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Generic Name: Zelnorm (tegaserod)

Zelnorm Reviews

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation "I used Zelnorm before it was taken off the market and love it. I’m taking it again now it’s back and it isn’t working for me. Anyone else having the same problem? Is there something missing now that was there before? Why doesn't Zelnorm work like it used to? "

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation "This was the best only medication that ever worked for IBS-C for me. I was diagnosed in the late 90’s and this medication was a miracle in the mid 2000’s. It’s the only time I had no pain, no bloating, no problems, didn’t have to worry about IBS symptoms. Now, it’s the only thing I can ever think about, because it’s a constant problem. I never felt better than when Zelnorm “fixed” my gut. Seriously, they need to BRING BACK ZELNORM. For the sake of everyone here!"

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation "This medicine Zelnorm works wonders. I’m a 22 year old female that has IBS with constipation for about five years. I’ve tried every single constipation medicine out there. All made me feel horrible. They finally brought this back on the market and I am regular everyday now. Saved my life"

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation "This is the ONLY medicine that worked for me! I have tried everything else and nothing works! I will bet if it was for erectile dysfunction it would still be on the market! You don't see Viagra black boxed which causes cardiovascular problems and more than likely this is because Zelnorm helped a more predominant female health problem! "

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation "Without a doubt, This Zelnorm the best med ever for IBS w/ constipation. It is a reliable, comfortable drug for this problem. I went to the pharmacy today for this prescription- it was insanely expensive- I have to reconsider because of the price - what a shame."

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation "Zelnorm was amazing for my IBS-C. Took away the bloating and worked well for my constipation. Helped me lose weight. Currently on Linzess and I’m feeling horrible. Weight gain!! Back pain, tired, feeling weak from bowel movements coming out like water. Stomach is extremely bloated, making gurgling noises. Living in the bathroom instead of getting to spend time with my family. Soon as I do eat, right to bathroom it is. Praying they bring back Zelnorm so I can enjoy my life again, as well as feeing better."

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation "I also took Zelnorm before they took this off the market in 2012 and it was the best thing ever. I have been back on it almost three weeks now. It worked great the first week maybe, and now it’s not doing anything. It’s a new manufacturer. I wonder if it is not the same exact ingredients. I will continue to take it for awhile longer and hope it starts to work again."

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation "This was a MIRACLE drug for me when I took it years ago. I have had IBS-C my whole life and when this was pulled from the market I cried. Not only did it help with constipation but it made my entire stomach feel great. No bloating, nausea, excessive diarrhea or sluggish feeling the rest of the day. When it was pulled, I was started on Amitiza which didn't work at all. Now on Linzess and take it at 7 a .m. I can't leave the house until 1:00 p.m. because of excessive diarrhea. My stomach bloats, I feel sluggish and fatigued. I was ecstatic when learning Zelnorm was back on the market and immediately called my gastroenterologist. He sent in script for it and I found out insurance won't cover it and it's $400+ for 30 day supply. Pharmacist suggested I apply for patient assistance program and I tried but keep getting "error " when following the link on pharmaceutical website. Frustrated!"

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation "I have suffered from IBS for several years now, and it is ruining my life. I have tried countless medicines to treat the symptoms, tried diet modifications, everything imaginable. I'm only 22 years old and it breaks my heart to know that my quality of life is so affected by this, and that there IS a cure for me, ZELNORM...but I can't have it! The 1/2 year that I was on Zelnorm was the best year of my life. I had energy, felt good enough to get out of the house and participate in life. There is nothing that works like Zelnorm and I wish someone could bring it back, or at least give all of us sufferers some answers. Walk a mile in our shoes."

For Constipation, Chronic "If I could have one wish I would wish this medication back on market. Zelnorm helped my condition as no other medication had or as of now. Nothing I do will replace the relief of Zelnorm for my personal condition. PLEASE bring Zelnorm back on the market."

For Constipation, Chronic "I used Zelnorm and it was the best thing for my constipation. I hate that they took it off the market. Nothing works as good as Zelnorm. Now, I deal with the pain, cramps being bedridden for half a day due to constipation. I wish they would bring it back."

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation "I took Zelnorm for Irritable Bowel Syndrome for about 2-1/2yrs. From the first dose my abdominal distention, bloating and pain disapeared by morning. It was a miracle drug. When I didn't take it my quality of life was non-existent. I tried many medicines over the years, none helped. Just had to "wait out" the severe pain and bloating. Feel Zelnorm should be available for those individuals not at risk for cardiovascular problems. Unfortunately there isn't anything else that works in the same way."

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation "I took took Zelnorm the first time around and it was a great drug, then it was taken off the market. Now I am taking it again and I do not think it is the same Zelnorm. It worked the first week or so then quit."

