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Generic Name: Lofexidine Tablets, for Oral Use

Brand Name: Lucemyra

Lucemyra Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have been on Dilaudid 8mg and Methadone 10mg for about 4 years to help me with my cancer. I wanted to stop taking these medications. My doctor recommended this medication. I am down from taking 48mg Dilaudid daily to 4 mg, and 30 mg Methadone 10 mg. I couldn't handle the side effects of withdrawal without the help of this medication. BTW, I am 64.

Feel light headed. Not well. I can't find a physician to prescribe morphine. I had a double knee replacement and need morphine.

I was on methadone for almost 5 years, tapered from 120mg to 4mg over time but the end was too much. I did research and found Lucemyra. I am now 3 weeks clean and off methadone and it is 100% because of this drug. It does have side effects like feeling woozy and dry mouth because it's a blood pressure med. But sitting here now it was all worth it. I was on for about 12 days and tapered at the end. The drug itself is expensive, with my insurance it was to cost 1700$. IMPORTANT* download the Luminate app and call Aspen pharmacy, they will send you the drug for 25$!! People please if you want to get off methadone or opiates this works and is better than withdrawls alone.

I received a sample of this medication and was told to take it every 4 hours. I wasnâ??t told my blood pressure could bottom out and I blacked out on the bathroom tile floor. Twice!!! I managed to alert my husband and he helped me to the bed. We had no idea what was happening. I slept all day long, in pain from falling and from my fibromyalgia and RA!! By nighttime I knew something was very wrong and my husband was going to help me to the car to go to the ER and I blacked out again, falling face first onto the floor!!! We had to call an ambulance and the paramedics had no idea what this medication was. When they researched it, they figured out what was going on and gave me fluids on the way to the hospital. On 1 of the 3 falls I managed to brake my leg and had bruises and bumps all over!! 2 1/2 months later, I am still not over it!!! DO NOT take this medication!!!!

NEVER take this drug alone, at home After 8 hours following directions I could not walk and passed out. Took it thru 4 days (tapering) because could not raise my head, get out of bed or salivate. Slept most of time but got weaker and weaker Had diarrhea and considered sleeping in tub. after effects still strong Ear ringing and very uncomfortable-feet felt like electric , also all over... have a hard time sleeping still. I feel you could take poison for same effectiveness but much cheaper than > 2300$ You would remain bedridden, keep poisoning yourself, and be too weak to reach narcotics. Use something else. I expect lawsuits to follow