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Generic Name: urofollitropin (FSH)

Brand Name: Bravelle injection

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I am 32 and TTC for 2.5 years with unexplained infertility. I am extremely receptive to Bravelle and it does what it's supposed to. After using 3-4 days I started developing mild side effects of nausea, headache, and periodic dizziness. Nothing debilitaing, just annoying and slightly uncomfortable. I'm undergoing my first ER for IVF this week so my fingers are crossed! The shots are easy to give, with a slight stinging as you inject the medicine. The stinging goes away within 10 minutes. Inserting the needle does not hurt. Needle size is slightly larger than a diabetic needle.

well, im the one that commented b4 and told you i would let you all know if i became preg. well, it did make me ovulate, and i think this was the first time in a long time that that has happened. but, im sad to say that it didnt end up in a pregnancy. wish me luck for next time!!!

well, its me again, i was the one who wrote 2 comments ago about getting ready to start the injections. well i did, and it worked in makeing me ovulate, in a week well see if it worked in getting preg. please continue to pray for me, and i will let you all know in a week or so!!

I used this medication in the conception of my now 2 year old. I had no side effects and got pregnant on my 2nd round. I have PCOS and my uterus does not automatically reline itself so I need a med. to help along with that as well. Great stuff!! I will be beginning the med. again in 2 more days :)

I don't mind giving myself, injections, so the ease of use for me was ok. I did three rounds of IUI with this drug and never got pregnant. I took this drug and letrozole during the IUI protocol. I experienced loss of appetite and my ovaries became enlarged, making it uncomfortable to sit for more than an hour or two at a time. The drug did do what it was suppose to...increase the number of mature follicles (up to 4 in a cycle), but there's very little satisfaction in sticking yourself with needles 5-7 times in a cycle and not ending up pregnant.

I used bravelle for about two weeks. I think I started on day seven of my cycle and then ended two weeks later and then was pregnant before the start of my period!!! With TWINS!!! They are almost one year old now and if needing to do fertility again I would use this again!

I took Bravelle for my first IUI and got pregnant in the same cycle. No sideeffects ! And instant success :)

This was initally prescribed for me due to unknown infertility issues and I was pregnant within 8 months. Result a healthy baby. 3 Years later I was prescribed another medication I did not like as well and requested Bravelle, this time I was pregnant within 3 months. This was a good drug for me no side effects at all.