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Generic Name: alprazolam

Brand Name: Niravam oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have been taking this medication for over 20 years, I take it only when needed and it has worked well for me. Although when I have stopped taking this medication, I have had seizures. I have had many tramatic experiences in my life time and go into a panic mode at any given moment, such as being in crowds, thinking about my past traumas,and worrying about my health, it also helps my stomach!


Just began treatment. Taken at work...much betterrrr nowwwww

I have PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) and experience panic attacks as well as anxiety. This medication has been a life saver for me, and I would highly recommend this to anyone with this disorder.

That this med works fast in and helps relieve the attacks quickly.But can be a drug that is addictive.

I've used this in the past for panic attacks and it works wonders for me. I have not needed this med in a couple of years :) I am currently breastfeeding and am going thru some tough times right now and feel a panic attack coming on and really feel like I need to take my Niravam to help, but am worried about an interaction while nursing; does anyone have any thoughts on this by chance?!? i just want to be "OK" again without causing ANY problems with my 5 month old.

This medicartion was offered by my neorolofist. I t work wonders for my sleep and panic disorder. I use to only take 2mg now 6 mg aren't working. I want to take less of something stronger so eventually i can tap[er off. It is very frustrating when the medicine isn't working/active. I have wondered if my pharmacy is using old medications to sell me. What should I do?

calms me down right away!

I had tried many types of Anxiety medications and this was the only on e that worked fast and help solve my symptoms.

it was the most restfull nite i have had in a long time

I have tryed many other sleeping aids and nothing worked like this, doctors do not like to give out but it works great.

even tho i take antidepressants i sometime have panic attacks or a full blown episode of depression for a day or so. The niravam works quickly & helps me feel "normal" again. it has helped me clear my head & resume a normal life. as one person said, her boss made her feel worse & I would caution telling any boss about this condition because there is still such a stigma (esp with males) that depression & anxiety are only excuses that can be cures by "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps" I think a lot of anxiety is cause by bosses who make themselves feel better by putting down others - they should probably be on medication themselves.

Niravam (1 mg 4x/day PRN) used with Cymbalta (60 mg. 2x/day) has been a life saver for me. Having several deaths (my husband & mother), and then loosing my home were just the icing on the cake. Thankfully, I have a psychiatrist who knows me well, and respects my knowledge of medication - giving me professional courtesy, as I was a mental health nurse. We are able to sit and discuss my problems, and I am able to give him appropriate feedback. My current dosage is extrememly effective, and I find that there are days when I do not have to use the full 4 mg. dosage. This is encouraging, but knowing that the Niravam is there if I do need it is comforting. Having lived with GAD and Clinical Depression since I was 17, and not knowing what it was until I entered the Mental Health field was a horror. Thinking I was going to die while driving, having to pull over and catch my breath and wait for my heart to stop pounding at a very young age until I was 30, did not give me very much independence. Upon learning how dibilitating these conditions were, and then being treated for them, certainly made a difference in my quality of life. Prior to the introduction of Niravam, I was taking alprazalome (generic), which was just ok, and did keep me calmer. Now that Niravam is on the market, and was given to me immediately, I can't say enough about it. The only problem I'm having are the co-pays for both Niravam and Cymbalta (now $40 each every month), and it is becoming a hardship, as these are not the only high co-pays I have. Patient assistance programs would certainly be beneficial to persons in my category, disabled, widowed, and on a fixed income.

Two years ago I was abruptly let go from my job with no warning. I was unable to sleep; thoughts kept going round and round in my head. My psychiatrist prescribed Niravam and I had instant relief at night. During the week I take 1/2 a pill and on weekends I take a whole pill. I haven't taken Niravam during the day, so I don't know how it would work in stressful situations, but may try it soon as my current job is extremely stressful.

i've taken aprazolam before in its regular pill form but the Niravam works so much faster.I began a high stress job & my thinking was so muddled I made constant mistakes, my boss making my anxiety worse with threats instead of helping me. I started the niravam & immediately regained my concentration and was able to complete my project - but because my anxiety showed, I was fired.I tried to explain that I was under a doctor's care for depression & anxiety and that I was now on knew medication that was helping me. He was of those smug types who told me I was just making excuses for my own incompetence.Now unemployed I hope this med will keep me going so I can find a job with a decent boss.

It usually relieves and prevents panic attacks brought on by TSS and Anxiety.

worked within 10 min. excellent for the high stress job.

This worked wonders for my anxiety and panic attacks!! When I missed a dose I was cranky, had severe sweats, and felt as though my heart were about to jump out of my chest. I felt immediate relief after taking two under my tounge. Also helps to relax more for better sleep quality. I think this medication helpes more than others I have tried because I get relief {within three minutes}, I assume because it melts and gets into my system faster than other medication I have tried and waited for my body to digest.

Medicine was effective at ending a panic attack, but I did have a cloudy feeling the rest of the day. I would take .25 mg durning an attack and start to feel better after about five minutes. I only use this medicine four to five times a year.