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Generic Name: Leqvio for High Cholesterol, Familial Heterozygous (inclisiran)

Leqvio for High Cholesterol, Familial Heterozygous Reviews

"Since the first injection, my A1C has spiked to 12.5, and my blood glucose is dangerously high. This has necessitated the prescription of insulin which has a range of serious side effects. While my bad cholesterol level has dropped, there has been no effect on triglycerides. Good cholesterol was in the normal range prior to Leqvio and is holding. Angina, chest pain, and difficulty moving with overall neuralgia are other unwanted symptoms. I am due for a second injection and have reservations."

"After 45 days of use, I have developed severe muscle pain and lower body stiffness, much worse than statin pain. I do not have brain fog, muscle cramps, skin rashes, or other problems I had with statins."

"The real answer is, I don't know. I'm on my 4th injection and haven't noticed side effects. But I have numerous problems with recovery from CABG surgery that could be misunderstood and attributed to this medication. I do have severe leg and calf cramps at times, and I am starting to believe it is Leqvio. In the past, my cramps became so severe I ended up rupturing an Achilles tendon, this was while taking Repatha. I stopped Repatha and the cramps stopped. But recently while taking Leqvio, I started similar cramps, and they can be severe. Now since the med is administered every 6 months, it is hard to stop it and see viable results, no cramps. Not sure what to do at this time."

"My cholesterol numbers have dropped specifically Lp(a) has gone down significantly. I like not having to give myself an injection every 2 weeks as I did with Repatha. I have some annoying side effects, however, including a productive cough, UTI's, problems, and sometimes painful urination, and frequently I feel dizzy which is very annoying. I believe that I am losing my hair due to this drug."

"Don't know yet if it helped. Switched from Repatha due to cost. After the first dose, LDL was higher, but the doctor said to wait until the second dose to see. I had a bad headache, dizziness, brief shortness of breath, and exhaustion after the first dose. After the second dose, all those effects were repeated (except shortness of breath) but for a longer period, lasting over two weeks. After 6 weeks, I am still experiencing exhaustion and occasional headaches. I think I'm losing my hair and my feet itch like crazy. Is all of this related? I feel like a hypochondriac. I hope the exhaustion is not permanent. I will be going back to Repatha... I will have to find a way to pay for it."

"I had my second dose of Leqvio 2 weeks ago. I know it's working because the xanthelasma in the corner of my eye totally disappeared. I came here to give it another great review but noticed the reviews about major muscle pain. I am in extreme pain but thought it was from my fibromyalgia. I am now wondering if it's from the Leqvio? I see my doctor soon and will be asking her. So far, though, this is the only thing that has been working for me. I had that reaction to Repatha, and I hated statins."

"I have had my first and second doses of Leqvio, and unfortunately, I am having a lot of muscle and joint pain - primarily in my back, neck, and shoulders. It is quite similar to the pain I was having from taking statins, so not sure why that is. It has definitely improved my cholesterol numbers, which is a plus."

"I had Repatha shots. I had some side effects similar to an allergic reaction. Eventually, I tried Leqvio. I've had 3 shots. I had severe leg pain that lasted a couple of weeks. I could not straighten my legs. My hamstrings were killing me (I'm no wimp, I know pain, I'm a retired Marine). I also have continued pain in both of my feet (never before). One weird side effect is my right nipple is constantly hard and painful. That started with the Repatha but went away when I stopped. Now it's back. I actually saw a specialist who prescribed me a hormone treatment. I'm not taking another drug to deal with a side effect from another. The good news is it has reduced my number from 250 to 201."

"Well, I have commented on here before about my results with Leqvio. I have had two shots now, and my side effects have been some muscle pain, and I got a condition called LPP from the Repatha which continues. This is hair loss. I don't know if the Leqvio is continuing it, but I just got my first cholesterol blood results and I am shocked! 18 months ago, my total cholesterol was 359. Today, my total cholesterol is 212, almost normal. Even my triglycerides, which it is not supposed to help, went down from 187 to 157. My cholesterol has been high all my life... over 300, so to see it this low, I am stunned!"

"It has tremendously lowered my LDL. Side effects known: bad joint pain in my hips and knees. Lethargy, lack of energy. Possible side effects, but need to discuss with my doctor: racing heart waking me up from a sound sleep."

"I am a 74 year old male.Just had second dose of Leqvio.(I had to stop Praluent after two dosages due to extreme itching). LDL has reduced by 50% after the first dosage 3 months ago. I have experienced slight muscle discomfort but nothing major Highly recommend treatment, but it is expensive."

