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Generic Name: Diclofenac Potassium Liquid Filled Capsules

Brand Name: Zipsor

Zipsor Drug and Medication User Reviews

This has been a wonder drug for me. Takes care of all my fibro pain as well as other aches and pains that crop up. Do be careful of dosing instructions.

At $789.99/mo I expected more of this med than it is capable of delivering. Taking any pill 4x/day is a nuisance, but to find out that this is a very old drug just packaged in a gel cap to make it expensive again is insulting. The nurse practitioner wasn't impressed, either, and moved mo to the "old" version of the drug, Etodolac, which is only $72/mo and is taken twice a day. It works better because there aren't any highs or lows throughout the day like there were on Etodolac. We won't even get into the obscene differences in cost, but nothing about Zipsor justifies that expense.

worked for me as good as Ibuprophen800, it just cost to much. Not covered on my new plan. They want me to try Diclofenac

I was given this drug for gout pain.

Does nothing for pain. Hoping it alleviates the swelling and increases range of motion (wrist) . Am I expecting too much?

I take this for extreme migraines. This is the 3rd medication I've tried and the only one that works.

I suffered a tri-malleolar fracture of the R ankle, with severe tendon and ligament damange 2.5 years ago. I take Zipsor whenever weather changes are severe, I over extend my exercise work out etc. It reduces swelling and restores fleixibility. I take the liquid capsules (recommended by my surgeon). Regular tablets can cause an upset stomach. I have had no adverse reactions from Zipsor.

The cost associated with this drug is my only problem. I am going to change to something which doesn't have such a high co-pay.

I had foot surgery then my foot got infected and still hurts liike hell,also i have hernaited disks in my back with scoloisis and arthiris and this does nothing for any of my pains.

Both knees had arthroscopic surgery dx with Pes anserine bursitis on one knee so painful I could hardly walk. Zipsor relived pain and swelling. Insurance allowed a cheaper rate but do not cover it. Cost was 35.00 per prescription. I will use meds as needed.

For the past year I have had not relief from pain in my left arm/shoulder. This is the only medicine that has helped me. On it for 4 days now and no pain at all. Zipsor work for me but I am cautious about side effects later on. No side effects so far.

NSAID that costs 365.00 a script, banks on the fact it is non-narcotic. Ibuprofen works better. How does this drug stay in business

good experience. takes pain away 75% of time

My pharmacist does not want to stock. He states too expensive for most. I do pay $100 a month. It would be great if manufacturer would allow it on insurance formularies

I take 2 a day, but if my back is really acting up I can increase to 3 or 4 a day. Doesn't upset my stomach like the previous meds I've taken.

Does not work wuickly. Migraine did not go away after using twice. would not recommend to get rid of migraine.

It eased the pain from my lower back like no other drug. My problem is my coverage doesn't cover this drug. Its too expensive and that can cause me to stop using it.

had allergic reaction that required medical attention

I have taken this for 2 months, it helped the first week, then hardly at all.

This medicine has helped with my ankle pain and swelling after an ankle surgery but seems to be causing me alot of anxiety.