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Generic Name: Polyethylene Glycol and Electrolytes Solution

Brand Name: GaviLyte-C

GaviLyte-C Drug and Medication User Reviews

I used this prep for emptying my bowels prior to my colonoscopy. I started the prep at 5:30 p.m. At 7:40 p.m., without warning, the prep started working. I was not able to make it to the bathroom in time. (Thank goodness for a carpet cleaner and understanding husband.) From7:40 p.m. til 11:55 p.m. I was not able to leave the bathroom as the prep made it necessary for me to stay in the bathroom. (Suffered through my legs going numb often.) I continued to drink the prep during this time as instructed. Eventually I reached the clear stage after drinking all 4 liters. I was able to sleep through the night. In the morning I has another 3 bowel movements and all were clear. My Doctor was not able to complete the entire colonoscopy because my bowels were not cleaned out entirely. He wants me to do a 2 day prep next time and suggested using the same prep. My answer was NO! To both. I will never use this prep again. There has to be a better way to do this. This is my 2nd screening colonoscopy and I sure hope that things get much better before I have to do my next screening one. Please ask lots of questions before using this prep, including is there a better prep that will fully work.

Flavor packet added no flavor whatsoever. Tastes like dirty metal. Began throwing up after first liter but it took 1.5 liters for me to get any laxative effect.

I drank 2 liters from 6pm - 9pm and drank the balance from 1am to 3am. I had no problem drinking it but once it started working it continued until my colonoscopy at 11am. It was embarrassing to still having to go to the bathroom while I waited for my procedure. There has to be something better than this for prep. I was awake all night drinking and going to the bathroom. I was miserable all night and after my colonoscopy.4 liters is too much to drink. I think half this amount would have been enough for me. Thankfully this isn't a yearly event.

Not bad at all! Prescribed this for my colonoscopy. Had to drink 10 eight ounce glasses starting at 4PM the day before and then another 6 eight ounce glasses a minimum of 2 hours before my test. I did not use the flavoring packet. I drank the first glass without a straw and it tasted terrible. The rest I drank through a straw and held my nose and I couldn't taste it anymore. I didn't sip either...I drank as fast as I could. This is a breeze compared to the prep I had to do about 15 years ago. I am a person who gets easily nauseous and this did NOT make me nauseous. My stool was clear yellow by the time I had finished the first 8 glasses but completed all 10 as prescribed. This medication makes this a breeze compared to the ways of the past.

After reading all the negative reviews of this product, I was afraid to take it, but I needed to, per dr.'s recommendations for the colonoscopy prep. It wasn't bad at all! But here's what I did to get it down easily. I chilled it, drank it through a straw, only took one cup at a time every 15 minutes, and used Stur organic lemon drink powder to give it some taste. It tasted like super sweet lemonade, and the only problem I had getting it down was that it was cold and so I couldn't take huge sips. It went to work within a half hour after I started. I drank 3 liters at night and the remaining liter this morning before my test. I aced the test--no polyps or other problems. Won't need another one for the next 10 years. Yay!

Having a endoscopy and colonoscopy tomorrow , i have ulcerative colitis and recently had mri and they found a mass in my duodenum, been trying my hardest to chug this down , i am extremely bloated and 2 hours in i am already clear , i don't want to finish the last 2 liters , i am so full on this solution that i can't even drink anything else ..

I WILL NEVER TAKE THIS AGAIN!! So many other people seemed to have a better time with it then I did. So jealous of you. After 1 hour in I began to have horrible stomach cramps/pain and vomiting everything that I had drank earlier. I would have gone to the er but I told myself to tough it out till ten the next morning when I was scheduled. Originally when I started seeing the dr. it was to do an endoscopy not a colonoscopy, he just decided that since I had not had one done, we might as well do them both. I'm 57 But since he could not do the colonoscopy because I was unable to do the prep he would not do the endoscopy. Now I wish I had gone to the er. Pain finally started to subside in the evening of the second day. Still have some pain. The Dr. wants me to try again. NOPE NOT HAPPENING unless they find a better way to cleanse me.