"First off, I do have fibromyalgia and Sjögren’s, but after the first shot, the pain definitely went up, and I had chronic bronchial congestion. After the second shot two months ago, the pain accelerated in my knees, feet, legs, sides, chest, shoulders, and wrists. And I still have lots of congestion. I attributed the severe pain to the injection which, of course, as many say, did really help my cholesterol numbers greatly, but my next shot is in December, and I think I may not bother with it as the pain and anxiety that I attribute to the shot are not worth it. Reading these reviews and other reviews of this drug, it sounds like it just causes incredible mental muscle stiffness and congestion for many people. It works well for what it was designed to do: lowering all the numbers, and I appreciate that, but this is tough being in pain."

"I took statins for 38 years. While they may have lowered my cholesterol, they did not mitigate my eventual need for CABG surgery. I took the Repatha shots for 2 1/2 years and didn't have too many negative side effects, but didn't like the need for injections every 14 days and began noticing that I would get purpura. My cholesterol level remained at good levels. Changing to Leqvio was beneficial because there is only a need for 2 injections annually, however, my cholesterol readings are somewhat higher and the purpura has increased. I fear that I am beginning to gain a little weight from Leqvio since there have been no changes in my diet or exercise routines. I am very bothered by the frequency and size of the purpura."

"I am on 5th Jap and this wonder drug bring down my bad cholesterol from 181 to 92 below 100 the recommended figure to be safe from heart attack…my gd cholesterol shoot upto 60 but nt sure it’s bcoz of leqvio or my fd habit…I got zero side effects…noting but when I took repatha I felt like dying so do other satins"

"Works awesome! Knocked the LDL down to almost in range. Had to additionally take Nexletol to nail the range because I cannot take a statin... Was extremely hard to have the insurance approve both drugs."

"I've just had my second injection. Cholesterol dropped, so that's a positive. I still have an injection site rash, possibly due to this last injection being very uncomfortable, unlike the first one. My IBS has been really bad this time too, but not sure if connected. Jury's still out as to whether I would have a 3rd."

"Started taking first shot March 2 shot June. It is, I believe, responsible for incredible muscle. Stephen is in pain especially in my back and my ribs. It did, however, lower my numbers quite a bit, so I’m grateful for that, but I am not sure it’s worth it if I’m going to be in such severe pain. I hope that the pain goes away in a few weeks when it works through my system."

"This is in regards to side effects of Leqvio. Had the first injection about five days ago. No pain or redness at the injection site. A bit of soreness at the injection site for about 24 hours. A lethargic feeling off and on since the injection. A small amount of muscle or joint pain in the first 72 hours after the injection. No diarrhea as yet. Slightly loose BMs. No fever. Have experienced periods of being 'light-headed', i.e. feeling faint. Have not communicated this to my physician yet. Will do so later this week. I am hopeful this injectable medication will lower my LDL and thus, my total cholesterol number."

"I am a medical professional. I am 78 y/o. Past history of CABG X3 at age 40 in 1987, total cholesterol of 385 and high LDL and low HDL. All numbers are now substantially lowered. Chol now 165. LDL-C is 76, was 165. I haven't noticed any new problems as far as side effects after my first two injections. I have a previous history that includes sciatic distribution pain and discomfort due to mild scoliosis, cervical and lumbar spinal stenosis, and disc problems. Chronic pain controlled presently with Naprosyn and Tylenol ES. Have had no injection site problems or any other obvious new onset problems. I am 78 years old and pretty active. As with every statin I've ever taken, I always wonder whether I am having age-related loss of libido and ED vs. side effects due to medication. I cannot differentiate any new musculoskeletal pain or discomfort with current pain present long before the first Leqvio injection. I have had the first two prelim shots with the next one due in 6 months."

"I could not take statins without side effects. Sore muscles aching joints. I was crying at night, could not sleep. After using Leqvio for 2 doses, I don't even need to take any statins. I also changed the way I eat."

"Have had significant hair loss. Pain in legs and knee joints. Both knees have cartilage and meniscus damage, with no previous history of knee injury or knee-related issues."

"I had a terrible reaction to repatha so I requested Leqvio. I had my first dose 3 months ago and I haven't had any problems with it at all. I have my second dose scheduled in another 2 weeks."

"Have just received my 4th injection. Further to my May '23 post. Cholesterol has remained low, slight muscle pain continues, believe it has contributed to some hair loss. Feel overall more energetic."

"Have felt better, not had blood work yet to check levels."

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  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: miscellaneous antihyperlipidemic agents
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  • En español

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  • Leqvio Injection drug information

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  • Leqvio prescribing information
  • Inclisiran (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • High Cholesterol, Familial Heterozygous
  • High Cholesterol