusion center. (Thank God!) Simponi infusion costs $6500.00 without insurance for 1 infusion. (August 2016, USA) I am 53, I feel better now than I have in 6 years. I have RA. Hope this helps someone decide to try Simponi Aria."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I have been on this for about 5 years and have had RA for 40 years and tried lots of medications. But this one works for me the best. I also take Methotrexate with this, and I have been free from illness over the past 3 years. I am only tired the week that I get the infusion, and then I am fine after that. Glad to be able to move like I want to most of the time."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I have been on Simponi Aria for 2 years and counting. So far so good. I have no side effect related to the infusion. I am able to lift weight and run with no pain. The only things are I can feel when it almost time for my next infusion when my joint start feeling a little discomfort, but it has been random. One month I was able to skip an appointment for 4 weeks and felt fine overall."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "It has helped me to move in a fast paced line if work for the last 3 years. But I was diagnosed with a tumor inside my kidney and now I may have to loose my kidney. This was caused apparently because of the use of this medication."

For Ankylosing Spondylitis "A recent diagnosis of RA and AS has been debilitating. My doctor said I should have been on meds 10 years ago due to the progression of these diseases. I started methotrexate 5 months ago with zero success. My first infusion with Simponi was 3 weeks ago, and I feel so much better. I am praying that it continues to help!"

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I have taken just about all the meds you can think of. Some are better than others, but after a while, too many symptoms come up. My latest Simponi seemed great in the beginning, but as others stated, I was tired all the time. Contracted pneumonia, edema in the ankles, and 3 UTIs in 6 months. So I am going to go off. I think it suppressed my immune system so much I was sick all the time. Not sure if I will try Humira, which others are taking and seem to be okay with it."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I began taking Simponi about 2 years ago. I've had RA for over 40 years. It really helped my all of my symptoms of RA. However I was diagnosed with Grovers disease within a few months, This is an intolerable skin condition with severe and constant itching. In May of this year I was diagnosed with Liposarcoma in my abdomen This is a rare cancer of the soft tissue/ fat cells. I am recovering from major surgery in June to remove the tumor. Doctors believe the tumor was contained and I am now cancer free. Now my RA is out of control with Joint pain. I will see my Rheumatologist this week to determine what to do. Seems like all biologics have a risk of cancer but of course I can't say it caused mine."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I was dx with sero positive RA nearly 35 years ago and have been on just about every NSAID, dmard, infusion and combinations of these. Simponi Aria along with lefunimide is my current cocktail. While it seems to be keeping my joint pain under control, my fatigue is off the charts and I have lots of body aches, frequent headaches and gastro problems. My bp and glucose levels are also elevated, though I'm not sure if this is due to this medication, or not."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I have had 3 infusions and I am tired all the time and just want to sleep. My vision has also been more blurry. I understand the immune system can be lower on Simponi. I now have the shingles on my face and I had the shingles vaccine two years ago. I have had RA for 33 years and Plaquenil has helped me more than anything as far as stiffness and pain. Have been taking it for at least 20 years. I also take celebrex and methotrexate."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I had my first infusion and was totally exhausted after it. Within two days though I felt fine. My hands are not as stiff and I can feel a difference in my feet. I am getting my second infusion this week and hope it continues to improve my Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms."

For Psoriatic Arthritis "Was doing fine for about 12 weeks. Then I broke out with a Whole new form of palmoplanter pustule psoriasis and my regular plaque psoriasis came back almost vengeful to the point where my skin feels like it is burning. I had my first infusion in Aug, the again the second one 4 weeks later and by the middle of my 8 week stretch was when these rashes happened. My first three days after the infusion I experienced vomiting, and extreme tiredness but overall I felt fine. The second infusion was pretty much the same but then all this happened. I am so sore on my hands and feet it feels like I am walking or touching broken glass. I have to wear vinyl gloves to keep the moisture on my hands and keep my feet wrapped with non stick gauze and taped and covered so I don’t developers a secondary type of infection from something else. I can’t take the pain so my husband has pushed me to hire a cleaning lady to do my housework because all I am able to do it lay around. This is no way to live."

For Psoriatic Arthritis "No pain or skin issues after 3 days, but about 2 weeks after the first injection I got sick for the 1st time. The fatigue set in at week 3. I was well again at week 4 right in time for my next dose. Once again by week 3 I was sick with the worst throat /adenoid infection that just wouldn't quit. The fatigue is life changing. Dr. took me off after my second throat infection in 6 weeks."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I had to take Simponi for a brief time due to a change in insurance. I was taking Enbrel previously and was almost symptom free. Simponi did not help my RA at all! I took it once a week for about 8 weeks. I decided to pay the extra monthly expense for the Enbrel!"

