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Generic Name: Indocin (indomethacin)

Indocin Reviews

For Gout, Acute "The best working medicine for my gout. Pain reduced 95% within the first hour. I've tried steroid packs and other medicines, but this works and works fast. No side effects for me, but I follow directions and usually have some food in my stomach before taking."

For Gout, Acute "Indocin or indomethacin, in my opinion, is very effective in relieving gout symptoms. Taking 25 mg at my first opportunity (the point where I convince myself that I did nothing to stub my toe and it is a gout attack) quickly reduces the pain. I have not experienced the stomach pains or paranoia that the previous post talks about. I always take this medicine with food and drink as directed by my physician."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "Before taking Indocin, aches and pain are felt throughout my joints. When I take it at night, I sleep better, and the following day I feel the pain is diminished by 60% or better. I stop taking them after 3 to 4 days and start when the pain gets unbearable."

For Pain "I would like to say that I went to the E.R., and they couldn't find out why I was having the chest pains, also, PE (pulmonary embolism) had been ruled out. Every time I took a breath, it was so painful. They were giving me morphine every hour, the pain would not subside. So, I went to my primary care physician, and he diagnosed me with pleurisy, which is an inflammation of the lining of your lungs. So, he prescribed Indocin for me, and after one day, I started getting serious relief."

For Cluster Headaches "I have cluster headaches and hemicrania continuum which is diagnosed by taking indomethacin. I also have fibromyalgia which means I have really bad reactions to every medication I take and I have to take this twice a day every day. I take the lowest dose possible (25mg twice daily) even though it doesn’t give me 100% relief it gives me about 95% and I know there’s bad side effects but as long as I eat a full meal before I take it I have not experienced anything other than my face having a little rash, but I don’t have any of the other problems. As soon as I quit taking it it just comes back so to me this is a lifesaver that is worth the slight rash!"

For Pain "I can not longer use Imitrex or related drugs for migraine pain due to heart issues. In searching for an alternative migraine treatment, my doctor prescribed Indocin. Alone Indocin can't relieve migraine pain, but combined with Midrin, I get relief. I'm in the midst of weekly migraines. They had been reduced with Midrin, but still lasted days. Now, combining the two, I can break the migraine cycle."

For Bursitis "Got some notable relief from bursitis pain in the shoulder but side effects became unbearable an hour after each dose. Lightheadedness upon standing, fatigue, abdominal nausea and cramping. Dr. changed to Prednisone 20mg with immediate results and no side effects."

For Pain "Excrutiating pain in elbow Elbow (inflamation, pain, swelling, heat )with no injury. Pronounced swelling from hand to shoulder, elbow area extremely hot to touch. Diagnosis - tendonitis. Cortisone shot given, RICE advised, Indocin 50mg prescribed. Full course taken with no resolve. Had better results with ibuprofen 600mg but am still off work and in agony 20 days later."

"Have had ice pick headaches daily for almost a year now. This is the only medicine that I’ve found to help. I usually have anywhere between 20-50 short, but painful, flashes of pain in my head daily, but taking this medicine has lowered the occurrence to 10-20. The pain is not as bad either. I take 25 mg twice daily. No side effects as long as I have some food with it."

For Gout, Acute "Good results for gout within a day or so of treatment. Relieved pain very rapidly, but a bit slower dealing with the swelling."

For Gout, Acute "Within 24 hrs, pain and swelling decreased significantly from 10 to 3 on the pain scale. My only side effect was diarrhea."

For Gout, Acute "This is great. A couple of hours and the pain was gone."

For Gout, Acute "Naproxen and ibuprofen helped, but didn't stop my gout attack. Indocin made the attack go away in a day!"

For Gout, Acute "After 3 days of initial Prednisone 20 mg, the 1st day of Indocin, I went from 8-2 on the pain scale! I was so grateful! And NO side effects!"

For Pain "If your stomach can tolerate this, it is great for arthritis. I have taken it for over 20 years. Every time I try anything else, I end up in pain."

For Osteoarthritis "I started with 2 x 25 mg capsules a day. After 2 days, I really feel my knees are out of pain. I hope the effect will remain after leaving the medicine."

For Gout, Acute "Knocks the pain out within a day or two."

For Back Pain "I have battled with scoliosis for 15 years and have been given all kinds of nsaids to help with the pain.. This was the most recent and it has done nothing for the pain I'm experiencing."

For Gout, Acute "This medicine took the pain away very quickly, but then I had ringing in my ear, which was very annoying. I stopped taking it because I could not take this side effect."

For Osteoarthritis "150 mg per day has left my knees completely pain-free! Unfortunately, now my doctor wants me to take less to avoid doing damage to my stomach."

For Gout, Acute "Gives good relief but gives stomach pains side effect and paranoia side effect if taken more than 3 days."

For Back Pain "I have chronic pain from back surgery. Added this med and pain is finally under control. Thank you so much."

For Bursitis "I have been diagnosed with bursitis in my right heel, and I got great relief after taking Indocin for about two days. It is not as painful."

For Ankylosing Spondylitis "Indomethicin ER 75 mg extended release capsules have worked best for me."

For Pain "It did help for pain, but I had to discontinue use due to many side effects."

More about Indocin (indomethacin)

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  • Drug images
  • Latest FDA alerts (6)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Indocin drug information
  • Indocin (Indomethacin Intravenous) (Advanced Reading)
  • Indocin (Indomethacin Oral) (Advanced Reading)
  • Indocin (Indomethacin Rectal) (Advanced Reading)
  • Indocin (Indomethacin Suppositories)
  • Indocin (Indomethacin Suspension)

Other brands


Professional resources

  • Indocin Suppository prescribing information
  • Indocin Suspension (FDA)
  • Indomethacin (AHFS Monograph)

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Other formulations

  • Indocin SR

Related treatment guides

  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Back Pain
  • Bartter Syndrome
  • Bursitis