Mixed with Crystal Light lemon instead of flavor pack. Refrigerated but made me real cold as I consummed so allowed rest to come to room temperature. Was on low fiber diet for 3 days. This product worked well. About 1 hour to begin and another 3 to finish elimination. Some light cramps and some gas. Using a straw and getting 8oz down with 25 swallows was key for me (I like to count). Did 8oz every 10-15 minutes. Did 3 Liters (about 100 oz) from 3pm to 6pm. Then another Liter (just 1 so 33 oz) 3:30am to 4am. Output began at 4:10am. Output looks more like lemonlime gatoraid. Colonoscopy is at 8:30am. I will wear adult diaper to appointment in case any discharge in route.

The most disgusting substance I have ever ingested. Threw up several times while taking it. I would liken the taste to a combination of salt water and liquid plastic. Absolute torture.

Easy to use; mixed with the lemon flavor provided by pharmacy - taste was like extremely flat and thick lemon lime soda; only side effect was extreme chills and shivering - lowered body temp

3rd colonoscopy, treatment to complete by far. I have Crohn's Disease so I didn't have any problem going to the bathroom. I used a straw to drink and would run a sucker along my tongue between each sip. It made me very nauseous and I threw up twice and ended up getting only 3/4 of the treatment down. It works, but so does a lot of other options. The only upside to this was the price.

Unlike other patients, I didn't mind the taste of Gavilyte-C (with the lemon packet) at all. It reminded me of nonfat milk which was my preference for 40 years before I switched to light vanilla soymilk. The problem I had with the product was that five hours after starting administration I had a large but constipated bowel movement and then nothing else for another three hours. It wasn't until eight hours after taking the Gavilyte-C that I finally had a watery stool. And I only did once again before it was time for me to take the remaining portion. I'm confident my stool won't run clear in time and I'll be forced to reschedule yet another procedure. There should be instructions for people who don't respond readily to the treatment. It disappointed me to not find any.

The taste is not so bad. It came with lemon flavoring and its palatable. Expect to set aside several hours for drinking and using the bathroom. Unfortunately, drinking this is making me extremely cold and I have chills.

I drank 2 liters of this last night and did not have any bowel movements until this mourning. I just finished the mourning 2 liters and I don't feel cleaned out at all. The taste really was bad.

Drank the liquid as instructed. Tried not to think too much about it. Just drank each 8 oz serving as quickly as possible. The problem I had was after the colonoscopy. I went into A Fib and had to be kept in the hospital overnight. I never had A Fib before. I am sure this was caused from drinking this product. If you read the papers that come with the product, this can be a side-effect. I am 65 years old and this is my third colonoscopy. The one at 50 and 60 went fine. After this experience, I doubt I will have another colonoscopy unless they can change the process for cleaning the bowel. One recommendation to anyone taking this product is to make sure you drink plenty of liquid during the day before the procedure before having to start the clean out. Part of my problem was dehydration and my triglycerides were off.

I have had 3 previous colon scopes and each time used this product. It works and rather quickly. I don't care for the taste but I am not drinking it for taste after all. I will clean you out which is the original purpose for taking it.

This is my 4th colonoscopy and drinking this stuff gets worse the older I get. There MUST be a better way. Nauseous, headachy and half a bottle to go. Oh, I think the yellow stuff coming out at the end is bile.

Works very effectively. Very hard to get down, wanted to puke every sip I took, also made me shivering cold. Awful and soo much of it.

I had my first colonoscopy scheduled last Thursday. It had to be rescheduled because the product just didn't work. I guess my chronic constipation just wasn't easily relieved by taking this stuff, and I also wasn't able to finish all of it. I'm scheduled again this Thursday, but I'm having a very difficult time keeping the fluid down. I find it extremely nauseating, even with flavoring with Crystal Light. The chalky aftertaste is horrible, and being expected to drink a GALLON of this stuff in several hours is just too much. I may just have to skip the colonoscopy and hope for the best. Having to drink only clear fluids and this awful tasting liquid for two days is almost unbearable, especially since I also have to work. I wouldn't give this stuff to my worst enemy.