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Generic Name: Levonorgestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol Tablets

Brand Name: Aviane

Aviane Drug and Medication User Reviews

I was previously on Alysena 28 for about 5.5 years, but was recently switched (about 6 months ago) to Aviane 28 because it was the one my new pharmacy had. I assumed the switch would not really make a difference (I think the pills are very similiar?), and I didn't really know what to expect since the reviews are quite mixed. However, I don't think I'm a fan of Aviane 28. For birth control, regulating my period, etc., its fine and easy to use. However, since taking it, I have noticed my weight increase a bit (especially my boobs - now there are stretch marks on them). It also seems to make me feel hungry way more than usual. I thought maybe the increased weight was because of other life factors that are preventing me from working out as much, but I realized that I think the reason I'm not as active is because I feel more depressed. I think this is also from Aviane 28, because since taking it, I have been more stressed and depressed than usual. Either way, I think the apparent weight gain and the feelings of depression are linked to this pill, because my body/mental health was not the same before starting to take it. This is just my experience and it might be a lot better for other people, but I'm planning to go off it now.

This is the best birth control I’ve ever used. I didn’t want to try the pill again because last time I did I ended up suicidal and had so much acne + weight gain. After 6 years I decided to give it a try because I don’t want the implant or iud, and I’m so glad I did. I haven’t gained weight, no acne, and no mood swings! I have literally no negative side effects. Definitely give it a try! It’s been amazing for me.

This birth control had very minimal side effects. The only distinct change I noticed was that I was way more moody but that is something that you learn to control over time. In terms of cramps, the pill did a great job i decreasing the level of pain. My period is also much lighter now.

This medication gave me chest pains, an allergic reaction of hives that were burning & very painful to touch. This medication left 3 very large lumps under my left armpit and I was forced to stop taking this medication. This is not a good pill for me - Alesse, or Lolo are my recommendations

I just started Aviane 2 months ago. I was on Loestrin for longer than a year, which helped my cramps and I barely got my period and had no issues. Once my doctor switched me to Aviane because my other birth control was no longer at my pharmacy, I realized that I had an increase in discharge which was never an issue for me, and I got my first really heavy period in years that followed along with super bad cramps that I experienced before I was ever on the pill. I�m going to give it another chance but I�m experiencing things I never experienced from my other pill and it is sort of irritating.

I have been on Aviane for 3 months now and though I did have a few days of feeling off at first, now I feel fine and I haven’t gotten pregnant! I’m happy.

I was diagnosed with endometriosis 2 years ago and it was until now that I decided to treat it because the pain isn't only during in the period, it had passed into ovulation. My gynecologist decided to start Aviane because it is a low dose and has few side effects. My treatment would be to just take the hormones (skipping placebos) for 3 months. For the first 2 weeks, I had nausea and mild headaches, I deal with it and the effects disappeared in next weeks.I am in the third month and I have decided to leave the pill. I started experiencing breast pain, palpitations, anxiety, mood swings (no depressants, but it all made me mad at even the stupidest things), pelvic pain, lower back pain more painful than normal, and even a horrible vaginal infection (something rare for me, because I didn't have one in years). The worst thing is that I'm not supposed to have the period during those 3 months and I have been bleeding 2 weeks (not spotting, literally my period). Also, been having headaches type migraine for days, that won't relieve a couple of Tylenol. My ovulation pains continued and I think I'm worse now than before. Now, Sorry Aviane, but you're not for me.

I was diagnosed with endometriosis 2 years ago and it was until now that I decided to treat it because the pain isn't only during in the period, it had passed into ovulation. My gynecologist decided to start Aviane because it is a low dose and has few side effects. My treatment would be to just take the hormones (skipping placebos) for 3 months. For the first 2 weeks, I had nausea and mild headaches, I deal with it and the effects disappeared in next weeks.I am in the third month and I have decided to leave the pill. I started experiencing breast pain, palpitations, anxiety, mood swings (no depressants, but it all made me mad at even the stupidest things), pelvic pain, lower back pain more painful than normal, and even a horrible vaginal infection (something rare for me, because I didn't have one in years). The worst thing is that I'm not supposed to have the period during those 3 months and I have been bleeding 2 weeks (not spotting, literally my period). My ovulation pains continued and I think I'm worse now than before. Now, Sorry Aviane, but you're not for me.

