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Generic Name: Methimazole

Brand Name: Tapazole

Tapazole Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have used this med for 3 .5 years without issues for Graves disease. Dosage from 20mg to 5mg. I had weekly blood tests for the first 8 weeks to monitor side effects. I am always on LEUCOGEN while taking a dose over 10mg.

Diagnosed with Graves Disease in late December 2014. So far I'm feeling and doing much better. My hair had started thinning and falling out from the disease however since I've been taken Tapazole 10mg my hair has stopped sheading and is growing back

Within 2 weeks of taking this medication I have experienced a reappearing racing heart A-Fib

Diagnosed with Graves disease in 2007. Symptoms and blood values were mild. Started on 10 mg daily of Tapazole. T3 and T4 immediately normalized by TSH was 0 for first 2 years. Added L-Carnitine and TSH rose to .05. Added Acetyl-L-Carnitine and TSH rose to 0.78. Stopped the carnitine and TSH fell again. Decreased dose to between 2.5 and 5 mg daily. TSH does not remain normal unless I add Acetyl-L-Carnitine 500 mg.

I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and the endocrinologist prescribed Tapazole. I had a complete CBC before beginning the prescription and it was completely normal. Seven weeks later, a second CBC was done and was told to stop taking drug immediately. I now have been diagnosed with pantocytopenia, have been hospitalized, received 7th blood transfusion this week and was told I had to begin chemotherapy to try to reverse the toxic reaction to the drug. To say the least, I am angry and very unhappy that I was not told the "severe, rare risk" involved with taking this drug.

Have only been on this med. for 2 days. How long does it take until you can feel the medication working

I have been on it a year. I now am off it and will be retested in 6 weeks to make sure my thyroid is working correctly. I have felt amazing on this medicine. I was terrified of all of the side effects and never really had any. I did get strep throat pretty severe but it was easy to treat. I felt a difference almost immediately after starting it.

thinking i might have had the flu or was out of shape, having pounding heart, significant leg muscle weakness and sweats, i went to the dr when my legs started to swell. a battery of tests were run and i have an overactive thryoid. a scan and uptake were done and confirmed grave's disease. a trip to the endocrinologist to prescribe the right dose of radioactive iodine to destroy my thryoid, resulted in a change of plans. i was given tapazole, 5 mg, two pills twice a day and rechecked a month later. labs were returning to normal. because of that i will continue taking it for the next 18 months and monitor labs with checkups. i couldn't be happier with the results: sleeping better, less tremors, pounding heart almost gone, pulse returning to normal, stronger muscles, more "withit" mentally. yea, thanks to God for this way he is providing healing.

it has help me with my illness.


I have been taking this medication for nine months with few side effects; at the initial period I experienced some nausea and vomiting, which has subsided. My bowel movements returned to normal (previously, occasional diarrhea) and I began to regain some weight. Overall, this is a good way to judge weather surgery is necessary. Between taking this medication twice a day or the operating room, recovery and scarring, the pill was a no-brainer! Thank you for your enthusiasm and I hope you become well again, soon. You should see total results within a few weeks. Good Health, Simba

I found out in mid-March that I have Graves Disease and started taking Tapazole for it. The first subscription was for a generic or something, it tasted so bitter I could not take it but my doctor gave me the tapazole and the taste was much better. Reading through these reviews, I am so thankful for the lack of symptoms. I had the swollen neck, racing heart, labored breathing, buggy eyes and some irritability but no night sweats, depression, etc. The good news is that before meds my T3/T4 was 20/5 and after a month at 30mg, my T4 was actually low - meaning the medicine was very effective. The bad news is almost 20lbs in weight gain. Obviously, I am thankful I am not dying or have PK like I feared but having had gastric bypass surgery 10 yrs ago and being very careful with my weight, this weight gain is depressing me. There is no substitute for my health but is there a natural remedy for reversing the weight gain side effect of this med???

I was prescribed Tapazol by a endoctronologist, Dr. Larry Cantley, in WS, NC. Bottom line, I almost died from this drug. I developed drug induced hepatitis & was told by this doctor " not to be concerned...my body was adapting to the RX". In the meantime, my urine was turning almost black, i itched horribly...even behind my eyelids. It became difficult to hold my head up, I was so weak. In addition, I became jaundiced. Had it not been for my pharmacist, I am certain I would have died from this med. He immediately recognized my symptoms as severe side effects from this medication. What I was experiencing had nothing to do with whatever condition I was being treated for. It took me 6 weeks to recover after ceasing this medication. It also turned out that I NEVER had hyperthroidism in the first place! Be extremely cautious before taking this, or any med. And, always get a second opinion...even if a "reputable" specialist makes a diagnosis.

Diagnozed with Graves disease 7 months ago. Heart racing, weight loss, blurred vision, extreme fatique, sleeping 2 hours a day. Take 3 5 mg every morning for first few months. Everything got better but tired around 11 am. Take it at night now and sleep 6 to 8 hours every night. Starting to get real tired during the day, fall asleep while standing in line at checkout. Think the MD has to start cutting me back on meds. I would much rather stay on Tapazole for my whole life than to get surgery or RAI. I think it except for the hairloss.

Initially, I had severe diarrhoea and nausea with tapazole but these cleared 2 weeks after commencement of treatment. My T4 values which were > 100 fell to 30 within 1 month of using this medication. Overall in combination with propranolol, tapazole remains my drug of choice for my overactive thyroid

I started to take this medicine three months ago and I am so tired and gained 12 pounds, which I am very upset about. Otherwise no other side effects. The cure woese than the disease? In my case; yes.

Started 30 mg day, then up to 40 mg day. It's been 5-6 months. No side effects of note. Feel more relaxed, gained moderate amt of weight. Last blood test Dr told me to stop totally for 2 weeks, then begin 20 mg day. I was feeling tired, achy, distant. Probably should have reduced it earlier. I haven't taken any for 4 days. Still tired and feeling 'distant' but overall I believe it's been a good experience thus far.

I am a long term user of Tapazole for Grave's Disease for over a decade now. In low maintenance dosages, 2.5 to 10mg risks of serious side effects are very low. Treatment is inexpensive compared to surgery or RAI, and you don't have to take weeks off from work. If you are not allergic to it, there's no science backed reason you can't keep taking Tapazole every time you relapse. finding the right doc though...that can be harder.