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Generic Name: Citalopram for Depression (citalopram)

Citalopram for Depression Reviews

Celexa (citalopram) "I was suffering severe depression when my child was diagnosed with cancer. I am in my early 50s. I lost 25 pounds in a matter of weeks. I went to the doctor because I was in a constant state of trying not to cry. I have taken Celexa for a month, and I feel normal. I realize now that I have been suffering from at least mild depression and anxiety for years. I don’t remember feeling normal like this ever. I believe I would have been a much better husband and father all these years if I would have dealt with this earlier. It’s like the first time when I wore prescription lenses. I didn’t realize how bad my vision was until I could see clearly. I feel the same about what Celexa has done for my mood. My range of emotions are narrow and smoother rather than the wide range and spiking (or plummeting) emotions. P.S. child’s cancer (following radiation and chemotherapy) is undetectable. Child still has one more round of chemotherapy to go."

Celexa (citalopram) "Yes, yes, and yes... Celexa has let me live again. I've tried all other medications for depression with no results at all. My energy level has improved, and I am now doing more activities. My concentration and memory have improved a lot. No more waking up in the morning not wanting to live, and no more OCD, or constantly checking things over and over again. I am sharing my experience with this medicine because there might be someone else like myself that has major depression that is struggling."

Celexa (citalopram) "I responded after one week. The side effects (lethargy, some bowel problems) are the only reason I didn't rate this medicine a 10. After 44 years of excessive anxiety and depression, I finally feel like I can be 'myself' instead of enslaved to unreasonable thoughts and frustrations. Ironically, I avoided these types of meds for years, instead 'self-medicating' with alcohol and cynicism. Had I switched to this years ago, maybe I would still be married to a wonderful woman. Sad, but true."

Celexa (citalopram) "I've been taking Celexa for about 2 months now, and my life is completely different. I have been struggling with depression on and off for about 14 years now. It was getting really bad for me, I was at the point where I couldn't control my emotions at all. It made me very drowsy at first, but that subsided after a couple of weeks. I feel so much better inside, and people around me can tell a distinct difference too. I like the fact that it doesn't make me emotionless, just that my emotions aren't so strong and out of control. I still get sad, but that is a normal human emotion. I am so thankful that there are ways to make people like me feel better. Depression is a disease, not a choice."

Celexa (citalopram) "I want to write this review to anyone struggling with OCD. I have been struggling with OCD for years, and was put on Celexa. Let me tell you, it helps immensely. It did not work right away, and there are some initial side effects (nausea, yuck!). I take it in the morning, 40 mg. My OCD doctor is wonderful (highly recommend seeing a specialist in OCD). And she stated that for OCD, this drug is safe to even go up to a higher dose if necessary. I want to write this to give people hope. I was in a very, very dark place with my OCD. I felt I would never escape the pain and discomfort of OCD. It did not work right away (which is normal), but once I got up to 30 mg after a month or so, I started to see improvement. This medication saved me! Truly thank you to whoever created this medication, it is life-saving for those of us who struggle with OCD and depression. Please, anyone out there who has OCD, starting this, be patient with yourself, find a good doctor, and know that there is hope!"

Celexa (citalopram) "I have been on Celexa for 2 months. I was very reluctant and had tried several in the past (couldn't get past the side effects). I didn't feel great the first couple of weeks, but it wasn't awful. After 3 weeks, I felt better, more relaxed, and happier. I didn't feel much different, just started enjoying things more (as they should be). I smile more and laugh more - I get excited about things (I haven't felt excitement in a LONG time). I'm so happy I stuck with this one and it has truly worked for me. Also, I've had trouble accepting an antidepressant as a treatment option because I have no reason to be depressed - great life, kids, job, husband. But, I was. I guess it's my brain chemistry, but it is what it is. This works!"

Celexa (citalopram) "Before starting Celexa, I was always tired, depressed, and angry. Now that I have started Celexa, my mood is better, I have more energy, and I don’t fly off the handle about small things. I feel alive again. I am very happy I started taking Celexa."

Celexa (citalopram) "I was fortunate to have found an effective method of treatment for my depression after trying only a few different medications. I began with Lexapro, which gave me dry mouth, provided little relief, and resulted in an uncomfortable feeling if a dosage was missed. Cymbalta gave me a constant headache. I started on 20 mg of Celexa, and after a few weeks, I felt more like myself. I have been taking 40 mg for three years and have had great results with few side effects. Mild decrease in sex drive."

Celexa (citalopram) "I've been diagnosed with moderate depression in December. I've been in therapy with a psychologist since October. I lost my job, didn't go to school, broke up with my boyfriend. I was pretty much a mess. I had no motivation whatsoever. I basically secluded myself. I started Celexa 3 weeks ago and WOW oh WOW. I feel so happy. People noticed that I've changed and seriously, the first week on Celexa was hard but it's so worth it. Stick with it, give it a chance. The only problem I have with Celexa is that it takes me forever to achieve orgasm, but whatever, I still have a sex drive which is very good. I got my boyfriend back, yay. Now I'm back to school, found a new job. I mean I got my life back on track and I am so happy with the results."

Celexa (citalopram) "I've been on 10 mg of Citalopram for 6 months. Honestly, I've always been skeptical regarding anti-depressants (SSRIs), but once I quit being stubborn and finally started on this medication...just, thank goodness. Citalopram has essentially saved my life. I feel like the me I SHOULD be, as in, this drug didn't turn me emotionless/zombielike, it simply enhanced me and has brought me back to life. I'm happier, more confident, and so thankful that I've gotten myself out of an abyss of chronic sadness. I have experienced a few side effects such as SUPER vivid dreams and more difficulty self-lubricating before sex, but in the scope of things it's totally manageable. Also, I did NOT gain weight, so don't let that possibility scare you off!!"

Celexa (citalopram) "After years of trying everything from self-medication to prescription drugs, Celexa has proven to be the best (for me). My marriage has been saved, and countless friendships as well. I have no side effects on this medication, and I love that. I have tried countless others, and they either had terrible side effects or just did not work at all. I'm not a bit sorry I tried it, and will stay on it, as I am tired of not feeling like a whole person without it."

Celexa (citalopram) "I'll let you know. Before taking Celexa 40mg, I would always overthink or think people were using me somehow, but not anymore! If a thought runs across my mind, it stops in its tracks! I have to admit it has changed my life for the better."

Celexa (citalopram) "I was on 100mg of Zoloft a day for 6 years and suddenly my depression symptoms were coming back quickly. When I spoke to my doctor, she suggested Cymbalta or Abilify as a supplement to the Zoloft, but as I am uninsured, they were way too expensive. She suggested we try Celexa, and I weaned off of the Zoloft while slowly increasing the dosage of the Celexa to 20mg. So far, so good. I actually wish I had been taking it all along because I have more energy, have actually lost some of the weight I gained on Zoloft, and the sexual side effects are not nearly as bad as the Zoloft. Everyone is different, but I highly recommend it."

Celexa (citalopram) "I started on 10 mg of Celexa in 2016, after 7 years of depression and suicidal ideation. Once the drug began to take effect, I had 3-4 months of feeling neurotypical. My only side effect during this time was trails of movement and rainbow auras around lights. This, however, was a very small price to pay for finally feeling good. Month 5, I entered an unshakable state of numbness. I began sleeping through full days again. I was unable to feel empathy for others. After a year or so of all-consuming numbness, I began slipping. By the end of the 2nd year, I had spiraled into the darkest place I have ever been in my life. Suicide was the only thing on my mind. I had such violent intrusive thoughts that I could hardly sleep, I could hardly lay still even. I no longer take Celexa and my head is much more clear. P.S. it does get better. I know, I know, everyone says that. But trust me. Your situation will change, you will adapt. Stay strong, please."

Celexa (citalopram) "I have suffered with depression and anxiety for the past five years. Gained almost 100 lbs due to emotional eating and no energy to work out. I have tried Zoloft and Paxil, and I stopped because I felt numb. Not depressed anymore, but not happy or even content... just numb. Just a month ago, I started taking 10 mg of Celexa, and I finally feel like my old self. Suddenly, I'm interested in things again, and I'm not suffering from negative thoughts racing in my brain. I am hopeful, and I have confidence that I can handle situations like I used to. I hated leaving my house, almost as much as I hated being left alone with my children. Now, all is calm."

Celexa (citalopram) "I am a 28-year-old female. I was prescribed 10 mg. I read a lot of reviews on Celexa where people said they felt a difference the first week and was starting to get really disappointed when I felt no different in that time frame. I have been on it for exactly 7 weeks now and am just now starting to notice a difference. My interests have returned, I have more energy, and I am able to focus. Overall I am definitely happier and don't feel down in the dumps anymore. The only side effect I had was it made me very tired in the beginning but that has gone away completely. For me, Celexa is working!"

