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Generic Name: Fentanyl for Chronic Pain (fentanyl)

Fentanyl for Chronic Pain Reviews

Fentanyl Transdermal System (fentanyl) "Fentanyl patch gave me my life back. My pain level went from a constant 8-10 to a 3-4. I went from being bedridden to being able to clean my home and cook for myself. Then 2018 came and the doctor stopped prescribing patches due to new CDC regulations. Now I am bedridden again 75% of the time. And pain at a constant 9-10."

Fentanyl Transdermal System (fentanyl) "I have a lot of experience with fentanyl patches, they have always worked. Now I've been switched to a different brand due to lack of insurance. I had to drop the price, never before has a brand not worked. Now, this particular brand not only does it not work, it doesn't do anything at all. With all the equivalent testing, how is this possible? Although I would never accuse someone of this, especially a drug company, it's almost like there is no fentanyl on the patch at all. What's even crazier is that the particular patch that doesn't work claims to have bioequivalence testing and that they're just as good as the brand name. I have personally used one or two generic companies that are the best I have ever used. This is a drug that gives people quality of life, and without it, they may as well give up. Fentanyl Transdermal System, drug used properly, is one of the best that has ever been made. Now they are making generic so cheap that I'm not even sure that the drug is actually on the patch, that is very scary."

Fentanyl Transdermal System (fentanyl) "I was a 36-year-old L&D/Peds Nurse, Vol. FF/Paramedic. Then I began suffering from horrific, excruciating, horrendous, insidious, debilitating pain. I ended up bedridden, unable to walk, forced to crawl on the floor between the bed & bathroom. It got so bad that I couldn't live even another 10 minutes with no relief in sight, I attempted to put myself out of my misery. I was out of my mind from the blinding pain. My PCP referred me to my Pain Mgt. Dr who placed on Fentanyl patches, they saved my life, & gave me my quality of life back again. I'll never be pain-free, never work as a Nurse again, or live the life that I once had, but I can go out to dinner with my Husband, & go to lunch/shopping w/my Mom &/or Daughter. Fentanyl Patches gave me my life back again. Mylan is THE ONLY brand that works. Apotex by Avena is absolutely 100% a worthless waste of time & money. Never accept Apotex Avena patches! Trust me."

Fentanyl Transdermal System (fentanyl) "I had a fall in Marine Corps Training in 1970. I was the only person in my platoon who had not fallen from an obstacle called the slide for life. I was told to fall and salute my Series Commander on the way down. I fell 43 feet in water and mud flat on my back. I have been in pain as my back got worse. After 6 operations and waiting for the 7th one, I am in tremendous pain. I used Fentanyl for 3 years with great results. The recent war against people who abuse drugs has grouped in it people who do not abuse and are really in pain."

Fentanyl Transdermal System (fentanyl) "Have been on for over 22 years. I was first prescribed patches from a Neurologist MD, then my family Doc. Now, because of the media hype, drug abusers, and FDA guidelines, I go to a pain clinic where I have an amazing Doc. He has me pre-approved for a higher dose. I've had to go from 175mg/hr to 112mg/hr and take Norco for breakthrough pain. But now, because it takes 2 patches to get to that dose, the guidelines only want me to be on 1 patch. So, they want me to go down to just the 100mg/hr. ANYONE HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS? My kidneys can't take more pills/meds. I have 4 different and very rare diseases that cause very extreme pain, of which there is no cure. If we all got together and wrote a letter with as many other people who have the same problems, maybe we could make a difference. I can't function without pain management. Mallinckrodt and Mylan are the best brands available."

Fentanyl Transdermal System (fentanyl) "I am on 150mcg Fentanyl transdermal patch and have been for ten years. It adequately treats my degenerative disc disease when many other meds, including morphine, did not. I was treated at a Hospital in Boston, at their Pain Clinic and was lucky. I am lucky but it is not easy street, there are the side effects of constipation, and memory loss, etc. But I don't have many choices, at least the patches take care of my pain for about 90 percent of the time. Different medications affect us all differently. Luckily for me my MDs were able to treat me. We must learn that we don't have to beat ourselves or allow others to beat us up for our illnesses. We wouldn't deny cancer patients their pain meds but we have different views for people and patients with other chronic pain illnesses. A UK study, around 2008, claimed that more than ¾ of pain patients were not being adequately treated for pain."

