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Generic Name: Metaxalone

Brand Name: Skelaxin

Skelaxin Drug and Medication User Reviews

Vomiting, stomach aches, racing heart, insomnia. Had to drink a gallon of milk. Popping antacids next day. Lousy. Lousy. I have no idea how people take this - goes to show how different people's bodies are. I would rather drink urine than take another of these pills.

Skelaxin is a neat and tidy drug to use. I have no side effects, and if I want to go off it, I don't have any dependency of this drug. I've been on it for about 8 yr. and before that I was on Robaxin. Robaxin worked well, but I would get that "high" feeling. Also, with Robaxin, you can only take at 12 hr intervals. At least with Skelaxin, if I need too, I can take every 6 hrs.

History: 2016 diagnosis of fractured L4 and slightly bulging discs; 2006 diagnosis of bilateral sacral fractures, left acetabular fracture, T2 facet fracture & L1 TP fracture (post-MVA). I frequently experience moderate to severe muscle spasms and lower back pain. Occasionally, the pain can be incapacitating. PT/core strengthening has improved overall functionality, but that is a work-in-progress and pain is usually worse before becoming better. Steroid injections did absolutely nothing aside from causing me to faint immediately after the procedure. I've taken the generic form of Skelaxin (Metaxalone) for about 9 months; it (along with a heating pad) has been the only source of comfort. It works rather quickly and doesn't cause drowsiness (uncommon with most other meds I've taken). While I do not wish to remain on this long term, nor is it a cure, I find it to be overall effective, even better than a Flexeril/ Lortab combo. I would highly recommend Skelaxin for frequent back pain relief.

this medication (Skelaxin / Metaxalone ) is the only medication we (my spouse and myself) take that works almost immediately for muscle spasms.

I had a head/neck injury. The muscles in my neck and shoulders hurt all the time. The doctor had me try Skelaxin. After a few weeks, the pain got better to where I could actually function again.

I have a sprained back. I was put on metaxalone 800 mg 3 x a day along with a course of prednisone. I did not get much relief from either. I am still on metaxalone but have just slight relief. I expected to feel better after a week. Someone mentioned they noticed a difference between the generic and name brand? Anyone else see a difference? I am going back to dr. to see what else may work better.


Happy to find skeleton helps me. Dr says 3x day every eight hours. Difficult to keep that schedule but works well anyway. No drowsy or drunk feeling like flexeril.

take 1/2 pill (100 mg) with advil when my lower back goes into spasm. Usually in a few days the cyclic pain issues are gone. I think most may be taking too much to be effective for them. Less is more for sure.

Have had severe back.neck,and neck muscle spasms for 35 years and have yet to find a muscle relaxant that works with the exception of Zanaflex which helps but doesn't last very long. Not effective and no side effects either.

I suffer from severe leg cramps from my hips to my toes. when this happens, my feet turn inward & it usually last around two hours. I am currently going through many tests to find the cause & my doctor gave me Skelaxin to help. It does help slightly but does not stop the cramping.

what is a relaxer like skelaxin there so expensive i need another kind its only one i have helped me

I did not take it daily only when I had stress related spasms in my neck. It worked quite well until I developed a sensitivity to it and it began causing swelling of my hands, itching, swelling of my throat and tongue. Very frightening.

Taken to relieve spasms related to disk problems. Spasms have decreased, but the pain along the spine was only marginally reduced. Oh... And I now have a hemorrhoid the size of a peach pit. Some muscles are meant to be tight...

I started this prescription just yesterday and I was unable to walk or climb stairs due to severe muscle spasms..I still have some pain but the spasms have been just about been alleviated with this medication...I was in horrible pain this time yesterday..and best part I am NOT drowsy at all..I am hoping this improvement continues. And no side effects yet like stomach upset that I have experienced with other muscle relaxers.

Taking meds for one week and now have mouth sores. Anyone have this issue besides me?

I am 80 years old and I did some digging though probably shouldn't. Had terrible back pain and spasms. Been taking this 3 times a day for 2 days and am no better. Aleve worked better. Will finish off the pills but I am not impressed.

I had Muscle cramps and this made them go away I was on Flexeril which was working great until they stopped making it.

felt the relief of relaxation within one hour

I found this medicaiton provided me NO relief for the backpain that i was suffering. Only noticeable difference was that I had very vivid dreams!I had to call my doctor to ask for something more effective. However, everyone is different. Best of luck to everyone else!