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Generic Name: famciclovir

Brand Name: Famvir oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I wrote a review having selected the wrong Reason for Taking. I use Famvir to Supress Recurrent Herpes Simplex Infection but I AM NOT HIV +. I am satisfied with everything I said, but it appears under the wrong heading because of my error.

I take Famvir PRN and often a single 500 mg dose is sufficient IF I act quickly when I note the initial "sting" (almost like a mosquito bite). I keep Famvir in my car, my bathroom, my travel shaving kit and anyplace else I think of to make it immediately available. What I usually do is take one 500 mg dose as soon as I notice the trigger and then another 500 mg dose 6 to 12 hours later. If a blister begins to form, I continue at 500 mg bid until the symptoms subside. In my experience, no more than two doses are needed if I react quickly enough.

Started the drug about 72 hours after outbreak of rash and swelling around my eye. I felt tired and had horrible sinus-type headache for the first two days - use and ice bag! Felt better by day 4 and rash has not spread and swelling has gone down. I did experience some heart palpitations at times and some dizziness, but not enough to make me stop taking it. I am happy that it appears to have stopped the spread of the virus.

started meds within 1 day of diagnosis. Pain left shoulder blade, rib area and left breast. Really helped with pain, itching and numbness. But I am really tired but work 40hrs/wk anyway. Much better after 4 days of treatment but still tired, some nausea and headache. Overall pleased with medication.

Actually got the medication just within the 72-hour window for treatment. I had shingles on my left temple, eyelid, and cheek. The docs were worried about the shingles getting into my eye. Within a week, the pain and itching was basically gone, and the rash had scabbed over and cleared up. I did suffer a constant headache,pretty steady nausea, and felt pretty tired and out of it, but it was worth it to have the shingles clear up so fast!

Starting taking the first day I had red bumps on my rt shoulder blade and pain. By day 3 the pain had lessened and the red bumps were already decreasing. I am currently on day 4 - still getting better but I have a constant headache and strong bouts of nausea from the meds. I will be glad when I'm done with it.

Very easy once I received meds from pharmacy! They had to order them in, took them 1.5 days to get them in so I was 1.5 days behind my treatment. The pain and growth got the jump on me- had them along my right side of neck, shoulder, down to my chest.

Received this medication within 2 days of symptoms. I was diagnosed with Shingles on top of my head traveling down to my left ear. Within two days my symptoms we're minimized. I had issues with taking it without food, so I ate something small each time to lessen the side effects of nausea. Also, I did feel somewhat tired most time and afforded myself 3-4 days to stay home and rest. I did pair my treatment with calamine to avoid itching.

I never get sick. Never get a cold or the flu. But for some reason I break out in at least 6 cold sores a year. I was told by a pharmacist that Lysine is effective in reducing cold sores, & I take lysine everyday. However, even with taking lysine daily for over a year, I still break out in cold sores. But I do feel it helps with pain & duration. The creams never worked for me. I was told about Famvir. It definitely shortens the duration of the cold sore & they're not as painful. So I'm happy with it. I took it for the first time a few months ago & I broke out in a cold sore recently again, so I took it again. If I don't take famvir, the cold sore lasts about 3 weeks, then spreads & I get another one & the process starts again. On famvir a cold sore lasts under a week, & it doesn't spread. So over all I'm happy with Famvir!

I take this for cold sores and it works awesome. If you take this when you feel you might be getting one, it will prevent it from coming out at all. way better than putting cream like zovirax (also great as a cream) or abreva which doesn't work...best ever for cold sores

On second day of using this medication, I started with a wicked headache, and then extreme nausea set in. The side effects are worse than the condition of shingles. I stopped taking this medicine, am uncomfortable, but at least am not debilitated by side effects.

Excellent! Works very quick (noticed within < 1 hour). I waited close to 2 days at one point and the results were unreal in healing. When taken at the first sign 99% chance you will not have any symptoms. If you suffer from cold sores then you won't have to ever again with this drug.

I have been using this medication for over 6yrs. It works faster than anything else I've tried.

As soon as I feel that "cold sore tingle" on my lips, I take 3 tablets immediately. The one dose does the job in stopping or decreasing the severity of the sores. The important thing is for timing of the dose. I have 3 tablets with me at all times!

a rash after finishing this medication normal?

I was into the shingles infection about 5 days when I went to the doctor. It looked just like poison ivy. She prescribed Famvir. The shingles spread like wildfire for the next 3 days. I have two days left of medication and I'm concerned I may need another round. No appetite. Heart palpitations. Tired. Is it the drug or the shingles? Hard to determine.

just started taking it a wk and 1/2 ago for cytomegalovirus.would like to know if anyone else took it and how it worked for them.

Unfortunately infected since 1979, before I had ever heard of the std. Used all the early treatments with very little effect until famvir came along. It works well for me provided I start it at the earliest sign of infection. If not results are the same as if not taking it at all. Overall I'm satisfied with the medication. Have never experienced any side effects.

I have had HSV1 in and around my NOSE and tonsils for over thirty (30) years. Valtrex stopped being effective, so my doctor switched me to Famvir, 250 mg./2xday. I got a headache from it and it did little to stop new outbreaks.