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Generic Name: calcitonin (salmon)

Brand Name: FORTICAL nasal

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have been using Fortical for almost four years. Two years ago when I had a bone scan, the results were no improvement nor a worsend condition. I just had a bone scan this week and my bones have gotten worse. My doctor wants me to take another drug. Other than that, I liked the ease of this drug and didn't have any side effects.

I was diagnosed with osteoporosis at age 35. I had a wonderful Dr. who suggested taking a bone-density scan after I had a foot stress fracture (marathon training) and sporadic periods. Took Fosamax a few years until my GI Dr. said it was affecting my esophagus due to my GERD - acid reflux. Was put on Fortical spray. Now in osteopenia range. Works great. No side effects. I also take calcium supplements and walk alot daily. Tried Boniva one month and had terrible side effects of chest and jaw pain.

I used Fortical for almost 1 year. started getting nasal sores soon after starting. Had to keep stopping so they could heal. They stopped healing so I discontinued. Now, almost 1 year later I still get the sores.

It appears that my bone density results are better after 2 years of using this drug. I had been told I had osteopenia befoere starting use and after 2 years I was told I do not hase osteopenia

Easy to use; some minor nose irritation.

I have been taking this medication for 3 years.I also take another medication for bone health. I have never had a fracture of any kind. I am 81 years old!

After 3 months using this drug, I have severe jaw pain. I used this drug instead of the other bone drugs because jaw necrosis was not listed as a side effect. What is going on?

Precribed for bone loss prior to menopause. It will grow back! After 24 months and 1200mg of calcium daily, 50% of bone loss grew back. Another generic brand, calcitonin spray; the sprayer jams after only 2 weeks of usage.

I took Fortical 4 times and now experience burning when going to the bathroom. I have quit taking the drug.

I have taken Fortical for nearly two years. After the lst year of treatment, I had a bone density test which showed more deterioration in spine and very minor change in other areas. I was switched to a generic (thanks, drug insurance plan) earlier this year--Calcitonin-Salmon. Don't know what effect this change to the generic will have. I am not due for another bone density test until next year. My doctor suggested Reclast, but I have read so many viewers' comments that indicate very severe reactions and pain after getting Reclast that I am reluctant to try it--also the cost is prohibitive.

The combination of doing weight bearing exercises religiously 2-3 times a week, taking at least 1400 mg of calcium that my body absorbed (your body may not absorb all calcium products), and using Fortical reversed bone my loss from osteopenia to normal, as measured by bonescans. Fortical and calcium were not enough.

prescribed after a fracture/compression of a thoracic vetrabra in a 48 y/o female post accident

I have just started using this medication a few days ago. I notice runny nose, and some crusting, other than that everything seems to be going as of a weeks use.