Celexa (citalopram) "I have suffered from depression off and on for years and have taken Zoloft in the past. This time it didn't seem to be working. I also was hit with overwhelming anxiety because of my husband's job difficulties. The doctor prescribed Celexa a couple of months ago. After 3 weeks, I was ready to give up on this because it took longer to kick in than Zoloft. I also had terrible dry mouth and food just didn't taste good. But the doctor bumped me up to 60 mg and that really did the trick. I only have dry mouth when I first wake up in the morning and food tastes good again. My hubby said that on Zoloft I was more 'flat emotioned,' but on the Celexa, I have the normal ups and downs that everyone else has. The only negative is that I am on the tired side, but not terribly bad. It is a lot better than wanting to jump in front of a bus. I urge everyone to give this a try and stick with it. Good luck!"

Celexa (citalopram) "I have absolutely no complaints about Celexa. I've been on 20mg for about a month and a half now, and I feel like a huge weight has just been lifted off of me. I spend so much less of my day thinking about things that upset me, and I'm much more capable of just letting negative thoughts go and not letting them affect me. As a college student, I've been dealing with a tremendous amount of social and academic stress. I was very wary about getting on an antidepressant out of fear of being 'judged', but in retrospect, getting on Celexa may be the best decision I've ever made. I couldn't help but post on here and share my experience. It certainly took a little while to kick in, but be patient. I am feeling happy like I haven't in years!"

Celexa (citalopram) "I've suffered from depression/social anxiety for years. After a recent breakup, my depression spiraled out of control. My doc put me on Remeron for about a month which did nothing except help me sleep. In the past I've taken: Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Wellbutrin, Lexapro, and Buspar. I was just prescribed 20mg Celexa a week ago and WOW - the constant racing cynical voices have been silenced. Instead of picturing worst-case scenarios, I'm picturing best-case scenarios. I haven't felt this 'at peace' feeling for so long. I'm excited because the dark cloud is lifting more by the day. I haven't experienced any side effects."

Celexa (citalopram) "I have been on Celexa for a few months, and I feel so much better. My mood is better, and I had very few side effects. I tried other medications and would feel worse, but Celexa is doing the job. I know a few other people that take Celexa, and they also say it works for them. I haven't felt this happy in a very, very long time."

Celexa (citalopram) "Week 1 dizziness, nausea, no appetite, foggy feeling, stomach growling. Week 2 same as before plus sweating, bad GERD, and insomnia. Almost stopped but decided to stick it out. Week 3 everything slowly disappeared. Now on week 4, much calmer, lost weight about 8 lbs, blood pressure dropped to normal readings, I have more energy now. I am walking every day, still feel like myself, not numb like some reported. Reason started was I had 2 deaths in a month and was losing it. In the past, I have tried Prozac, Lexapro, Effexor, Zoloft, and many others, nothing has worked as well as Celexa. My advice: give it time, be patient. Like many things, it's worth waiting for. Good luck to all!"

Celexa (citalopram) "This medication has wiped out almost all of my daily bouts of depression. For the longest time, I would have depression daily and now to be free of this burden, this weight, it's like living in a different body. I love feeling more upbeat, even on the days when it's simply a good casual uneventful day. I am happy and content."

Celexa (citalopram) "I began taking Celexa 10 mg tablet 3 years ago - one every evening. I find that it helps a lot with low moods and mood swings, especially around the time of my period. I've always had mood swings but didn't quite understand why I felt so bad on some days and felt pretty good on other days. This pill helps to regulate my moods so that I'm feeling good most of the time!"

Celexa (citalopram) "So far, Celexa has been great. I was very hesitant to start a medicine for depression/anxiety. But after being extremely low, hostile, and moody for months, it was time to go to the doctor. I was angry and depressed all the time. I just wish I went for help sooner. Also, I used to get panic pains in my chest and throat probably 100 times a day. Sudden scared and nervous little panics over anything! It has helped that a lot too. No side effects for me except good ones! The only reason I cannot give this a 10 is that I have only been on it for a month. Hopefully, these results last!"

Celexa (citalopram) "The depression, feelings of worthlessness, suicidal thoughts, and chronic anger have all eased somewhat since I started taking Celexa (10mg). I've been on it for about two months and have noticed a marked difference. Sleeping okay after insomnia at first. No decrease in sex drive (male) but definite decrease in ability. Hoping that doesn't last. Although some days I feel like my old self, mostly I feel better. Life has become more clear to me, my relationship with my wife appears to be improving, and this has allowed me to begin forgiving myself. Long road ahead. I wish you all the best."

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  • Drug class: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
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Patient resources

  • Citalopram drug information
  • Citalopram Tablets
  • Citalopram Solution

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Professional resources

  • Citalopram monograph
  • Citalopram Capsules (FDA)
  • Citalopram Oral Solution (FDA)
  • Citalopram Tablets (FDA)

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