Fentanyl Transdermal System (fentanyl) "I have liver disease from years of Tylenol by hands full. I had to function so I could work. I have severe migraines and later in life developed bad back but I refuse to have surgery. My sister had surgery, enough said. I was on the patches for a couple of years with Norco for breakthrough pain. I was doing so well I could walk and even go places where I had to walk. With all the bad press and government regulations, my doctor stopped prescribing it to any patient. With the patches, there was more of an even keel managing the pain with my back. I have now gone back to the condition I was in 3 years ago. The druggie creeps are causing me to suffer, and I'm angry. I don't want to spend what years I have left sitting in a recliner. I just want to function."

Fentanyl Transdermal System (fentanyl) "I am a university-affiliated clinical pharmacist who oversees the healthcare of several elderly patients - some of whom suffer from severe chronic pain resulting from a variety of clinical conditions. In my experience, transdermal fentanyl patches only occasionally provide satisfactory pain relief over the full 72 hr period - assuming the dose has been properly titrated. I have seen the best results by using multiple, lower-dose patches. For example, if a patient requires a 75 mcg patch, better results are obtained by using 3 x 25 mcg patches - with patch #2 added on day 2 and patch #3 added on day 3 (and with each patch being left in place for a full 72 hrs). This gives better control + fewer side effects."

"When I got my 100 mcg fentanyl patches refilled this time, the pharmacy gave me the APOTEX brand, and let me tell you - they are the VERY WORST patches I have ever had! There is absolutely NO MEDICATION in these! I don't know why or how Apotex is getting away with this but I think I am going to contact the FDA and others to let someone in AUTHORITY look into it! Do yourself a big favor and if you are ever offered this so-called drug, REJECT IT! If you accept it, then you will be sitting in AGONY for a month like I am right now! APOTEX SUCKS! They are taking money for NOTHING! These patches don't help me any more than a piece of clear tape on my body would! Don't say you weren't warned!"

Fentanyl Transdermal System (fentanyl) "After years of all the other opioid pain pills, I was put on Fentanyl 25mcg. Initial problems getting the patch to stick, I contacted the manufacturer, and they were very helpful. They have supplied Askina film dressings to cover the patch, and they never fall off anymore. TegaDerm patches work very well also. I was also increased to one patch every 48 hours since it seems to wear off long before 72 hours. I do leave them on for 72 hours but alternate locations every 48 hours. What a difference. Very little pain, if any, and I'm no longer loopy or half asleep all the time. Fentanyl has been a blessing for my lower back and leg pain. By the way, I suffer from lumbar spinal stenosis. Hope this is helpful to others."

"Fentanyl dermal patches are a miracle medicine. They're the reason I have a life and my kids a mother, my husband a wife. To gain a little insight into the subject of pain, the ignorant anti-opioid Narco team: If you experienced a few weeks' worth of pox and pancreatitis and had only Tylenol for that, you anti-opioid zealots, and tell us how it's working for you."

Fentanyl Transdermal System (fentanyl) "The Apotex brand of patch is by far the most ineffective I’ve ever used. As if no medication is being delivered? When I use other brands (see below), the experience is very different. If your pharmacy has options, I would recommend AVOIDING Apotex. In my experience, this is how I rate fentanyl patches from the best to worst: Sandoz, 3M, Mylan, Apotex. Good luck."

