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Generic Name: Macitentan Tablets

Brand Name: Opsumit

Opsumit Drug and Medication User Reviews

My mother is on 8 liters oxygen with pulmonary hypertension. Today, she did an echo and her pulmonary hypertension is completely gone! Side effects, low hemoglobin, blood transfusion (once). It doesn't magically make your copd go away, but has helped her tremendously.

it has worked for me with 40mg of adcirca once daily. i take at nite. seems symptoms are returning & i cant breathe thru my nose for 2 months no sinus infection. possibly side effect??

I discontinued opsumit after less than a week due to an increased difficulty breathing, rapid pulse, chest pain, irregular heartbeat and a decrease in blood pressure. I'm not sure why my dr prescribed this medication to me since all accomplished was making me feel worse which was about the last thing I need.

It has done absolutely nothing to help my breathing.

I wrote a review on Opsumit in Feb of 2015 on this website at which time I had been on it a few months, now I have been on Opsumit 3 years. I feel worse than ever. Pulmonologist states my PAH has NOT gotten worse since diagnosed in 2011 yet I am bed ridden with chest pain, severe dizziness, nausea and horrible headaches. I am in the process of testing(sleep study, echocardiogram)im order for him to change me back to Tracleer and give that drug another shot. At least on Tracleer I could walk a little. I feel my best each evening about 2 hours before taking my daily dose of Opsumit and then go downhill after I take it...leading me to believe this medicine 3 doctors in Phoenix AZ rave about is making me sicker. I DO NOT recommend this medicine although everyone's body is different so what doesn't work for some might be a blessing for another. I wish you all well on this journey with PAH...I sure know how rough it can be especially being alone with no living family.

I have CHF and pulmonary hyper tension and right heart failer, I am 47 . opsumit seems to male me unable to take walks with having to take many breaks

I started Opsumit on 1st of April, 2016. I developed intense pressure on my eyes, between my ears and get exhausted climbing couple of stirs. I went for my annual CT an Echo on the 5th of May, 2016 only to discover fluid in my lungs. I got a call from the specialty pharmacy to refill and I shared the result of my CT and I was directed to talk to the pharmacist who asked me to discontinue the medication immediately. I will call and share this with doctor. Please investigate your fatigue and exhaustion if you are taking this drug.

was surprised to read other reviews but i am sofar very pleased with this medication over all activity and breathing much much better am also on Adcirca(1yr) i've only been on Opsumit for 4mo. but this combo is working for me for the first time in 2yrs i feel great

I was diagnosed with PAH in 2011. I was on Tracleer but felt dizzy 100% of the time. I was put on Opsumit 4 months ago and feel worse than ever. Dizzy, dull chest pain, weak, tired, depressed more than on tracleer and sick to my stomach all the time.

Was on bosentan (Tracleer) and doing well, switched to Opsumit and went downhill. Extremely fatigued, short of breath, no energy. Switched back to Tracleer and feeling much better. Do not recommend this medication.

I was only on this dug for a month. I quit taking it as it made my breathing worse. I also had a cough and was tired. I have scleroderma and that is the cause of my PAH.