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Generic Name: Lacosamide Tablet and Injection

Brand Name: Vimpat

Vimpat Drug and Medication User Reviews

it is making my seizure worse during the day and i am dizzy and sad all the time. I am going to tell my neurologist to switch me from this stuff.

Without a doubt this is one of the worst medications if not THE worst medication I have ever used. Severe nausea, no appetite for the entire time I was on the medication, very irritable and agitated, depressed, panic attacks daily, tingling, felt like a different person, no concentration or focus. My neurologist refused to accept that it was the Vimpat causing those symptoms but is weaning me off at my insistence. I am now getting a new neurologist. Two weeks after the Vimpat started to wean out of my system all my symptoms disappeared

This combined with Clobazam has eliminated my complex partial seizures, but I still have Auras and the dizziness side effect has not diminished, it's affecting my daily life and I'm practically working my way out of a job as my options are dwindling, if it weren't for the dizziness this would be a good medication for me, but everyone is different.

I was diagnosed with focal epilepsy a few years ago. I started taking 3g daily Levetiracetam/Keppra, but my seizures remained. Once my doctor added Levetiracetam to my daily dose, my seizures started disappearing. 3g of Levetiracetam and 300mg of Vimpat made my seizures stopp for over 3 years. My only negative experience was the loss of appetite and weight, and at the beginning also feeling very tired. I started taking the medication with a weight of 83kg (181cm height), and now I weigh 65kg. My tumor, which caused the seizures, was removed last year and I have started now to reduce Levetiracetam. If everything goes well, I will also try to remove Vimpat slowly. Hopefully the seizures wont come back, and I will gain a bit of weight.

Concerning Vimpat. Been using for 2 yrs. Seizures have decreased. 'Main side effect' is twitching. Didn't twitch before in my life. Now starting to twitching all over. Family claims I rarely get seizures now.

I have had excess gas or flatulence with this medication, otherwise, no other side effects. I had grand mal seizures years ago, but have not had any since then. My neurologist won't let me off of seizure medication. Has anyone else had excess gas with this medication?

since I have stated this medication. I have trouble sleeping, night sweats, severe vertigo, worsened nausea, and nightmares when I CAN sleep. Don't get me started on the dailydizziness. Has done nothing for my epilepsy. Oh and it's over $900 for this crap...

I have multiple types of seizures. This medicine calmed down all of my small seizures and now I only have 3 or 4 a month, granted they are violent or drop but I am grateful this medicine calmed down my life.

Vimpat has been the worst experience I have ever had with a drug. I have been taking it for 8 months already. Recently, I have changed doctors and have just started to reduce it, feeling already better! Right from the beginning, I had many side-effects: headaches, nausea, tiredness, constipation, flatulence, indigestion, and stomach discomfort, shaking of hands, depression, dysarthria, heart palpitations, memory problems. Due to nausea, I could hardly eat and lost almost 4 kilos in the first month of my Vimpat experience (my weight before taking this drug was around 50 kilos). I also felt terribly tired every day and could not cope with my normal activities anymore. In addition to that, I started to have problems with speaking, my memory, as well as my concentration, got a lot worst. My sleep was also badly affected. I had to quit my job and my social life. Every day was a struggle and I felt as if I had lost control of my own life !!! To sum up, this drug had a terrible impact on my quality of life and DID NOT eliminate my crises. I was much better off with my previous AED. Reading the reviews, I see that I am not the only one to have experienced those side-effects, though my previous doctor denied many of them. This is still a new drug on the market, not yet consecrated, and with several side-effects not well known. It reminds me of what happened to people taking Vioxx in the past! I still asked myself why my previous doctor is so found of this drug???? As he was resistant to change this drug to another one, I have thus decided to change doctors. I advised against this drug, it can be very toxic!

HORRIBLE DRUG!!! Should be taken of the market!! This drug may work for the first week or so but DON’T BE FOOLED it sucks! I GOT OFF ON Zonisamide Which btw gave me seizures and went to this both drugs at least for me are really bad now maybe they work for others I don’t know. My experience though I got on Vimpat the first week I was fine nothing seemed to be wrong I felt happy I was alert and my seizures were under control. As the VIMPAT got in my system and more and more I felt like crap. First it started just chest would have pains and I did get checked for Covid in case you’re wondering. I started to have SHOOTING PAINS AND I mean bad (like an ACUPUNCTURIST MISSED THE PLACE THAT THE NEEDLES GO IN A WHOLE LIT IF TIMES AND REDID IT 5x then my body got twisted in a rubix cube too because my bones, organs and Muscles felt like they were being shifted IT HURT! I ONLY HAVE CEREBRAL PALSY ON MY LEFT SIDE HOWEVER ALL MY BODY WAS TIGHTENING UP MY RIGHT UP WAS STARTING TO CURL UP LIKE MY LEFT ARM DOES MY RIGHT FOOT WAS CURLING UP.I GAINED WEIGHT LIKE THERE WAS NO TOMORROW. I HAD TROUBLE WITH SPEAKING. It would have effected my speaking if I had stayed on it.I started to occasionally stutter and slur more. I WOULD HIT MY HEAD AND YELL AT MYSELF AND ROCK BACK IN FORTH IN A CHAIR WHEN I WAS FRUSTRATED LIKE AN AUTISTIC OR PERSON WITH DOWN SYNDROME. I hate to say that because autistic people are awesome and so are people with Down syndrome but it’s true. THIS DRUG IS NOT A SAFE NOR GOOD DRUG !!!! If you can DO NOT TAKE IT! I literally felt like if I didn’t get off that drug I would die. The pain I felt with every Vimpat I took Was unbearable.

HORRIBLE DRUG!!! Should be taken of the market!! This drug may work for the first week or so but DON�¢����T BE FOOLED it sucks! I GOT OFF ON Zonisamide Which btw gave me seizures and went to this both drugs at least for me are really bad now maybe they work for others I don�¢����t know. My experience though I got on Vimpat the first week I was fine nothing seemed to be wrong I felt happy I was alert and my seizures were under control. As the VIMPAT got in my system and more and more I felt like crap. First it started just chest would have pains and I did get checked for Covid in case you�¢����re wondering. I started to have SHOOTING PAINS AND I mean bad (like an ACUPUNCTURIST MISSED THE PLACE THAT THE NEEDLES GO IN A WHOLE LIT IF TIMES AND REDID IT 5x then my body got twisted in a rubix cube too because my bones, organs and Muscles felt like they were being shifted IT HURT! I ONLY HAVE CEREBRAL PALSY ON MY LEFT SIDE HOWEVER ALL MY BODY WAS TIGHTENING UP MY RIGHT UP WAS STARTING TO CURL UP LIKE MY LEFT ARM DOES MY RIGHT FOOT WAS CURLING UP.I GAINED WEIGHT LIKE THERE WAS NO TOMORROW. I HAD TROUBLE WITH SPEAKING. It would have effected my speaking if I had stayed on it.I started to occasionally stutter and slur more. I WOULD HIT MY HEAD AND YELL AT MYSELF AND ROCK BACK IN FORTH IN A CHAIR WHEN I WAS FRUSTRATED LIKE AN AUTISTIC OR PERSON WITH DOWN SYNDROME. I hate to say that because autistic people are awesome and so are people with Down syndrome but it�¢����s true. THIS DRUG IS NOT A SAFE NOR GOOD DRUG !!!! If you can DO NOT TAKE IT! I literally felt like if I didn�¢����t get off that drug I would die. The pain I felt with every Vimpat I took Was unbearable.

I am taking 400mg of VimPat daily along with Lamital (600 mg daily). When first being put on VimPat (replacing Tegretol) approximately 3 years ago I experience dizziness and loss of balance very often but improved over time. The issue I have now is I cannot sleep more than two to four hours a night and the dizziness and loss of balance has returned plus feeling miserable all day. The doctor put me on Briviatt (100 mg daily) along with Lamictal and VimPat but conditions have gotten worse. I am going to ask the doctor if he can cut the dosage down of either Lamictal or VimPat and no longer take Briviatt. Hopefully the doctor will do such. As for VimPat I am still skeptical as the doctor increases or lowers dosage but still encounter side affects. I am retiring soon and will have less stress in my life. Hopefully, this will help.

It help better control seizures. It created low BP. I can't think freely. I'm not able to live anymore. Too busy trying to remember thing. Or not able observe and be part of environment. I'd rather have seizures, than be on this medication.

I've been on this drug for a little over a year. For most part had stopped seizures, yet I had a seizure last week. I still get aura's, and I feel like I have early onset Alzheimer's. I forget people's names, and these are people I've been working with for 3+ years, the shakes we're really bad at first, but still don't have the steady hand I used to have. I do stumble more, I have to think hard to choose my words when speaking sometimes. And the weird one, that I haven't found anyone else to have is the sensitivity to temperature, particularly the heat. I used to love the hot humid summers of SE Virginia, now they drive me crazy, I don't sweat like I used to, I over heat. My salt intake in the summer months is so high (to helpe retain water and hopefully break that sweat, once I do, WOW I'm good), my blood pressure is rising. I compensate by cutting back in salt in cooler months. Overall I just don't feel right, I'm not myself, not as sharp.

HATE this drug. gained 20 lbs, depressed, miserable. dizzy, spinning sensation, hard to walk and see sometimes. libido gone, this is awful

Was taking 1000mg twice a day of Keppra. Had bad side affects. Starting taking Vimpat to reduce my Keppra intake to minimize depression and hangovers each morning

I use this medication to help prevent my migraines. I kept a log of my migraines for a while to see what was going on and what did or didn't help.I can honestly say that Vimpat has been a game changer for me. I went from 10-17 migraine days a month to none. That's right, I said none.... as in zero.Thank you will never be enough in my opinion. Vimpat works well with my other medications so that's a bonus. I'm very sensitive to medications and have had hospital stays due to side effects. The only effect I have had is NO migraines!! Insurance is the only pain I have had.

Some days I'm fine, other days I get severely dizzy, severe vomiting, stumble and can hardly walk a straight line, trouble finding words/expressing myself. Doctor related it to blood sugar issues but I can't find a constant connection. I continue to have episodes but no more than previous.u.