"I have been using name brand fentanyl patches 100 mcg (Duragesic) for 12 years. I have a special authorization so my insurance company will pay for them because of allergy issues. Last month I found out that Johnson & Johnson stopped making them. Wow, now I have to use a generic for the first time in 12 years. I ended up getting the Apotex brand. OMG, they won't stick, so I had to tape them on. I don't think they have any fentanyl in them at all. My pain was so bad my doctor rewrote my prescription so I could get another brand. What does my pharmacy do? Drops me as a patient and refuses to ever fill my prescriptions again. Even though I was going to give back the Apotex brand to fill new ones. My doctor was even stunned by their reaction because I'm not a patient that has issues: my pain is a 4-5 normally to now an 8-9. Obviously, something is seriously wrong. This month I ordered Mylan through a new pharmacy and my pain is much better. The Apotex brand should be taken off the market."

Fentanyl Transdermal System (fentanyl) "I was on 75 mcg patches for 12 years after a horrible accident that smashed my knees and back. I made the mistake of working in very hot weather, and a patch sweated off twice in my monthly prescription cycle. The doctors refused to replace the patches, and I got horrific withdrawals. After reaching out for help, I was put on Suboxone to wean me off the patches, labelled a drug addict, and have been made to jump through hoops to get any form of decent analgesia. If this happens to you, don't ask for help, wait for the withdrawals to pass, or you'll go through 10 months of hell with pain like I've had to."

Duragesic (fentanyl) "I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, and after trying different pain meds, I was finally put on Duragesic 25mcg every 72 hrs. The first day on a new patch is amazing. I could do nearly everything I used to. It even helped with the pain from bone deterioration due to a lifetime of taking high doses of Prednisone for my asthma. I will admit that the third day was the worst. About 5 years ago, my doctor upped my dosage to 50mcg every 48 hrs., which has made a huge difference. I still get Norco for breakthrough pain, but I try not to take them unless the pain is really bad. I'm not the kind of person who likes to take any sort of medication, but I know without it, my life would be awful."

"I was using Mallinckrodt fentanyl patches for 3 years. Then I got dispensed 'Apotex' brand. Something about the patches made me itch all over and gave me a rash. Honestly, 'Apotex' does not work for me in relieving the pain. I was at a 6 on the pain level with Mallinckrodt, and now I'm at an 8 along with the itching and rash. Has anyone else had any issues with these?"

"I am angry that my endocrinologist put me on fentanyl in 2010. A year later, he retired and left me to the medical community wolves. The opiate war caused them to take me off cold turkey, which almost ruined my life. I contacted everybody I could think of trying to get weaned off, but nobody gave a damn, and I had a heart attack on my 49th birthday, about 30 days after my last dose. I am still so annoyed I ended up in a psych unit for 8 days after being pink slipped (involuntary hospitalized). Cops, no bra... no nothing... shoved in the corner of the ER until I could be transported an hour away. My doctor walked away from me, leaving me in serious danger."

"I have a rare disease called trigeminal neuralgia. It’s said to be the most painful disease on earth. Fentanyl has literally saved me. I’m a car salesman, and it literally makes my life worth living. I can love my family and work 70-hour weeks selling cars. As far as brands of fentanyl go, the Mylan by far is the best, second is probably Alvogen. Apotex is the worst by far. Mine typically only work for like 50 hours or so. I do start to withdraw, but luckily my doctor has me on 100 mcg/hr every 72 hours, and he gives me a box of 25 mcg for when the patches don’t last the full length or when I have bad breakthrough pain. Couldn’t be happier."

Fentanyl Transdermal System (fentanyl) "My husband has been on the 25mcg Fentanyl patch for almost 5 years, and it has been a lifesaver for him. The main problem for him is the constipation, which if he drinks his Smooth Move senna tea daily, it relieves the constipation. Also, for people who say the patch comes off, first use skin prep wipes by Smith & Nephew, apply the patch, and then apply a Tegaderm Film cover over the patch. If you use products like this, your patch won't come off, and it's waterproof too. Even when you get the 'sweats,' the patch will stay on. Most of these products you can get at medical supply stores or eBay."