This is my favorite birth control that I have taken so far. I had acne due to my last birthcontrol and in about two months it has almost completely cleared. I have a period every month and its usually light and only about 3-4 days. If you have bad periods or acne I suggest this pill do not and i repeat do not take zovia. That pill had me bleeding for 2 months straight and it gave me acne when I had none before. Zovia also gave me extreme hot flashes and nausea.

Within several days of beginning this prescription, I experienced limb pain/numbness/weakness in all of my limbs to the extent that I went to an emergency walk in clinic because I thought I had sudden neurological damage. Two walk-in visits later, those doctors indicated that my limb pain was â??definitely not from the birth control.â? They had no explanation for my pain and suggested I get tested for Lyme disease. After 5 days of being on Aviane, I took it upon myself to stop taking it and the symptoms went away and I have not had the limb pain since I stopped taking Aviane 2 years ago.

I took Aviane for a year for contraceptive purposes. As far as that went, no issues. My skin however was AWFUL for an entire year and took months to correct even after stopping the pill. My face was so greasy and I was getting clusters of acne on my jaw and cheeks. No matter what I did the acne would spread and never seemed to calm down. No other side effects, but for a woman in her early 20's not worth the acne! Try Tri-Sprintec instead!

At first I was scared to try Aviane then I looked up the reviews! They made me extremely hesitant to try it. However, I've been on it for almost 6 months now and I have not had 1 side effect or symptom. My body hasn't reacted negatively towards it AT ALL! my period has shortened and lightened up! It's usually 7+ days and I can now count on it being a solid 4/5 days long. I'm very satisfied! EVERYONES body is different & mine is in favor of Aviane! God Bless

I've been on this birth control for over 8 years and it is amazing I have never gotten any acne and I never gain weight and it fits my body type and there are no negative things about it I would totally recommend & still no babies!!

I started the pill since I am getting married in two months. I was on Yasmine 28 when I was in my 20s for acne. I asked my doctor for Yasmine and she refused to give it tome, instead gave me Aviane. I LOVED it for the active pills. I took it at night after dinner. It was amazing but when I got to the placebo pills it DESTROYED my face!!!! I felt like a monster. My forehead and chin had huge pimples and redness was out of control. I have to look for another dose of hormones that help my skin. I wish I could have kept this pill but NOT FOR SKIN PRONE TO ACNE!

I've been on Aviane for 3 months.. I've had swelling in my legs and feet, headaches and some acne. Overall, it's good

I have been on aviane for 4 years and I've never had any problems. I would recommend this product to anyone. No serious side effects beside maybe a little moody when taking it for the first few months and has been effective. I would not change my birth control to anything else!

I was on this medication for approximately 8 months before needing to switch to a different BC pill. I loved that my doctor was letting me take it back to back (skipping placebos). My skin overall was pretty clear however would have bouts where it would flare up and break out a lot on my chest. However I began spotting constantly after 6months of taking it. I also noticed that my migraines increased. I had one migraine at age 18 and didn't have one again until I started this med. On Aviane, I was having migraines atleast once per month. Not to mention I was frequently moody, often lashing out at people when I would normally just get a little irritated. I also felt as though I was constantly hungry on this. Doctor advised me to stop taking Aviane as it may be too low of a dose of hormones for my body that was causing the adverse reactions.

I started taking this birth control pill after being off of the pill for two years. I gained 10 lbs during the five months that I was on it, and I felt hungry all the time. I was also extremely tired while I was on this pill, I felt like I could seep all day and I felt depressed. I also experienced severe breast pain, something that I have never had a problem with before taking this pill. I have been off the pill for almost a month now, and the breast pain has completely gone away and I've noticed that my energy levels have increased.

I took this medication for about six months and had to stop taking it. I have never struggled with acne, but my face was constantly broken out from this medication, and as soon as I stopped taking it the acne went away. Also gained about 30 pounds and have not been able to lose a single pound of it. However, it did help with my mood swings. Overall, I would never take this medication again and wouldn't recommend.

This product has caused severe migrains it had me in the hospital for 3 days. Terriable product for Migrainers. Switch back to Depo.