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Generic Name: Levofloxacin for Bronchitis (levofloxacin)

Levofloxacin for Bronchitis Reviews

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "Two years ago I suffered with chronic pneumonia for over a year. It seemed my GP couldn't be bothered to figure out why I wasn't getting better. (I later found out she had never prescribed Levaquin to people, nor did she know that this was a medicine that should be considered when the first 'go-to' antibiotics don't work. Finally, after another ER visit, I sought the advice of a great pulmonologist who prescribed 750mg of Levaquin for a 10-day course. I started feeling better immediately, and it was the last antibiotic I had to take because it finally knocked out the pneumonia. I had no side effects. I have pneumonia again and went straight to Levaquin. I now request it & is the only antibiotic I'll take for these types of infections."

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "Levaquin is the only antibiotic that works for me when I get either bronchitis or pneumonia. I take 750mg for 10 days, and I swear by it. I've been taking it for years with no noticeable side effects. I am now 62."

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "I have had both bronchitis and pneumonia at least every other year for the past 20 or so years. Out of all of those illnesses, I was given Levaquin twice and cannot understand why it wasn't prescribed more. I didn't have any side effects at all. In fact, my recovery time with this medicine was marked in days and not weeks like the other prescriptions! One year I actually lost 3 weeks of work (could have actually used more time but I didn't have any time left). I'm actually battling bronchitis right now, and when I asked why Levaquin wasn't prescribed since it has worked so well in the past, the doctor just looked at me and said he prefers Amoxicillin. Fine for him... he's not stuck in bed coughing up lungs!"

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "This is the third time I have had asthmatic bronchitis and used Levaquin. The first time I was given Biaxin, which not only didn't work, but I almost had to be hospitalized. Then I was prescribed Levaquin, and by the fifth day, I felt 100% better. Side effects got less with each day. (Mine are stomach upset and drowsiness.) But without this medicine, I would need oxygen. Thanks, there are better options."

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "I am very shocked at all the remarks about the horrible side effects of this medicine. I am again taking it, as it is the only antibiotic that really does kick the infection. I did notice years ago when I was prescribed 750 mg, it made me lightheaded, dizzy.... so since then I ask for 500 mg, and it is just the perfect dose for my body. I rate Levofloxacin at a 10. I have never experienced any of the side effects people have mentioned, like tendinitis, metallic taste, nausea, etc., and anyone I know who has taken it hasn't complained of any negative aspects of the med either. I recommend it at 500 mg, but would maybe steer clear of the 750 mg. That one is just so strong."

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "Took this last year for my first bout with pneumonia. I felt like I was on death's door. Cleared it up in 5 days. Now back 10 months later with bronchitis, not nearly as bad as pneumonia, but getting ready for a 7-day hiking trip in Maine. Asked the doctor for this again, 2 days later I feel 90% better. I love this medicine."

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "Every winter I get terrible bronchitis. Usually, I am constantly coughing, use a nebulizer, use an inhaler, this all lasts literally until spring! Coughing for months. This time caught it early. Took shots and Levaquin for ten days. Felt like total crud for the whole time BUT it worked. First time it all left without those months of cough, cough, coughing solid back to back. Can't tell you what a relief it was. SO take it!! Despite side effects, unless it's too serious, you'll be glad you did!!"

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "I took this and in 3 days I felt so much better. I took 500mg and Mucinex alongside it. I always eat some type of vinegar foods (olives or pickles) because antibiotics are hard on the stomach and vinegar offsets the heartburn. I eat yogurt to offset the yeast infection and bananas to prevent muscle cramps (potassium). This is the only medicine that ever helps me. I had a doctor give me something, and after 2 weeks, it didn't even phase the infection. Three days of Levaquin and I was back feeling so much better. I can't say enough about this medicine. My mom went on it too as she got it, and she was shocked how much better she felt after it. She agreed this is a good antibiotic."

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "Was given this drug following severe bronchitis due to chronic dental inflammations. By day 3, I realized my left ankle was painful and hobbled. I read the black box warnings and immediately discontinued the drug, however, that ankle and then the other one got progressively worse. I was barely making it to work and back, trying to do eldercare solo and thinking I was going to be crippled for life 6 months later. Was seriously looking into joining a class action lawsuit and probably should have, but no energy left over. Think megadoses of magnesium and supplements plus some homeopathics like Thuja finally tipped the balance, and I gradually was able to walk normally without pain again. Used Oil of Oregano to clear the infections."

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "I don't like Levaquin at all. The doctor prescribed this to me after going in for acute sinusitis and bronchitis. He said it was a strong medication. The first night, I woke up suddenly with a massive headache, and then heartburn. The next day, I noticed more problems which made me feel even worse than my original ailments. I had cold sweats, felt nervous, anxious, and like I was losing my mind! I couldn't sleep."

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "I was prescribed 500mg for 5 days, for bronchitis, I also suffer from COPD. I couldn't sleep a bit, breathing got a lot worse, headache, palpitations, tendons hurt so bad I couldn't hardly move. I have been off of them for 6 days now, I'm worse than I was. I will never take these again, they are horrible."

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "I have a very bad bout of bronchitis. I'm on day 5, and I don't feel markedly improved. The coughing is not quite as often, however, when I do cough, the phlegm feels thicker, and the coughing spasms are more violent. It could be because the Mucinex is now wearing off. I just had higher expectations. Now I'm nervous because I don't feel like my condition is improving. And the sound and feel of the mucus is a lot worse, but no side effects."

