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Generic Name: Lapatinib

Brand Name: Tykerb

Tykerb Drug and Medication User Reviews

Been on it for 9 weeks along with taxol have pet scan tomorrow

Already on Herceptin , Xeloda , & Letrozole , the Tykerb caused dizziness , increased fatigue , increased 'chemo brain ' , anxiety , and emotional /chemical depression .I took it for only 1 week , and could feel the hair follicle burn that preceded my hair loss from my first chemo infusion , a Taxane . Tried to go on again , same effects, including diarrhea —— anyone else experienced these effects ?

For me this drug has been a life saver. I refused further IV chemo after my first 6 months, due to the inability to remember those 6 months. I also stopped Herceptin due to heart damage. My cancer returned quickly but Tykerb has slowed the growth of those cancer cells that found a home in my rib. I have been on Tykerb for 15 months and pray it works forever. The diarrhea is tough to control and what works for awhile, stops, and we try a new approach. 2014 was my best year ever. My bucket lists is shorter and I got to spend quality time with those I love. Quality of life is so important to me, and I have been able to do the things I love because of this medication. My terrible pain in the rib stopped within 2 weeks of starting Tykerb and has not returned!

I currently care for a 84 yr old female thats been on this drug for about 6 months it's seem's to have helped slow it down. But at the same time other thing are ac-coring like blood cloth'shortness of breath which we thought at the time was pneumonia and turned out from Chest Xray, CT Scan it wasn't that, so just getting to the point pay were close attention to all side effects of this drug the.1. Main Ones, 2.The Rare Ones 3. Infrequent Side Effects. Family members should be aware of all side effect so we can ask the right question plus notice any changes In the body since this involves the entire family and some family member may see things that other may not.

After my Herceptin treatments started showing less effectiveness, my Dr. Prescribed Tykerb along with Herceptin. I take 4 pills daily and have been for 3 months. Side effects for me a tolerable...some diarreha but Imodium works to stop it. Also take Phillips Colon Health Probiotic. That is what helped me the most with Diarreha while going through chemo. Dr is monitoring me every 3 weeks. So far...so good.

I've been on Tykerb for 2 mos now and have the fairly severe and immediate diarrhea. It is sometimes controlled with imodeum. I am fearing the acne, but so far don't have this side effect. I do have some stomach pain at times. Nothing unbearable yet, thank God.

I have taken the drug for one year - have had no symtoms - and only one met has increased in size - most are gone. only cancer left in one area of brain - will use cyberknife.

i have had 5 pills every morning(250 mg tablets)for 6 weeks now. it's treating a brain tumor. the only side effects so far are: serious acne, loose bowels, and fatigue. too soon to know if it works.

I took this during a clinical trial comparing Tykerb to Herceptin. I was supposed to take this for a year, but after two weeks I had to stop. I was exhausted to the point I could not get out of bed. My diaherra was so severe that I could not eat at all (not even crackers or popscicles). Finally, after losing 13 pounds in two weeks and becoming so dehydrated that they had to give me two bags of fluids, I was taken off the drug and given Herceptin by IV for the rest of the year. I have one more treatment left. I have been very happy with Herceptin. It has hardly any side effects. I think Tykerb works for some people, but if your side effects are this severe, please make your doctor change your meds! It was worse than the 20 weeks of chemo!

I was a success for me, also easy.

good results, keep tumors stable, but causes itchy skin, acne, and diareha daily.

My Mother takes tykerb 5 pills daily at one time for 3 weeks and off for 1 week per doctor, satisfied, but she has such a terrible itching spell all the time and there is nothing she takes that can get rid of it, I rub lots of creams and have her to take benadryl 2 every four hours and that is not good because she wont be able to do her chores like she wants.

While I am still on the treatment, my last CT scan showed that the lung lesions were shrinking. However, I have had more nodules forming on my skin on my breast. I haven't had any severe side effects from the medication. Just some fatigue, hand/foot tingling, and some digestive symptoms which might be due the Xeloda (I don't know for sure). The doctor has just started me on Femara. I had my ovaries removed also.