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "Simponi Aria was no help in joint pain. Feel stupid, I have very hard time understanding people, my eyesight changed worse. I see objects but it takes me awhile to comprehend what I am looking at. I limit my driving as I worry crashing. If it’s like this I rather die, as I can’t do my work. Already like being by myself but not feeling like an idiot."

For Ankylosing Spondylitis "I was on Enbrel for 14 years I started Simponi aria this week and after my first infusion I am 75% better. This medication is amazing for people who suffer from A.S. Like myself. I would highly recommend. Talk with your Rhuematoligist Doctor to see if this will work for you too!!"

For Psoriatic Arthritis "I received Simponi Arianinfusions from 12/2018 to 6/2019. I’ve had 4 UTI’s the last infection on 9/2019 went to my kidneys, I was hospitalized with Sepsis. Now I’ve been referred to a Hemotologist due to High Myelocytes. I always feel sick, tired, weak...I’ve also been prescribed Lipitor for extremely high Cholesterol. I’m a vegetarian and eat healthy. I’ve never had this problems prior to Simponi Aria Infusions."

For Psoriatic Arthritis "I'm exactly 19 days after first Simponi aria infusion. I'll never take it again. I've developed some type viral infection in my inner ear /vestibular nerve that put me in the hospital for four days. Woke up 3am on day 14 with extreme tinnitus, dizzy, vomiting, and now deaf in left ear. I believe the simponi caused this virus/sinus infection/labrynthitis to go bat crazy. Today I'm still 100 percent deaf in left ear with screaming tinnitis and very dizzy when standing. This causes infections that you may already have , to go off the charts. But how would you know if you have some kind of infection is starting. As far as my back pain, it has gone..but maybe because I've been laying in bed for a week. I don't know. Think very hard before taking Simponi. I know many have received relief from it. Weigh out your risk to reward with it."

For Psoriatic Arthritis "Started infusions of Simponi Aria about two years ago when Medicare wouldn’t cover Enbrel, which worked for me for 20 years. At first the infusions seemed to work. Then, about 6 months ago I came down with pneumonia, followed immediately by shingles, both caused by lowered immune system. A month ago I came down with pneumonia again, also caused by lowered immune system. I believe this drug is dangerous, and would rather deal with the pain than risk my life."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I have had 3 infusions and I felt good after the first one. I don’t feel tried and have no pain. I do have 1 eye that twitches, eyelashes and eyebrows are falling out. The skin around my neck and around my hair line is red, itchy, scaly and numb around hair line. My face is slightly red and swollen"

For Ankylosing Spondylitis "I have been taking Simponi Aria for my ankylosing spondylitits AS. So far it has worked great. It’s definitely the best one I have been on. The only reactions I have had was in the beginning. I have asthma and that was triggered the first two treatments song with a racing heart. I do feel depressed on day 7 which is really weird but that has been a side effect for me with all biologics."

For Psoriatic Arthritis "I’ve been on Simponi Aria infusions. They have helped with pain and stiffness for Approx 4 weeks. I take prednisone for break through pain. Sometimes I sleep for 72 hrs because of fatigue. Have had to add another HBP Rx! Praying for strength to discontinue."

"I am actually on this for Pustular Psoriasis. I can't get over the extreme exhaustion, head and chest congestion, headaches, muscle aches, constant stuffy but running nose, my psoriasis is worse. It feels like it constantly on fire, the blisters only go away for like two weeks then come back worse than they was. Sweating a lot and heart takes spells of racing but goes away after 5 or 10 min. Will even happen in middle of the night. Gets so bad it wakes me up from sleep. I itch now from head to toe and now just about everything that touches my skin gives me welts. My vision has suddenly gone bad. I understand I’m old but this is crazy. It’s not worth the expense and getting much worse for 2 weeks of being without the blisters."

For Psoriatic Arthritis "I’m currently in the hospital suffering with intractable hip pain and a UTI. I received my 2nd infusion of Simponi Aria last week. I got deathly ill a few days later and couldn’t even walk from the pain. I’m going to have to go to a rehab because after 5 days in the hospital I still can’t put any weight on my left hip. I will never take another infusion of this medication. Pain has been worse than childbirth!!!"

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I was on Simponi Aria for almost a year. At first worked great. Helped my fatigue some. Then about the last 3 infusions after about a month I could tell it was wearing off. So now they are switching me to something else."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "Amazing. I noticed a difference after my first infusion. So thankful to have the use of my hands back (musician). No side effects at all."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: TNF alfa inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Simponi Aria drug information

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  • Simponi Aria prescribing information
  • Golimumab (AHFS Monograph)

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Related treatment guides

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Psoriatic Arthritis
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Polyarticular Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis