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Generic Name: Esgic-Plus (acetaminophen-butalbital-caffeine)

Esgic-Plus Reviews

For Headache "I got this prescribed by the ER after dealing with severe migraines. Took it for the first time today after trying everything else and no relief in sight, within 30 minutes my headache was gone, I did notice a slight lightheaded feeling in the beginning but it soon passed and I finished out the rest of my day at work like normal. I'm definitely a fan!"

For Headache "I've tried many medications over the years to control severe tension headaches and this combination in Esgic is the only one I can trust. Headache sufferers know the agony of just doing normal tasks and being the best you can be at work, at meetings, with colleagues, family and friends. I am conservative in my approach, but when I must reach for the Esgic, I can function normally and pain free 9 out of 10 times."

For Headache "Got this medicine in the ER due to normal migraine medicines not working. Started off taking 2 and would knock it right out and put me to sleep. My tolerance has built up to it and I now take 7. If you have to take this medicine more than 3x a week consider a more drastic cure."

For Headache "I have used this medicine to manage my hybrid tension/migraine headaches for almost 10 years. I think it works well. I strongly suggest monitoring your consumption of alcohol due to the Acetaminophen content. It is my opinion that you should not drink for 2 days after using this medication for a headache. I have built up a slight tolerance and for severe headaches now have to take 2 pills. If I catch it early enough though, one will do the trick. I always carry this in my handbag for that reason."

For Headache "I was terrified when Midrin was discontinued. This was the medicine that replaced it, and I hoped it did just as well as Midrin did at knocking down the headaches. It did! I am terribly sensitive to caffeine, but the amount in this didn't cause a reaction in me. I didn't notice much of any side effects other than a little fluffy-headedness. Normally my migraines last a few days, and in the course of a headache episode I could take 30 or more Tylenol. I usually take one Esgic as soon as my headache starts and that's the end. One pill and hardly any discomfort, compared to 30 or more Tylenol that barely mask the pain."

For Headache "Esgig plus is the only migraine medication that that relieves my migraine without any side effects. The majority of my headaches are tension. If I get a headache from lack of sleep, chocolate or wine, it will substantially relieve it enough to continue on with my day. I don't leave home without it!"

For Headache "I have tried this medication on four different occasions as a replacement for Midrin. It doesn't seem to touch my headache and provides no other benefits. The first three times I took it, I felt hung over the next day, though that may have been from the migraine. "

For Headache "I think Esgic-Plus is a life saver. I get bad headaches, and thanks to this pill, it is gone in minutes."

For Headache "Taking Esgic on and off over 15 years ....works very quickly."

For Headache "This medicine is wonderful! I had the worse headache I had ever had and this medicine knocked it right out. 2 of the pills made me very sleepy but no headache!"

For Headache "I had a migraine for over 2 weeks and tried everything. My doctor gave me this yesterday. Awesome, headache gone!"

For Headache "Bulging disc in my neck flares up once a month or so hurting so bad even my eyes and ears hurt. Esgic Plus locks the pain out without knocking me out."

More about Esgic-Plus (acetaminophen / butalbital / caffeine)

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  • Reviews (12)
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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: analgesic combinations

Patient resources

  • Esgic-Plus advanced reading

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  • Esgic-Plus prescribing information

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Related treatment guides

  • Headache