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Generic Name: Hydroxyurea

Brand Name: Hydrea

Hydrea Drug and Medication User Reviews

Primary essential thrombocythemia. Hydra 500 mg daily for month and await lab results of effectiveness. No side effects other than fatigue and dark stools so eat prunes daily.

have polycythemia vera... this has lowered #'s... but food doesn't taste good, get tired, don't feel like doing the things I used to, hair loss ... now it isn't growing.... would like to take something that didn't make me tired and have all these symptoms.

After taking it for six years it has kept the pollycemia vera under control but now she has oral cancer.

I've been taking Hydrea for a year and a half. It has kept my platelets at a normal range. I take it at night because it makes me tired but other than that I feel like it is saving my life.

Im allergic to almost everything, Ive just been on 3 days already short of breath vision is very bad numb vomiting loose bowels pain dry stomach aches I have CMML. Chest pains pins needles called Pharm, call into dr, IF they answer, Don't like this at all.

very tired loss of energy consitpation

I began takIng Hydrea two years ago, when first diagnosed with ET. For a long time I really didn't notice much improvement in how I felt, but my Platelets were coming down to the mid 400's from 800. I was diagnosed with Melanoma about eight months ago. I was a little surprised by this diagnosis because Hydrea being a Cancer drug, thought it could have kept this at bay. I am NED and have continued taking the Hydrea until 5weeks ago when I met my new Hematologist. (Previous doctor transferred to the VA). He thought I could stop taking for 4 weeks as my Platelets were 412. Within 2 weeks, I had increased joint pain, the stinging all over pain, dizziness and fatigue. Last week, my platelets were 720, so he put me back on one 500mg. Capsule a day. After even only a few days, I noticed improvement. I have really no side effects except for an occasional mouth sore (blood blister) and thinning of my hair. Well tolerated.

I have ET with platelets over 1,500. I started at one pill (500 mg), then moved to 2 and I was just moved to 3 as my count went back up. Side effects are increasing a bit with the increase in the drug. Includes confusion at times, exhaustion and shortage of breath especially in the morning. Other effects not bad so far. My job requires a lot of travel and significant analytical work. I need to nap during the day at least once and I am slower in my work which is frustrating at times. I feel more lethargic generally. Not sure if it is ET or drug. I am glad the drug is working. I have Crohn's disease so potential stomach issues were a concern so I take the drugs at night with ginger ale and soda crackers and that seems to have kept the stomach issues in control. I used anti nausea medication at the beginning but do not need it now.

constipation, constant fatigue, dizziness, light headed, shortness of breath, joint pain

I have too many platelets but since I have the Jak2 gene variant it is called Polycythemia Vera not Thrombocytosis. I have been on Hydroxy Urea for four years. I have been told I have a six week life expectancy if I stop. It dropped my platelet count from 1200 to 375 (keep in mind some places drop the last three zeros in the platelet count) in four months taking 1000 mg. Hydroxy I am now on 500 mg a day and the count has stabilized. I'm sick to the stomach and very tired a lot of the time and I can't handle extremes of heat or cold. Hydroxy Urea isn't fun but for now it's my only option.

starting to get nauses after 10 days on hydrea

Side effects, I don't feel well and lethargic, silver bracelet turning black, depressed, chronic constipation, hair thinning, and it is lowering platelets in last blood test, 600. Driving a bit impaired. Chills.

8yrs on hydrea and they increased it again.I had to go back to my usual dose the head and eye issues and confusion was at the point i could barley function.,Dealing pv/mf i might have to go to something else.But this drug did hold me and i,m sensitive to many.

8 yrs taking this med for pv/mf have been having severe eye problems and upper gut issues..bloat digestive dis orders.Might need to cut back to figure out what ia causing what,Has anyone experieneced upper stomach swelling and nausea with headache s?

I have been taking hydroxyurea for about 2 years for myleoproliferative disorder. I exhibit most of the usual side effects, such as fatigue, dizziness, dry skin, etc. However, since I began taking it, my perfect teeth have deteriorated. They tend to loosen and fall out, decay, break off and the gums are swollen. I have dental pain most all the time. I do not see this in the listed side effects, but I cannot believe that the hydroxyurea is not the cause of these dental problems, as I had never had dental problems before.

very tired all the time. I am not sure if it is the hydrea or the low iron that i have. Either way it sucks being tired like this, I used to be full of energy. Its sad.

I have Esential THronbocythemia Vera. I was diagnosed in 1992 while in the hospital for pain in upper and lower abdomen. I have been on hydrea since 1992 except for a brief period I was put on Agrylin and a year that I was taking injections of Interferon. I have frequent headaches many of whch I simply haveto go to bed also I have edema and pain in my feet and legs, burning, stabbing pain in my feet. Is Hydrea safe enough for me to take 500 mgs a day for as long as I have been on it. And at first I was taking 2 and 3 a day to brinig my platelets down to 600,000.