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Generic Name: Mefenamic Acid Capsules

Brand Name: Mefenamic Acid

Mefenamic Acid Drug and Medication User Reviews

I'm in my late 30s, and while I Identify as trans - I haven't been on hormones yet (testosterone) - Because my lack thereof of sexual history they are uneasy about giving me an IUD- So far in the last half hour since taking it - the first time ever maybe the pain isn't all gone, - i'm having a tiny bit of asthma kick back (as you do with advil lol) - but overall? If it takes away enough pain that I don't have to consider hiding under a blanket for a week - something's doing good. Tylenol AND Advil weren't cutting it anymore.

I used to get very sick on the first day of my period: severe abdominal cramps, severe pelvic pain, vomiting, hands and feet would tingle then go numb, I'd be pale and shakey. Nothing you could buy over the counter would make it tolerable. This drug was a life saver. Works wonders. I take 500mg as per my doctor just before I know I'm about to get my period and I have no pain and as an added bonus the flow is greatly decreased. It's amazing. Covered by my health insurance here in Canada too.

I was given this medication for my moderate to severe period pains. I took it for multiple cycles, every 6 hours for my whole period. During that I also took Tylenol every four hours and my pain still had me in crippling pain. I'm not sure if my pain is more severe or not right for the medication but it did not help.

This is by far the best treatment for menstrual cramps, and I am surprised that this medicine is not an over the counter drug here in USA!!

A friend told me about this product and that it worked well for his back pain. I've had a bout of sciatica now for about two weeks, with continuing use of pain killers that gave me some relief. But this medication brings me complete relief. I haven't noticed any side effects.

I started taking this a few years ago when I had very heavy periods and was amazed at the result. With only one 250mg pill my period stopped for around 24 hours. It was a delight. A little less effective now but I usually only take on average 3/4 pills throughout my period as it has such good effect. A wonder drug!! And no side effects that I have noticed. I only wish I had discovered it at an earlier age. I used to think it was normal to suffer so much with periods and I didn't complain to the doctor until the stage where I needed an operation! I wish women were educated more regarding periods...

I suffer from the pain to the point where it wakes me up from sleeping so when i take the first dose it takes an hour or so to take effect whereas the second dose takes 10 or so minutes

Why is this drug mefenanic given to woman who are trying to conceive & why do some doctors give it out so easily ??

Was prescribed to me for moderate to severe menstrual pain with no other complicating issues. Have tried it for 4 cycles now and it is absolutely useless for menstrual pain. I do better with naproxen.

I Use these for heavy periods.They work great.You have to start them at the first sign of menstruation. As for pain,they do not help.They also do not shorten your cycle,but it does slow it down dramatically.

My mother ended up with severe diarrhea that caused her death due to dehydration

This medication caused no side effects during my treatment and did exactly what it was prescribed to do. I was VERY satisfied with the results.

Every month, for 3-5 days during my period, I was vomiting; it was like I had the stomach flu. Talk about unpleasant and annoying. Then my mom told me about a medication she had used for the same symptoms...Ponstel. She recommended beginning to take it the week before I expected my period and continuing through my period. Many times I don't take it until my symptoms start, but what a difference it makes. It is the ONLY thing that works. I've tried OTC's and other remedies and none of them worked. Ponstel works wonders! The only problem I've run into is that it is very expensive and because it is an older drug, many insurance companies are ceasing to cover it; many have added it to their exclusion list or "tier 3" list (as many of them now call it) leaving the patient to pay a minimum of $50 per fill of the prescription. Other than that, it's great. I've been taking it now for 14 years.

I was precribed this medication in order to help with the pain I experienced from Endometriois. After my first dosage I encountered sharp pains. I would like to thank Web Md for what they do. The first side effect that was listed on WMD was sharp pains. I would have never known that if it wasn't for Web MD. Thanks

i've been takin mefenamic acid tablets for about 18months for severe period pain. these work fantastic for me when nothing else seemed to. i've had no side affects from taking these. would strongly recomend...

After years of severe back pain, and some abdomenal pain, during the 1st 3 days of my period, that nothing, including other NSAIDS could even dent, I began taking ponstel only as needed. It has brought me back to being a person that can actually function during those 1st days of pain. I have been recently prescribed Spironolacto for hormonal acne and am concerned about possible interactions, even though I informed my Dermatologist that I was on Ponstel for a few days ea mo.