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Generic Name: Lurasidone HCL Tablets for Oral Administration

Brand Name: Latuda

Latuda Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have neither had a good experience or a bad one. I simply do not believe latuda does anything. I'd be better off with a placebo.

If you want your husband to commit suicide have him take latuda

First you all I have Bipolar & Anxiety was on sequoia & Zanax ER for years They had to change my Sequoia to put me on another blood thinner. I didn’t realize that my brain was frogged over the many years that I was on Sequoia. But since I’ve been on Latuda my brain is more alive than it has been for years. I will tell but for me this is a life changer. I’m 62 years old & my husband didn’t know when I would I would go crazy. I really believe n this medicine but I know that when we get to draw Medicare it probably won’t cover it. It’s so freaking SAD what we do to older Americans!!!!!

After trying different antipsychotics to treat Bipolar Disorder and Substance Use Disorder, Latuda (120mg) was the most effective medication I have taken so far. My mood swings are much better, I can focus again and do not need ADHD medication, and my cravings for drugs and alcohol have substantially gone away. I began taking this medication when I was 26 years of age. Today, I am 29 years old, clean and sober, and doing much better because of Latuda.

I am taking this medicine for schizoaffective bipolar type, at first it seemed really bad but once it balanced itself I was very sharp. I was allergic to captyla and Seroquel but this is a related family but not in the same family. You will need to takea stimulant to produce dopamine. Alot of uneducated schizophrenics think just take one antipsychotic and get a horrible doctor. No. No. NO. Get A STIMULANT W/ this medication.

This is the worst medication I’ve ever taken for my condition. I couldn’t function the following day while taking this medication. Not only was I tired, I was lethargic, confused and completely lost. I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone with schizophrenia.

It make me wake up After 4-5 hours and i can t take sleep another time. Severe insomnia. Horrible sensations at legs. Now i take tolep, very better.

I was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder in 2018 and for 2 months we tried many different medications and combinations of medications. It took a lot of trial and error to find what works for me. I know every physical body is different and what works for some won’t for others. Latuda was a game changer for me. I was able to regulate my sleep patterns and my motivation was coming back. My mood swings are definitely under control now. It may not be all the Latuda. I take Latuda, Lamictal, Lexapro, and Wellbutrin. That’s the cocktail that works for me. But I do think the Latuda has made a huge difference for me.

I’ve been taking almost 2 weeks and my suicidal ideation has increased tremendously. Depression a lot worse. No motivation to do anything.

Latuda made me have anxiety, something that I've never had before. It messed with my brain; I couldn't go down staircases without moving like a turtle, fear of heights, lost my sense of thirst and didn't drink enough water, developed akathisia, couldn't do simple math in my head or concentrate, and insomnia. I was put on 2 other meds just to counteract the side effects. I was on it for a year. Did nothing to stop the train of negative thinking. Turned me into a zombie that couldn't react in situations when I needed to. In order to take it, I had to eat 300 calories right before bed (not good if you're watching the weight). I paid $40 out of pocket while my insurance paid the insane cost of $1,400 a bottle.

I took this medication thinking that it would help. It did for a while but then it tailed off and I am no longer taking it because I am afraid of seizures.

Awful tremors. Helped stabilize my mood briefly but every few nights I'd have uncontrollable arm movements and restlessness that kept me awake for hours and hours, sometimes all night (even with the help of an anticholerigenic, benztropine). It's so expensive, too. I wish it didn't have the awful twitching side effects because otherwise it seemed good so far

I was misdiagnosed as bipolar and took Latuda for two years. My therapist suggested I may not need it and she was right. I successfully weaned off it. Trouble is lingering side effects even though it’s been about 4 years since I stopped taking it. Medications are only as good as the prescribing doctor and his/her/their biases. Be careful. You don’t want to end up with lasting side effects which for me include difficulty finding the right word, difficulty remembering things and movement disturbances, none of which I had before taking this drug.

After being on Olanzapine for major anxiety episodes/breaks, I switched to Latuda due to the high cholesterol and weight gain effects from Olanzapine. This drug has been a life saver. It works like Olanzapine, but weight and cholesterol gains went away quickly. It becomes generic in 2023, so hopefully that will address the ridiculous cost. But it's worth it. I feel blessed to have it.

Helped with stabilizing my moods of highs and lows. I'm 120 and 20mg was too high for me. Caused me to be so sleepy. Take 10mg now. Other than that. It works good.

It works pretty well and quick, especially because I just started and I noted very immediate improvement. I have schizoaffective and have been unmedicated for a very long time because of my parents, but now that I am old enough, it's well worth it. Personally, I just feel elevated, but its kind of frustrating because I cannot really express my emotions, except laugh it off.

This medicine is wonderful, but it has nasty side effects. I had a seizure, and I don't think this drug mixes well with other drugs. like my ADHD medicine.

This medication has taken away my schizophrenia and bipolar disorder within an instant. I'm really grateful for this

Too expensive. Even with insurance & the 'savings' card its still over 500 / mnth!!! Love the effectiveness but even if I could stay on it, the maker is obviously making a killing & I wont line his/her pockets.

Well... after being diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, the first med I tried was actually a mood stabilizer, Depakote. When that proved to not be enough, my psychiatric nurse practitioner added Latuda to the mix. For the first few months it worked great! Pulled me out of my depressive slumps, calmed my anxiety and kept me fairly stable. After a while though I began to experience this nasty side effect, and, unfortunately, not one that was listed, but something completely different and weird... a hyperactive gagging reflex. Basically, at seemingly random times (though it did seem worse when I was experiencing excess mucus in my throat) it would suddenly cause me to gag as if I was about to puke, but it wasn't my stomach that was upset, as I didn't feel nauseous, it was my throat muscles themselves. It made it somewhat difficult to eat, drink or even swallow my spit when I was feeling like that. Initially my doc thought it was developing tardive dyskinesia, so she added a med to help with that. Sadly, that medication didn't do anything to stop the gagging! Saw a ENT specialist about it to check my ears, nose, throat and sinuses, and they couldn't find anything wrong! Fast forward a few months and there were some on and off major life changes that were going on in my family and friends group, and my episodes of depression and anxiety returned, albeit slightly less intense, but still enough to disrupt my life. Upping the dosage of the Latuda helped with that, but I was still experiencing that frustrating and awful gagging reflex trigger! Finally, after moving to another state and due to insurance issues and such, I wasn't able to cover the cost of the Latuda, so I had to quit it cold turkey. WORST MISTAKE EVER! At first it was fine, nothing seemed to happen, but after a few weeks, my mood episodes started getting worse and worse. I started experiencing a weird "Self-aware Paranoia" in which I would be unable to trust most of my friends or family, and felt like they were all against me to ruin a facet of my life or other relationships in my life, DESPITE knowing in the back of my mind that that was ridiculous.... I couldn't stop the feelings and acted on them accordingly. This was in the midst of terrible mixed episodes with erratic sleep, bad hygiene, irritability and rage (which I'd never had issues with before), worsened anxiety, and other nasty symptoms.... The only good thing about cutting the med out of my life was the fact that THE GAG REFLEX IS GONE NOW! I can eat, drink and swallow just fine, nothing feels like it'll come back up, and physically I'm back to normal. My doc agreed that was prolly a weird, very rare side effect. Since then my family moved back to the state I was originally from, so I'm able to see the nurse practitioner who originally prescribed me Latuda and we both agreed to try another medication instead. So, overall, medication is a very selective, and individual experience. For some, I know Latuda works wonders, for others, they've had even worse outcomes than I did. All I can say is, give it a try, but do be warned that having side effects that AREN'T listed is a real possibility.