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Generic Name: Meloxicam Capsules

Brand Name: Vivlodex

Vivlodex Drug and Medication User Reviews

It takes about 2-3 hours to really take effect, but then it is very effective compared to aleve or ibuprofen. Since I have been taking it, my joint pain has subsided to the point that I need only meloxicam 2-3 times a week.

Ive been taking this drug for almost a week

Great relief from pain and stiffness. Have had no stomach issues taking this medicine.

This is the first time in over 10 years that I have been pain free and have increased movement. I have used Alleve (600mg/day)and former use of Hydrocodone and oxycotin, but have never been pain free - only drugged. The only side effect is the nausea after taking Vivlodex so I take it with food, a full glass of water and then eat a hard candy or peppermint to alleviate the stomach upset. I feel like a 28 year old and am actually 56!