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Generic Name: Diclofenac for Back Pain (diclofenac)

Diclofenac for Back Pain Reviews

Voltaren (diclofenac) "I’ve had a herniated disc (L1-L2) that has not healed in 8 months. I’ve tried chiropractic, two epidural steroid shots, and physical therapy. Now that I’m taking Voltaren daily, I have much less pain and inflammation, more range of motion, and get so much more out of my physical therapy sessions. I finally feel like I am getting my life back."

Voltaren (diclofenac) "My back was in pain and I was bent over and couldn't stand up straight. The pain was bad, and I have taken strong pain meds for years. I started taking Voltaren 75mg. The next day I was 75% better. The following day my back pain was 100% better, so I am very pleased that the Voltaren tablets worked."

Voltaren (diclofenac) "I've had severe, unrelenting L4-5 radiating pain, searing sciatica, and overall spine fatigue. I am only 56 years old and have a normal BMI, so I'm not sure why I've even got so many spine issues that are unrelieved by therapy or posture improvement. That aside, my doctor prescribed me Voltaren pills, and honestly, the side effects were scary. Then I saw a gel available. I turned around, went back to my doctor's room, and asked about the gel, his nurse said she had a sample and a $5 off coupon. I've used the gel for 2 days, and I already feel noticeably less pain. I'm a little concerned that all the American articles say to not use it on your back, but Australian and New Zealand articles seem to use the Emulgel Voltaren, which looks to be about the same thing to me. Mine has 1% active ingredient, and I think the Emulgel does too. I will ask my doctor when I see him in a month. But so far, I would say it is definitely a noticeable difference even after one day. Of course, if I develop a side effect, I will update this review."

Cataflam (diclofenac) "I've had chronic lower back pain for over two years (herniated disk). I can't say for sure what has relieved my pain, but ever since taking diclofenac, my pain almost immediately has gone from being almost completely debilitated, to being able to function physically at the level I was at when pain started. Still have pain and not 100%, but my quality of life is back and I feel much more fluid and agile. For almost six months, I could hardly get out of bed, let alone tie my shoes."

Voltaren (diclofenac) "I have arthritis in my lower back. Physical therapy helped my pain, but not completely. The addition of Voltaren use has brought me tremendous additional back pain relief. My pain level is the lowest it’s been in 20 years. I am so thankful that this product exists!!!"

"I am a 49-year-old woman with cervical stenosis/myelopathy due to impingement from disc degeneration and bone spurs. Also, severe pain from cervical radiculopathy down my right arm. During a terrible flare-up six weeks ago with unbearable pain, I began taking 50 mg diclofenac three times a day plus paracetamol (acetaminophen), with diazepam and codeine at night when the spasms were bad. Over time, I've achieved pain relief from the diclofenac and have been able to drop the paracetamol, diazepam, and codeine. The pain isn't gone completely, but I can work, sleep, etc. Anytime I forget to take it, or try stepping down to ibuprofen instead, the pain comes back viciously within hours! So I know it's doing its job. I've had minimal side effects (some constipation). You do need to take it with meals. I understand it's not intended for long-term use, but hoping it will see me through to surgery next year. I'm very grateful for it!"

Voltaren (diclofenac) "I was prescribed this medicine for lower back pain from an accident. It kicks in quickly and lasts all day. When I take it, the pain completely goes away. It does make you sleepy, but it's worth it. I did not experience any stomach issues."

Voltaren (diclofenac) "I was taking Celebrex 200mg a day to stop the pain in my lower back. This, after spending over $2000 on medical bills and an epidural on advice from a spine doctor. My racquetball buddy, a heart doctor, said Voltaren is better and prescribed a 50mg dose. It is a wonder medicine if you can take it. Voltaren has given me my life back."

Voltaren (diclofenac) "Personally, it's the best gel I have used to warm up my back muscles, making the muscles feel like I've stretched for 15 - 20 minutes. Don't expect miracles. You should not be expecting this gel to completely alleviate back pain. It's not supposed to do that. It's supposed to get your muscles to a place where you can do other things more easily to attain painlessness via a combined effort. For a lot of back pain, if you use the gel in conjunction with consistent stretching (twice daily) whilst consuming the correct diet and being active enough to lower your body weight, you will be in a much better place in no time - so be encouraged! The gel really helps you do the things you need to do physically to get to that place."

Voltaren (diclofenac) "I have bulging and degenerative discs from my cervical all the way down to my lumbar. I would have it rubbed on my back on days when I couldn't get out of bed or stand up. The cream, along with my meds, would put me to sleep and then allow me to get up pain-free. It's really great after a long day."

Voltaren (diclofenac) "My Voltaren is destined for the trashcan. I used the product several times for moderate back pain over a one year period. Did absolutely nothing for me. It's a pricey product, not covered by my insurance, and proved ineffective. I switched back to the cheaper products on the market which are much more effective."

Zipsor (diclofenac) "It works great. I'm 37 and have had back pain for about 15 years now. I have tried several things over the years, and nothing worked for more than a week or two. I didn't realize how well Zipsor worked until I went on vacation for a week and forgot to take it. I was in pain all week long. When I got home, I started taking it again and I feel better than I have in 15 years."

Cataflam (diclofenac) "Pulled a heavy object, I think did something to my lower back. It was so painful. I can't stand, walk or sleep properly. I had some Cataflam from his dental work. Tried to eat 2 initially since I read in this web that it will provide better relief in some patients. Boy, it was working just under 24 hours since I took Cataflam, by lower back pain was gone probably around 70%. After that I took 2 Cataflams a day (1 Cataflam per 12 hours). After 2 days I almost feel no pain, just still a little bit discomfort around lower back. The third day I stopped the medications since I no longer feel pain. What a wonderful medicine for my lower back pain."

"I have degenerative disc disease and foraminal stenosis and am in chronic pain. I've tried all sorts of pain relievers from the weakest all the way up to fentanyl. The other day I was in incredible pain and someone gave me a 75 mg diclofenac. I researched it and reviews were very positive, so I tried it. Amazingly, it worked great and very fast."

"Wow. After struggling with injections, painkillers, muscle relaxants, physical therapy, chiropractic, and acupuncture... 50 mg diclofenac 1 to 3 times a day for 1 week took out the stiffness and pain in my back completely. Almost equally as good as steroid injections. I have lower facet joint syndrome, spondylolysis, and some sciatica. I really wish it had a better side effect profile, particularly on the arterial changes it can make, increasing the risk for heart attack and stroke!!! I've taken 1000 mg of naproxen for weeks with no noticeable difference, though it's safer side effect-wise. I plan on using the quick release and/or the time release diclofenac to calm down intense flare-ups without staying on it for long periods of time. It's too bad, the pain relief is better than Percocet, which you have to be a criminal to get anymore!!! If only it were safer to take.....!??"

Voltaren (diclofenac) "I have severe sciatic pain, and the spine doctor prescribed this for me. It worked for a while, and after a week, my pain started going up. I switched to OTC ibuprofen, and it worked better. So, I guess it depends on person to person."

Voltaren (diclofenac) "I just started getting terrible back pain. Went to the doc and realized that I have arthritis. She prescribed Voltaren and the pain went away immediately. My whole body felt so much better. I have not felt any side effects. It’s a great drug."

"This medicine really helped my back pain, but led to a whole other problem. My stomach was damaged, and I had to get a tube down my throat to check my esophagus. Now I can't take any anti-inflammatory medicines as a result. If you start getting a sore belly or heartburn, stop taking it and ask the doctor for another type of painkiller."

Voltaren (diclofenac) "I went through cortisone injections and got relief which lasted about 5 months after which I received an ablation procedure which did nothing. It was not worth the discomfort of the procedure. I then tried Voltaren, even though it was not approved (yet) for back pain. I am 81yrs old and with age came spinal disk changes and arthritis which for the most part is unavoidable. I swear by this product. It has alleviated 95% of my pain with the application just 1x per day. I also use a heat pad for 20-30 minutes following the application waiting 1 hour after the application. Kudos to the science."

Voltaren (diclofenac) "Used 75 mg Voltaren twice a day as maintenance for pain. The problem with pain sleeping was created by deterioration of fitness because of side effects from chemotherapy treatment for invasive breast cancer."

Zipsor (diclofenac) "I have sciatica in my leg, was in very bad pain for over a week. Finally, the doctor gave me Zipsor and steroid, and after 2 days, I am feeling so much better! Hardly any pain in my leg. I thought I was never getting better! Thanks, Zipsor!"

Zipsor (diclofenac) "I am a longtime sufferer of sciatica. I have taken as much as 3600 mg of ibuprofen with only minor relief. My PCP gave me some samples on Tuesday. I took 1 Zipsor before flying from Albuquerque to Houston and had relief within the hour and for 3 full days afterward. I had no side effects."

Zipsor (diclofenac) "Because of an auto accident a year ago, I had a partial separation of my right sacroiliac joint. I've taken Advil, Celebrex, and Mobic, along with steroid injections, and received little or no pain relief. Zipsor is the only medication I've taken that has reduced the inflammation long enough for the joint to begin to heal, thus giving my pain relief."

Zipsor (diclofenac) "My doctor prescribed it for me as a follow-up from the epidural injection I had two days ago. My pain is considerably better, but I am guessing/hoping from the procedure, not from the Zipsor. I am having terrible stomach problems that are outweighing what I am guessing the pain relief to be. Going to discontinue as a result. If lower back pain level rises, I may go back to it and bear the stomach discomfort."

Cataflam (diclofenac) "I had a surgery in my spine 10 years ago (herniated disc L5) and around 2 months ago my back start bothering again, after 2 days taking it my pain was gone , walking again and sleeping well, I highly recommend this marvelous medication."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Diclofenac drug information
  • Diclofenac (Intravenous) (Advanced Reading)
  • Diclofenac (Oral) (Advanced Reading)
  • Diclofenac Delayed-Release Tablets
  • Diclofenac Extended-Release Tablets

Other brands

Voltaren, Cataflam, Cambia, Voltaren-XR, ... +4 more

Professional resources

  • Diclofenac (Systemic, Local) monograph
  • Diclofenac (FDA)
  • Diclofenac Capsule (FDA)
  • Diclofenac Delayed Release Tablets (FDA)
  • Diclofenac Extended Release Tablets 100mg (FDA)

Other brands

Voltaren, Cataflam, Cambia, Voltaren-XR, ... +3 more

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  • Back Pain
  • Chronic Pain
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