For Constipation, Chronic "I have suffered with Crohns disease, IBS, and gastroparesis for years. I know I'm coming late in the game to any discussions, but this is due to my frustrations. When I was taking Zelnorm I could actually live a normal life, with normal bathroom habits. Since this drug has been pulled from the market I have suffered through trial after trial of replacement therapies, none of which have helped. My only hope now is an emergency IND to get Zelnorm.... unless it is available elsewhere. I am even willing to travel outside the country to get back to Zelnorm."

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation "I too suffer from severe constipation and have for years. I am in my thirties and this is the only drug that has helped. I felt so much better when I took Zelnorm. I had more energy, it cleaned me out, mood swings were less, and the bloating, pressure and gas was next to nothing. My quality of life was amazing while taking the medicine. However, I did have to plan when I took Zelnorm. I had to make sure I had a day off from everything before I could take it because within 1-2 hours of taking the pill, I would make many trips to the bathroom for 1-3 hours. Then I would get extremely tired. After a short nap, I felt like myself again. I would only have to take 1 zelnorm two to three times a month. It seemed to have regulated me for the most part. Then the letter came in the mail discussing the withdrawal of the medicine. I then stopped taking Zelnorm for a while. Until my constipation symptoms became worse, I took Zelnorm out of desperation for relief. I now only take it in emergencies when I can not find relief. "

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation "I am 53 years old. I have had serious problems with the constipation due to irritable bowel syndrome, for years. I was only able to take Zelnorm for two months before it was removed from the market, but they were the best two months of my later adult years. No pain, easy bowel movements, loss of doughy feeling in my abdomen, less tired, and more symptoms were gone with Zelnorm. If you can't bring it back, please find an alternative that works as well. PLEASE!"

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation "I suffer from IBS which is a chronic condition for constipation bloated discomfort , when my doctor introduced me to Zelnorm that was the best medication, because I tried so many medications and it did not help I was losing weight energetic happy, please put zelnorm back on the market this saved a lot of lives I didn't have any side effects from medication I was healthy"

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation "I am in the same boat. After years of suffering, I reluctantly started Zelnorm. I was on it for just a few months before it was taken off the market. Since then, it has been a constant struggle and NO other medicine or alternative source seems to help. I would like to take it despite the risks and really wish there was another option that worked as well."

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation "I miss this drug more than words can describe. I was on it for about 3 years, and for those years, I was completely "normal." When I was told that this drug was going to be taken off the market, I was very confused. I was also very confused about the claims that were made, and are still made about this drug. I'm a man, and this drug was the best thing to happen for my condition. I also wasn't the only man on this drug either. Almost everyone who has severe IBS, male or female, that took this drug felt extreme relief with little to no side effects. Now this drug isn't even being considered to come back, let alone for males. What really happened to this drug?"

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation "I've suffered from severe abdominal pain and constipation since I hit puberty. I was in such pain that I would pass out from it. After a week of taking Zelnorm I felt completely better and I didn't pass out once from pain while I was on it. It was what got me through 2 years of high school, when before I was constantly hospitalized from it and couldn't attend school. I was taken off of it because my doctor was worried about the side effects and the pain and other problems came back, just not as aggressively. I learned to deal with it, to ignore it and the pain slowly went away. I recently had an attack for the first time in 4 years, that was extremely severe and I passed out. I don't want to spend another year in and out of the hospital..."

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation "My stomach was not bloated and my intestinal tract was functioning as it never has before-I felt more alert, less tired and sluggish and even lost some weight. I am very upset that this was taken off the market."

For Constipation, Chronic "My husband has chronic constipation. And has very bad cramping. He takes a stool softener and takes 2 different prescription laxatives. Which he says is really no help. He also can't take any type pain medicines since they cause constipation. The doc put him on Zelnorm. He says it was a miracle ...right off it stopped the constant pain in left side. Then started to have normal pain free bowel movements. He said he hasn't felt so good. And was heartbroken when they recalled it. He said he would like to continue Eben though its got side effects but they won't let him. So Zelmorm does work and well enough to want to take keep taking even at his own risk. He says would be worth it."

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation "For me, there is no side effects. I took this medicine twice in a month. Saturday at 6:00 am, 6:30 full glass of water. 8:00am @bathroom stops 930am The third time I tried to used it does not work. I like the medicine. In Puerto Rico is not for sale anymore."

For Constipation, Chronic "I wish they had not pulled this drug from the market. It was the only medicine that actually worked and worked well with no side effects. I have since tried Amitiza for my constipation and it made me so nauseous and sick I had to discontinue use. I'm miserable now without my Zelnorm."

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation "OMG I am so thankful that Zelnorm is back for people that have gone through terrible constipation as I have. At first I did not think it was going to work, then the next day I took miralax and a zelnorm anthey work well together."

More about Zelnorm (tegaserod)

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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: serotoninergic neuroenteric modulators
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Zelnorm drug information

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  • Zelnorm prescribing information

Related treatment guides

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation