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Generic Name: Lisinopril and Hydrochlorothiazide

Brand Name: Zestoretic

Zestoretic Drug and Medication User Reviews

i took this drug for about 25 years and slowly reduced my dosage to zero mostly by eating healthy, reduced alcohol, stopped smoking, and monitoring BP at home. so I was wondering if there have been any long-term studies about the long-term use and side-effects of this drug? I am just guessing that the diuretic effects of this drug caused significant loss of minerals, such as magnesium, etc., that caused other problems. the original doctor who said I should take this drug said that it was such a good drug that it should be in the water supply, so I assumed it was harmless. my last doctor said I should stop taking this drug since my blood pressure was finally back to normal after improving my nutrition, reduce alcohol, etc.

I'm 23, had BP 162/118, this drug has made me throw up, pass out, feel super dizzy, you name it... its also linked to Neurapathy. I recommend switching to Propanalol.

This works very well at keeping my BP in a normal range.

Dry cough is the common side effect of every ACE inhibitors,it can suppress by ferrous sulfat.The problem that i wondered is that how can this medication be used regularly ?Lisinopril blocks angiotensin convert into the active hormone and appears to have certain anti-inflammotory properties which is suitable for CV system,but hydroclorothiazid depleted blood potassium levels,which can be harmful the body.

This med lowers my blood pressure to 80/47. Should I continue with zestorestic?

Dry coughing

After taking this medication for a numberofyears my blood pressure still rates 150 over 80

I have been on this med. for two weeks and have developed a horrible dry cough. Everytime I cough I pee,so I have had to start wearing panties liners. I am also dizzy and light-headed but my blood presuure in 118/70

Produced chronic coughing. I have now been removed from this drug and placed on Norvasc

No problems been taking it for 8 yrs.

this has lowered my blood presser

The only problem I notice being on this medicine is legs cramping up when I try to jog. I have never had problems with leg cramps and pulled muscles. My doctor instructed me to eat more bananas. I hope this works.

Terrible low back ache, drowsiness and cough, I cannot seem to clear my throat.

constant indigestion,lightheadedness,tiredness some vomiting due to indigestion and some coughing off and on.

Ever since taking this medicine i have and do crave dill pickles (something i can not stand) and salt and vinegar chips, cheese and tomato juice....i used to love sweetes now i dont want any part of them.

Taking this for 8 yrs.Has been very effective till now. Have terrible cough and leg discomfort, had two stents put in leg for leg blockage and still have discomfort, now perhaps it is this med. Seeing Dr in two weeks and will discuss it..

It helps to relieve my bladder.

cough-loss of pep-spells involving shoulders, and lower back, when I have to sit