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Generic Name: Fluconazole for Oral Thrush (fluconazole)

Fluconazole for Oral Thrush Reviews

Diflucan (fluconazole) "Diflucan had no side effects for me. Taken this like a million times. For thrush, vaginal yeast infection, skin yeast infection, and athlete's foot. Wait it out with the results of the pill. It's not instant, it takes 24-48 hours to work, and then it is better quickly. If you need instant relief, use cream or antifungal mouthwash immediately, and then take the pill. The only reason I didn't give 10 stars is you never know how many you need to take. I stick with 3 each time, as that seems to do the trick."

"I get yeast infections often. Recently, I've experienced the hell that is thrush! I thought only little ones got this, but I was wrong. I tried the Rx mouthwash, and there was little to no change. So I asked for a Diflucan pill because it's always worked on my vag yeast infections. What do ya know, within 24 hours there is a marked difference, and my poor tongue is getting some relief. Great med, love the one-dose system, and it works for me."

"A few days after finishing a round of antibiotics (metronidazole), I started to get oral thrush. I took two rounds of nystatin (oral rinse) and still had the thrush. The doctor prescribed fluconazole (150 mg for 7 days) - thrush responded very well, but at the end of the duration, it started to come back. The doctor called in another prescription (150 mg for 5 days), and so far my oral thrush is gone (I've been done with the prescription for 4 days). The only side effect I have noticed is a 'side stitch/pinch/ache' type feeling. It's mild but noticeable and started the day I took the fluconazole and continues today. I've read it can stay in your system for 7 days, so hoping the pain goes away very soon."

"Stay away from this crap! 11 days ago, I took 1 pill, and ever since, I've been having severe dizziness. I wish I would've just thrown it up. Better yet, I wish someone would've warned me about this. Now, I'm here, crying, wondering when it will end. Pray for me."

"I suffered with a yeast infection in my milk ducts, which made breastfeeding extremely painful. My baby also had oral thrush that would not go away as we continued to pass the fungi back and forth with all other treatments (nipple cream, gentian violet, nystatin, probiotics). I took one pill per week for 2 weeks, continued to breastfeed, and we were both cleared of Candida!"

"I have taken diflucan many times for a yeast infection on my bottom lip caused by my steroid inhaler. 150mg 1 week repeated the next. It worked great for the first few times. But now it clears it up a little but not all the way. If anyone could tell if the dosage is wrong it would be great. These doctors have no idea."

"This is only my second day of taking the 100 mg diflucan for oral thrush, so yesterday I took 1 woke up this morning with very bad vertigo had to take dramamine I just took my second tablet. Hope this vertigo goes away and praying this thrush goes away, this is absolutely awful"

"First time I took fluconazole I experienced diarrhea and dizziness often (was on it for several months due to oral thrush as a result of too much antibiotics and weakened immune system). Second time I took it, my side effects were completely different (again was on it due to oral thrush and weak immune system). Had diarrhea for only 1 day, and only felt dizzy once. But I started breaking out severely on the T-level of my face with severely painful cystic acne. I was only on the medication for 5 days and I broke out so much! I realize by the 3rd day that the reason I was breaking out was due to the fluconazole. It takes about a week after finishing the medication for it to completely flush out of the body. Horrible experience, had to call out from work as a result. It took me months to recover from the cystic scars. Always be cautious of what you take and how your body reacts to medication! I learned that the hard way."

"I have taken fluconazole to oral thrush for two months and a week into the third month. I have had no side effects from this drug, however I have had no results either. The thrush is persistent and I don't know how long it is safe to take it. Back to the doctor."

"Took the one dose for thrush in my mouth. Within the hour I threw some of it up. 24 hrs later I end up with red (tomato red skin) and itching and rash all up my arms over my belly and neck. Been drinking water, had a bath (which helped calm the rash a bit) and now trying to ward off a panic attack. Horrible, horrible experience I would have rather dealt with the thrush...hoping this med leaves my body soon"

Diflucan (fluconazole) "Very easy to use and works for days after swallowing the tablet. Also inexpensive!"

Diflucan (fluconazole) "After taking one 150 mg pill for oral thrush the next day I got vertigo bending over, it was so bad I fell over. "

"I took 3 bottles of nystatin for oral thrush. Did not help Took fluconazole for 5 days. Did not help. Doctor thinks is acid reflux .Took prolisek. Did not help oral thrush ."

Diflucan (fluconazole) "Do not take this medicine!!!! It has terrible side effects. You’ve been warned!"

"fluconazole didn't work for my oral thrush. I guess it wasn't a strong enough antifungal"

"I took medication and had an episode of irregular heart rate, after taken, this was like 6 hour following. Thrush wise is helpful fairly quickly. Not sure if irregular hart rate related to medication."

"Headache beyond ability to even clear mucus throat, nausea, fatigue, jaw and ear on left aching way harder"

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  • Reviews (528)
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  • Patient tips
  • During pregnancy
  • Support group
  • Drug class: azole antifungals
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Fluconazole drug information
  • Fluconazole (Intravenous) (Advanced Reading)
  • Fluconazole (Oral) (Advanced Reading)
  • Fluconazole Tablets
  • Fluconazole Injection Solution
  • Fluconazole Oral Suspension

Other brands


Professional resources

  • Fluconazole monograph
  • Fluconazole (FDA)
  • Fluconazole Injection (FDA)
  • Fluconazole Oral Suspension (FDA)
  • Fluconazole in Dextrose Injection (FDA)

Other brands


Related treatment guides

  • Candida Urinary Tract Infection
  • Candidemia
  • Blastomycosis
  • Bone Marrow Transplantation