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Generic Name: Prempro (conjugated-estrogens-medroxyprogesterone)

Prempro Reviews

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I am 54 and have been experiencing horrible symptoms from menopause for years. I tried every natural hormone replacement, but not one ever helped all of my symptoms. My night sweats, hot flashes, tiredness, weight gain, energy, and depression were unbearable. I went to my MD and spoke to my GYN, and both recommended Prempro. I finally broke down and paid my co-pay of $140.00. As soon as I started this medication, I started feeling less tired and my mood was much better. Now my hot flashes, night sweats, and weight gain have stopped! The best I have felt in years! I highly recommend this product, but the cost is way too high. I contacted Pfizer and received this medication for free. They go by your income. Anyone experiencing the same symptoms, they should try this medication and take your life back!"

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "Started taking Prempro 2 months ago (at 51) for severe hot flashes (like 4 an hour), sleeplessness, and mood swings. Within 4 days, hot flashes subsided, within 1 week, they were gone! After 2 months, I have not experienced any side effects other than lack of the horrible effects of menopause."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "Within days of taking Prempro, all my symptoms started lifting. Barely any hot flashes. Anxiety is gone, so is the emotional crying over anything. All the mood swings are gone. I’m afraid I’m going to jinx it by saying this, but I have been sleeping like a brick. I have energy, memory fog has lifted and still getting better each day. I’m so happy Prempro is working. I have tried every natural remedy and I was suffering. I’m so happy this is working."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "At 39, I started having confusion, panic attacks, and partial seizures. I lost my license. It was the worst two years of my life. I went to a neurologist who put me on strong anti-seizure meds. I told him on more than one occasion that I thought it was hormone-related, and he didn't think so. I went to my OB-GYN and had her remove my IUD because I thought it was all hormone-related. She reluctantly did it but didn't think that it would do any good. I waited almost a year, and my menstrual cycle never came back, but I started having severe hot flashes several times a day and still having seizures and panic attacks. So finally I went back to my OB and begged her to test my hormone levels. Lo and behold, I was in full-blown menopause. I started Prempro, and I haven't had a seizure, panic attack, confusion, or anything else since, even after stopping all of my anti-seizure medications."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I hit menopause at 43 and didn’t know what to do. I originally started taking a vitamin pack designed for menopause but the price was a bit outrageous. When I saw my doc, she suggested taking a low dose (1.5) of Prempro. Wow! I liked the vitamins, but I really love what Prempro gave me. No hot flashes anymore! Restful sleep! I have also noted a decrease in my appetite, which for a while was the same as a teenage boy! Overall, I’m very happy after being very worried about taking an HRT. The only side effect I’ve experienced in the negative is my breasts are a bit more tender than normal. Not sore so much as tender. Good luck to all. I found this very helpful."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I was feeling stuck in perpetual PMS. I was really moody, starving all the time, tired and unmotivated, and gaining weight. Hot flashes were about to finish me off. My doctor gave me a prescription for Prempro. I noticed a difference in 2 days! I am so much less moody, have more motivation, and way less hungry. Tonight will be my 4th dose, and I honestly cannot wait to see how I feel after a week."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I am a 56-year-old woman in post-menopause. I have been suffering with hot flashes for 16 years, and I finally decided that I cannot do this anymore. I started Prempro two weeks ago, and I am officially hot flash-free and happier than I have been in years! I cannot believe that it took me this many years to do this. I was always scared of the risks involved. I am so happy I made this decision because my life is now amazing. I have not experienced any side effects at this point. Hopefully, that will continue."