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Generic Name: Levoxyl for Underactive Thyroid (levothyroxine)

Levoxyl for Underactive Thyroid Reviews

"I was a long-time Levoxyl user prior to the major recall that happened, and I loved Levoxyl and felt fantastic before the recall that happened! I have tried it 4 separate times, and each time I try it, I feel horrible. Imagine the most tired feeling you could ever feel! I cannot function and require naps when I try taking it. Not sure what changes they made to the formula, but for me, it is horrible. I just had to share this, just in case anyone out there is feeling this same feeling. Trust me, the formula has changed and not for the better..."

"Can't find a middle ground after using this med for 2 years. (Stopping, starting, readjusting dosage, etc.) My symptoms of hypothyroidism cross into symptoms of hyperthyroidism, and I'm stuck feeling like rubbish and not knowing what to do now. (I'm 51 years old, post-menopause.) I'm so tired of feeling bad."

"I feel worlds different - I don't need caffeine to get through the day, and low blood sugar doesn't bother me anymore. Yes, I'm even losing some fat, but I think that's because I can go longer between meals and it takes less food to feel full. The only odd thing is that my lips are unusually dry."

"I had been on Levoxyl (name brand) for about 10 years when they just recently decided to recall the medication from the pharmacy shelves. I was on 0.50 mcg three times per week and 0.75 mcg three times per week with one day off altogether. I did very well on it. My thyroid had finally gotten to the normal range when they decided to pull it off of the shelves. Now I am at a loss as to what to take. The doctor put me on Synthroid (Levothyroxine 50 mcg). I took it for a month. It was not too bad at first but as it started to build up in my system I began having tremors and feeling jittery all of the time with a weak feeling in my legs and muscles. I am now on Synthroid but don't feel all that good."

"I have used this for only a few months now, and I have lost weight and need less sleep to make it through the day. There have been a few odd side effects, including lactation, but nothing that is unmanageable or worse than how I felt before it. I take it in the morning with a glass of water and do not eat for 45 minutes for better absorption."

"I'm glad I used this medicine. My body was dead before I changed doctors to find the problem. I used every vitamin to help me, mostly Vitamin B, and also energy drinks. My new doctor found the problem and prescribed this medicine, and now I feel like a new person. I haven't noticed any side effects yet."

"I have been taking Levoxyl for 3 months, and my blood tests have gone down from 110 to 65. It's still not normal, still underactive thyroid. Half my hair has fallen out in the 3-month period. My stomach hurts, and the doctor said no Pepcid or antacids for 4 hours after taking the medication. My joints and muscles hurt all of the time, and I have insomnia. I think I may be adapting to the meds, as I no longer have to spend half the day in the bathroom. Diarrhea has lessened, but stomach cramps persist. I was just told I need to increase the Levoxyl to 0.75 mg. I'm terrified I may end up bald with an ulcer."

"Taking Levoxyl has been a lifesaver. When it went off the market, I had a difficult time with Synthroid. However, since the drug came back on the market and I've been taking it, my sleep is very disrupted. I have insufficient REM. I have very vivid dreams. My doctor says that this is a side effect."

"I have taken this drug for perhaps 8 years now, with no side effects. I've heard that it's best to take it at night, perhaps because the body does its restorative work then. My blood levels have remained consistent since starting Levoxyl, so my doctor is pleased."

"Well, I've been taking it for about 14 years now, and I've never experienced much of any side effects. I do have light emotional mood swings from time to time, but since I'm just 18, I believe they are the normal teenage kind. I don't mind it."

"I read that the proper time to take it is early in the morning before food. When I tried it this way I had the most horrible side effects of my life. The inside of my mouth, gums, tongue were burning up so I couldn't brush my teeth and my lips swelled up to twice the size. I had taken it before at night without this problem. So now I take it in the middle of the day after food and it is okay."

"Since starting on Levoxyl, I have gained at least 25-30 more pounds. I still feel tired."

"Take this medicine early in the morning, same time every day, and you'll feel much better."

"Levoxyl has given me my life back. I did not do well on Synthroid or generics."

"I have been on it 1 month. I have gained 14 pounds. My hair is starting to change for the better. The weight is so unhealthy. Any ideas? Please help."

"This medicine (and Synthroid) raises my blood pressure."

"I have had hypothyroidism for 20 years. Levoxyl never worked. "

More about Levoxyl (levothyroxine)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: thyroid drugs
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Levoxyl drug information

Other brands

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Professional resources

  • Levoxyl prescribing information
  • Levothyroxine (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Synthroid, Euthyrox, Tirosint, Unithroid, ... +5 more

Related treatment guides

  • Myxedema Coma
  • Underactive Thyroid
  • TSH Suppression
  • Hashimoto's disease
  • Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal
  • Thyroid Suppression Test