Fentanyl Transdermal System (fentanyl) "Was on fentanyl Duragesic for a number of years when the brand I was using became unavailable. Tried 3 other brands over the next few months. I had an allergic reaction to the adhesive in 2 of them. Mallinckrodt was the brand that worked for me. No allergic reaction to it. My Dr. has had me trying other forms of pain control in the past year, with unfavorable results from severe allergic reactions to not effective. I just called my pharmacy to have them order Mallinckrodt. Atlas the Dr. had sent in a prescription for me to start fentanyl. If Mallinckrodt is not available, not sure what I can do. Thanks."

Fentanyl Transdermal System (fentanyl) "I survived nerve sheath cancer; a cancer with a very low survival rate, and pain that's off the charts. I needed the fentanyl patch to work since now laws have been pushed into effect that cut doses to unsustainably low milligrams."

"Johnson & Johnson stopped making their fentanyl patches without any warning to pharmacies or their warehouses. Imagine my shock to lose the one medication that enabled me to live a somewhat normal life. I have been in chronic pain since a car accident in 2001. I had tried every fentanyl manufacturer after Sandoz stopped production on their patch, and Duragesic was the only one that I could use without horrible side effects. Now, I’m on morphine, and it barely takes the edge off of my pain. I’ve called J&J, spoke to different departments, inquired as to why they chose to stop producing this drug, and have gotten nowhere. I even asked if they ever considered the patients that depended on their patch for pain relief. One woman told me there are other brands available and hung up on me. Another sent forms to complete. My intention is to relate that my “adverse reaction” is the pure anger I have for them not considering how many people there are in chronic pain that their decision affected."

Fentanyl Transdermal System (fentanyl) "I have been using the 50mcg patches for about 2 years. They are a lifesaver and I found an almost foolproof way to get them to stick. I find that my thigh works best, and I keep them shaved in the application area (I'm a guy so I don't shave my legs) but before applying a new patch, I use a single-use alcohol pad (for cleaning before an injection) and then once dry, apply the patch and hold for a good 30 seconds. They always stick, and in fact, on the 3rd day, they actually hurt a bit coming off like a bandaid. I think the oil on your skin is what keeps them from sticking well. I also apply my new patch and leave the old one on for an extra 8-12 hours, which keeps the withdrawal symptoms to a minimum."

Fentanyl Transdermal System (fentanyl) "I have had 5 back surgeries in four years with the last one being a double fusion at L4 to S1. This last surgery failed again, and they are now considering another one to fuse my lumbar spine all together. I have been on Fentanyl patch along with Percocet for three plus years. I take 150 mcg every 48 hours along with ten Percocet a day and still in pain. I just wish I could find something that relieves the pain to at least allow me somewhat of a better life. Right now I am basically housebound and depressed and sometimes very angry."

Duragesic (fentanyl) "I have had several surgeries to rebuild my shoulder muscles and have had one tendon reattached to the bone and covered with a plate, as well as arthritis in my spine. The pain is unbearable at times and sometimes I can't even walk. I was taking the extended-release OxyContin and Norco for breakthrough pain, which didn't help much. They seemed to last a few hours and that was that. Even then, I didn't do much because of pain. My doctor had me try the 75mcg patch for 72 hours and I was amazed. I can wake up in the morning and almost jump out of bed. We have changed to a patch every 48 hours as on the 3rd day it didn't seem to work. But now depending on what I do during the day, I am virtually pain-free. Highly recommend, get your life back."

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  • Drug class: Opioids (narcotic analgesics)
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Fentanyl drug information
  • Fentanyl buccal/sublingual
  • Fentanyl citrate oral transmucosal
  • Fentanyl nasal
  • Fentanyl transdermal skin patch

Other brands

Duragesic, Fentanyl Transdermal System, Sublimaze, Fentora, ... +6 more

Professional resources

  • FentaNYL, fentaNYL Citrate monograph
  • Fentanyl Buccal Tablets (FDA)
  • Fentanyl Injection (FDA)
  • Fentanyl Lozenge (FDA)
  • Fentanyl Transdermal (FDA)

Other brands

Duragesic, Sublimaze, Fentora, Subsys, ... +3 more

Related treatment guides

  • Anesthesia
  • Chronic Pain
  • Breakthrough Pain
  • Anesthetic Adjunct