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Generic Name: Hydrocortisone Cream and Ointment 2.5%

Brand Name: Hydrocortisone

Hydrocortisone Drug and Medication User Reviews

I was placed on a low dose of 10mg in the am and 5mg in the evening and then upped to 10 and 10. I think the key is LOW DOSE! I have lost 8lbs because my thyroid medicine is working and I’m only on a low dose! I am finally not feeling the weakness and terrible episodes of low cortisol. This drug has saved my life. Start with LOW DOSE!!

I have addy disease so they say heyho these tablets should be coated so they don't disolve on the way down


I have more energy after only 3 months of using 10 mgms daily. I have less pain from my arthritis and feel no more horrible fatigue.

After being extremely fatigued for years (not being able to get out bed in the morning), the doctors finally figured out the adrenal glands issue, was causing my problems. Since started taking hydrocortisone and fludrocortisone, have had a high increase in energy and stamina. no weight gain, but have noticed an increase in hair growth.

I feel fantastic when l first started taking it 3 years ago. I felt so tired, l did not believe how good l felt after a few weeks on medication. As time has gone by l do not always feel bright as l feel l should be. My blood tests are apparently acceptable. I do not find weight gain a problem.

I was diagnosed with Addison's after spending 11 days in the ICU. I have been on hydrocortisone/Cortef for a little over year and a half. I have been having a lot of fatigue. At first I just wanted to eat everything,now I don't really have a appetite just crave salt,get extremely fatigued quite often and feel weak.

I was diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency about a year a go after I had a bleed in my adrenal glands. I have to hydrocortisone 10 in the morning 5 in the afternoon and 5 at night as well as fludrocort. I have set every alarm in the house and still at times forget. I am afraid to gain weight and am simply miserable. Tired, vomiting in the morning and going to bed at 730 its crazy

My satisfaction was reduced one star because of the horrible aftertaste the pills leave in my mouth!

It took a year for the doctors to figure out what I had...after diagnosing Addison's, I was started on 5 mg hydrocortisone once a day. within 3 days I was up and feeling fine. I almost died before they figured it out! In 6 months I have gained 25 pounds. I had lost almost 100 lbs, so 25 is not too bad although I don't want to gain much more! I find that I'm thirsty all of the time, but that is all.

I was taking 30 mg a day. I now take 40 to 50 mg a day for more energy, is this dangeroue?

Worked great at first, but now I have muscle weakness in my legs that I think was caused by this drug. Tired all the time, but without this drug I am told I would be dead. I would like for someone to come up with something better for Addison's than steroids so let me know if you know of a better treatment. When I get any type of sickness, my body just shuts down and I would like advice on how to prevent that.

Used in the Microdose Therapy for a foundation that treats RA, CFS, Fibro, etc. At the shower dose, of 100mgs, I experienced adverse reactions such as swelling of fullness of the face, jaw, neck and armpits. I also had a sore throat & minor chest pain. The head, face & jaw pain was elevated above the usual level which made it unbearable to be around anyone or do anything. What really concerned me the most was an overwhelming, dark crushing depression and an extreme level of fatigue to the point that I could barely get out of bed. I used to be in the military and was very active in sports so it is not my nature to be so fatigued. I barely had the strength do complete basis daily activities and take care of my mom. These reactions were far worse than I experienced with Prednisone. I was told Hydrocortisone was a more “natural” drug than Prednisone but my body could not tolerate it and the side effects were unbearable even when I tapered the dosage down 20mgs. So I discontinued the drug and went back on the Prednisone at a lower dosage—1/2 of a 5 mg tab. I should have listened to my doctors who discouraged me from taking it. The docs told me that Hydrocortisone is really NO different from taking Prednisone. They are both Corticoisteroids but Hydrocortisone has lower dosing levels than Prednisone. However, Prednisone is longer acting. Both docs, whom I highly respect, thought the Foundation was just preying on vulnerable people in pain but desperate people do desperate things. It was a very expensive lesson for me to which the program cost me out of pocket $5545.00 out of $7495.00. For me that is a lot of money and I feel sick about it. Hydrocortisone in lower doses may work for others but be very cautious about entering this program through the Helens Foundation! You don’t need to spend $7495. Each tablet is 20mgs; start with 5 tbs (100mgs) for 7 days, taper to 3 (60mgs) tbs for another week then 1 ½ tbs for a week. Watch blood pressure!

I have taken Hydrocortisone for over 30 years. My dosage is 20mg daily first thing in the morning, with or without food. I augment it with a .1 mg Flurocortisone. I feel great, am 72.

To all of you with similar problems, how can we get in touch with e-mail? I've been taking 40 mg for 11 years. The first year I felt wonderful, but gradually i am feeling very tired lethargic, weak, and have achiness and pain. So I tried cutting my dose over the last couple of years to see if I was getting too much. I've been feeling worse so I just started back on my 40 mg, and feel better with each small dose and can tell when I take it, I feel better. Also I feel sick to my stomach and dizzy when I am very late or forget to take it.

Have had increased sweating, waking up more during the night, and a little more urination.

Lost weight. Caused some gi trouble. Was on a low dose because a higher dose caused fluid retention. Did help, but was taken off because of gi trouble.

After crushing fatigue not resolved by nutritional & lifestyle changes, saliva test showed need for adrenal support. From first dose, I felt better overnight: about 2 years at 20mg daily, then experimental decrease, slowly to 5mg, eventual return to 10mg for almost 2 years now. Along with increased thyroid & female hormone support managed by a chronic fatigue doc, I have my active life back at 65 after having been a weepy couch-potato 6 years ago!

Since getting this drug I feel so much better. Easy to take too, though if you miss a dose you will feel it.

I have to say that this drug has saved my life. I do have some side effects, GERD, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, but considering I was diagonosed 40 years ago, I consider it a miracle that I am still alive. Trick to keeping weight down........tons of fiber and water. In 40 years I have only had a net gain of 20 lbs.