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Generic Name: Topiramate for Epilepsy (topiramate)

Topiramate for Epilepsy Reviews

Topamax (topiramate) "IT MADE ME SKINNY AND DUMB BUT WORKED TOO I have been taking Topamax for about 13 years now for my Epilepsy. It took a long time for it to work completely (near) but has helped my migraines a lot too. The side effects are horrible. I dropped to 7 stone very quickly and it took a long time for my weight to stabilise. The pins and needles in my feet come and go but can be bad at night still. But the worst is the memory. Words fail me. I can’t do simple maths in my head anymore. I don’t remember people’s names. Just terrible sometimes. If it was only migraines, I’d survive with sumatriptan. I need it for my epilepsy though. It’s good but terrible."

Trokendi XR (topiramate) "I have seizures but also suffer from severe migraines that became more and more frequent. My neurologist started me on this medication I was an also on 400mg neurontin and was previously on keppra. I’m now up to 100mg daily of the trokendi with the neurontin and my headaches are almost completely gone! I’ve suffered from migraines almost all my life! I feel them try to come once in a while when severe weather is coming or when my hormones are fluctuating but they never fully become a complete migraine. I haven’t experienced the brain fog I’ve heard about, but I do get tingly nerve sensations in my feet, hands and face occasionally. No mood swings, my mood is actually more stable. Hope this helps someone. Also, I don’t have frequent seizures so I can’t really say if it helps with that. My seizures are triggered by traumatic stress, so it’s more of a preventative."

Topamax (topiramate) "Please please explore other options. I hope no one has the experience I had. I was prescribed this for seizures and sleep issues. My first and only time taking this pill was horrifying. I could not see, think and had no ability to function. I sat in the bathtub an entire night awake without having a single thought pass through my mind. I did not know this was even possible. I was crying uncontrollably and yet I understood that was I trapped inside of my body without being able to have any thoughts. I was simply aware that I was there and nothing more. Don't try this at home kids."

Topamax (topiramate) "My dad was given topamax for seizures. After the first dose was given he was incredibly sick he vomited, a few days after this he lost his appetite completely. He then started having severe memory problems and then came to anger outbursts. It also caused incontinence. After around a month of this we decided to take him off this drug and I would never again give this to him. It works for some people. But we will not be ever trying this drug again. It almost destroyed him."

Trokendi XR (topiramate) "I have used this medication for over a decade with excellent results. No seizure activity. No perceptible side effects. Dosage of topiramate ER 50 mg 2X daily. No drug interactions unlike tegretol. No skin issues unlike dilantin. Very benign."

"I’ve had a very difficult time on topiramate and am finally weaning off of it thank God! If only my doctor did this more quickly! I had mostly negative side effects from being on Topiramate: memory loss, trouble finding words, dizziness, exhaustion, and irritability. I’m taking the topiramate with Trileptal which is working great, but since we have to be “careful”, the doctor is weaning me off the topiramate slowly. I’m still taking 150 mg ER dose and it’s unbelievably unbearable. I worry that I won’t get my memory back, or my words, does anyone have this fear?"

"Topiramate was THE WORST drug I have EVER taken. I only took it for a little over a week and I started notice mood swings and very dark thoughts that I eventually tried to act upon. My throat got very swollen, gums bleeding, burning, and peeling. I turned into a completely different person. I haven’t taken it in days and I’m still not at all back to normal"

Trokendi XR (topiramate) "No other medication has ever brought my seizures to a stop other than a Trokendi RX. I was very excited because of this positive reaction to Trokendi - NO seizures! Yet as the months moved on my side effects became more and more apparent. I lost my appetite and physical energy, which led to the beginning of depression! I became anorexic and lost over 20 pounds in about 3 months. My weight went from 160 pounds to 138 pounds. The worst part or side effect was I lost all my physical energy!! I became jello. I was always tired. I had so much fatigue and felt the need always to sleep. I had no desire to do anything. I was becoming depressed because of this, my life was not the same anymore. This scared me greatly because I had enjoyed my life, I was an active person who became a couch potato with no desires or pleasures in life. Because of these side effects (mainly lack of energy), I had the stop taking Trokendi and go back to having seizures."

Topamax (topiramate) "I had issues with finding words on this drug and to be honest it is a a little bizarre. At times, the drug will make you feel a little loopy especially if you haven’t eaten anything. I hadn’t noticed anything with weight loss. I eat a balanced diet, and workout quite vigorously. I started it at 244 pounds and am at 242 pounds. If you are looking for some miracle weight loss drug then it may not be for you. My neurologist even said that people come in and want it just to lose weight. I was prescribed it as I already take Lamotrigine. My neurologist said it would be a good combination. I was planning on going off of it because of forgetting the words; however, I am going to stay on it. It is either minor side effect vs seizures."

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  • During pregnancy
  • Support group
  • Drug class: carbonic anhydrase inhibitor anticonvulsants
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Topiramate drug information
  • Topiramate Extended-Release Sprinkle Capsules
  • Topiramate Tablets
  • Topiramate Extended-Release Capsules
  • Topiramate Sprinkle Capsules

Other brands

Topamax, Trokendi XR, Eprontia, Qudexy XR, Topiragen

Professional resources

  • Topiramate monograph
  • Topiramate (FDA)
  • Topiramate Capsules (FDA)
  • Topiramate ER Capsules (FDA)
  • Topiramate Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Topamax, Trokendi XR, Eprontia, Qudexy XR

Related treatment guides

  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome