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Generic Name: Ibuprofen and Famotidine Tablets

Brand Name: Duexis

Duexis Drug and Medication User Reviews

Kicks in 15-30 min and allows me to take it as needed. It manages any pain flare ups after a busy weekend doing yard work or house work. It works great and does not affect my GERD. My insurance did not want to pay for it so it came from a mail away pharmacy for $10. Cannot beat it. Great stuff.

I suffer from OA flares in my lower back and was on meloxicam 15mg but it wasnâ??t getting the job done. My Spine Doc gave me Duexis and this works amazing. Kicks in 15-30 min and allows me to take it as needed. It manages any flare ups after a busy weekend doing yard work or house work. It works great and doesnâ??t affect my GERD. My insurance didnâ??t want to pay for it so it came from a mail away pharmacy for $10. Canâ??t beat it. Great stuff.

I was getting a manufacturerâ??s discount on this drug. 60 Pills for $10. Then they withdrew the discount. Now the pills are $2,000 for same 60 pills. I now take (3) 200 MG of ibuprofen with one 20 mg tablet of Pepcid ac daily. I was recently told that if I was on Medicare I couldnâ??t receive the discount. Really? Hey Horizon Pharma, take a hike.

I use it for all my pain. Migraines back knee hip wrist pains. 30 min after takening it i am go to go. It doesnt make you sleepy. I love it. I have it on me at all times.

It helps my pain a little bit, but doesn't completely relieve it. Also it is really thinning my blood which is concerning me. A bone split in my foot so my doctor prescribed this to me. I also use it for my migraines and severe nerve pains I get. I realize that if I skip taking the medicine by accident (I take it every day) then my pain levels increase drastically. I'm not sure how to feel about this medicine but right now I have no other alternative.

I have had terrible headaches following disectomy of two discs. The Durexis works fast to kill most of the pain, but after 5-6 hours it starts to wear off. I have been told pain is normal for such a severe surgery, and since I am just two months from it need to be a bit more patient. I am glad there is Durexis.

This medication has been a wonderful for me. I take it for menstrual cramps, fibromyalgia and CFS symptoms, and headaches that aren't migraines (or for when I need to be at my best and can't take my migraine medication, which can make me a bit loopy). It also is my go-to for my newly diagnosed illness.... costochondritis (painful chest wall and rib pain), which I wouldn't wIsh on my worst enemy. This always kicks in about 30minutes after taking and lasts about 7 hours, I set my alarm on my phone to stay on top of the next dosage. You never want to chase pain, always stay on top of if !! I always take it with food and I recommend this to all users. The three times a day dosing is pretty easy to follow and this medication has made some room in medication case because it's a combination medication. This manufacturer also makes a combo pill with naproxen sodium (Aleve) and Nexium, called Vimovo. I have a family member who swears by this. For those who shared that this is simply 800mg of Ibuprofen and 26.6mg of Famotidine, thank you for stating the obvious for me and others, but there are reasons that a combination pill would be best for some users. In fact with the manufactor's coupon, my co-pay for Duexis is $0.00, I wouldn't buy the medication out if pocket (even the generic version of OTC equivalents) and don't care how much my insurance is charged, that's why I pay premiums monthly. I have multiple medical issues and take many medications daily, taking Duexis eliminates the need for a separate PPI (proton pump inhibitor). I highly recommend this medication to others.

Wonderful drug, does not upset my stomach. Eases may pain.

I've tried many other pills for my OA, but Duexis is the only one that has worked for me. AND, I really like the co-pay card. I have been on this drug for a couple of years, & have never paid a penny for it!

Excellent for pinched nerves in neck which cause terrible headaches, jaw and shoulder pain. Does not upset my stomach. Great pain reliever. Drowsiness at end of day but so glad it helps!

I have planterfachitis. It is a awesome drug

started taking because of stomach issues with other pills, the ones that helped my pain in my lower back pain.

I am taking this for lower back pain. It works well, with almost 100% relief from pain. I have not had any stomach issues taking this medication. There is a program with the company that costs only $10 for a 30 day supply. Ask your doctor about it. It works!

I can't take narcotics due to side effects, so I was in a lot of pain(neck, shoulder and knee pain). This medication has given me great relief. I also had a stomach ulcer in the past and was at great risk using NSAIDs. This medication has been a great help easing the pain.

My doctor called in the script for me, using a mail order pharmacy, that I have never used. I took the drug a couple of times, but the pain in my foot (tendonitis) was greatly relieved by a cortizone shot. I could not believe it when I saw the cost of the drug and do not plan on renewing my perscription, as ibroprophen works well for me.

This is another rip off drug. I found out the price $1,365, looked at the compound and bought the over the counter equivalent for around $10. I don't care if my prescription plan pays for it or not. I will not support these outrageous over priced drugs!

I take this along with norco 10. It is amazing and works.