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "I am finishing my last pill. I had seven 500 mg pills and obviously, this is number 7. I have bronchitis but since I tend to get that, it easily accelerates into pneumonia. I can't take anything besides Levaquin either. I am so sensitive to meds. Well, my advice is STAY IN BED and drink TONS and tons of water. Don't let the side effects (my tendons started acting up and DO put your feet up on a pillow for that...) worry you unless you have a particularly extreme reaction. Just "go with the flow". It makes me sleep = no insomnia! Get out the old movies, the western novels and keeps the lights LOW in your QUIET room. It's worth it. This drug has saved my life."

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "I am 54 years old and was put on Levaquin in August. I had side effects from the medication that caused joint and tendon pain and damage. I used to take it when I was younger with a good outcome. It is now January, and I still have very bad knee and tendon pain. Beware of the medication."

"I had been suffering from what I thought to be bronchitis for several months. I would cough up sputum for about half an hour in the morning when I awoke and after I lay down at night. I've tried over-the-counter medications and another antibiotic from the doctor. After going back to the doctor because nothing was working, he prescribed levofloxacin, 500 mg daily. Within a few days, I could tell the infection was clearing. Within a week, the coughing and sputum were gone."

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "I've been taking Levofloxacin for bronchitis (5 days, 750 mg), and I think it's helped a little bit, but it's day five (last dose tonight), and I still feel only a little better than I did before I started. Maybe it's a virus or something, so it isn't responding? Oh well. The biggest problem I've had is the side effects: not as bad as what most people have been talking about (knock on wood), but I have experienced severe, severe nausea and also insomnia. I take it at around 6 p.m., and the nausea usually goes away by the next afternoon. I started taking it with food and also drinking a probiotic, and it seems to be helping a little, though I still feel a bit sick. The insomnia is pretty bad!"

"I'm 35 (female), and this medicine helped the bronchitis in the 1st dose. However, this is the 3rd night with extreme insomnia, dizziness, and a burst of energy and no appetite. Feels like I've had an energy drink, great for the day, but I toss and turn all night long. I'm lucky if I get 2-3 hours of sleep! Oh yes, my stomach sometimes feels queasy."

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "I have been on this antibiotic for 6 days for pneumonia, and while the cough has slowed way down, I am having severe chest pain. I am thinking it's because when I do have a coughing fit, it's violent, brutal. I only have one more dose at 500 mg, and I am worried I'm relapsing, though no high temp. I feel almost like I started out. I am now trying herbal teas, garlic, rosemary, and kombucha. I just started these, so I'm praying it will all work as a team. No side effects, only a little queasy!"

"Had a sinus infection and bronchitis. Dr. rx zithromycin, which got rid of my sinus infection, but not my bronchitis. Went back to the Dr., and he rx Levofloxacin 500 mg. After a couple of days, my lungs were clear. No side effects. Thank you, Levofloxacin!!"

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "After a bout with Levaquin and fluroquinolone, I developed muscle weakness and muscle tears. This medicine can result in muscle and nerve damage. I have put lrvaquin, fluroquiloine and Cipro(been allergic to this for years) on my medical chart as adverse reaction."

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "I have been taking Levaquin for 3 days for bronchitis. Having difficulty sleeping and have no appetite, along with a headache and a persistent fever. Pharmacist never told me to take the medicine with a full 8 oz glass of water. Might have been good to know. So far, still have bronchitis, coughing up mucus and needing an inhaler. I have never used an antibiotic that after 3 days I remain ill. Jury is out, however, as I may be better...soon I hope."

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "Just want to report my experience after just one dose. I was prescribed 7 doses at 500 mg for bronchitis. I went to the doctor because the cough I had was resulting in a suffocating feeling after the cough. I was in bad shape. After just one dose, the cough is not so devastating-certainly no longer feels like I am suffocating. Although I slept real good last night, I do indeed feel fatigued today. Now editing this comment after the full 7-day use of this medication. I didn't realize until the 4th day of use that I was experiencing the 'dizziness' side effect that can result from use. That is the only reason this medicine doesn't get a 10 rating from me. It really knocked out my infection. However, the dizziness was indeed bothersome."

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "This is my 3rd time taking this medicine. First 2 times my shin bones hurt bad for 2 weeks this time my left thumb and palm so far hurts badly but this medicine does work for what ailes me. I just hope my shin bones don't hurt so bad this time. By the way my prescription is 5 pills of 750mg daily for 5 days."

"I have auto immune disease and after 2 bouts in the hospital and 2 inpatient stays I could not get them to give me anythnig stronger than doxycycline. It would wear off and then come right back. After only 2 days on Levofloxcin, I see marked improvement, I can breathe, go out and walk. I am taking it combined with prednisone 3 pills am 2 pills at night and finally Im not hacking up green phlegm. I know this medicine is not for everyone but for people who suffer from resistant infections not helped by anything else like me with COPD its a god send. I am not having any of the tendonitis anyone is talking about. You need to make sure you are taking supplements because it tends to deplete magnesium."

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "I was prescribed Levaquin for a URI and a UTI. I have a previous history of c. difficile from last summer and my Infectious disease doctor advised me to be careful taking any antibiotics due to chance of c difficile recurring. On the 7th day of taking, I woke up with a semi-frozen right shoulder. Iced it for 4 days with minimal improvement, went to see my PCP on the 5th day, he ordered a shoulder x-ray followed by an MRI. It revealed a 50% tear of the tendon in my shoulder due to the Levaquin. I am 65 and not a surgical candidate. Will never take this drug again! My sister-in-law warned me about this but I thought she was exaggerating!"

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  • Drug class: quinolones and fluoroquinolones
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Patient resources

  • Levofloxacin drug information
  • Levofloxacin injection
  • Levofloxacin Tablets
  • Levofloxacin Oral Solution

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Professional resources

  • Levofloxacin monograph
  • Levofloxacin (FDA)
  • Levofloxacin Injection Concentrate (FDA)
  • Levofloxacin Oral Solution (FDA)
  • Levofloxacin Tablets (FDA)

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