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Generic Name: Methotrexate

Brand Name: Trexall

Trexall Drug and Medication User Reviews

Indigestion, reflux and chest pains, but I'm only on my third dose.

BEWARE, IF TAKING TO LONG YOU MAY BECOME DRUG INDUCED DIABETIC!!!!!!! My husband did and ended up with BLUE TOE SYNDROME, had to remove a toe on his right foot and almost lost his big toe on the left foot.

I have had what might be considered as mild psoriasis, and recently it had spread to the fingers and palms of both of my hands. All of the other topical ointments had been unsuccessful. I have been on Trexall for 2 mos, and it has virtually cleared up from my palms, and only a few spots are still noticeable on a few of my fingers. It has made all of the difference in the appearance of my hands, and just being able to shake hands with people again. Other than dealing with an upset stomach on the day that I take the medication, I haven't noticed any side effects. After my last visit with my doctor, and because of the cost of the oral drug, I will be trying the injections next month.

I have been taking methotrexate for about three years and it has helped me tremendously with my rheumatoid arthritis. It has made a world of difference for me. Very little or no pain now. I was in quite bad shape when I started it. I was taking eight 2 1/2 milegrams of it and just about a month ago the doctor suggested that I see if I could get along with only six of the pills per week. I have noticed some pain and swelling in my right hand since I decreased my dosage. The doctor may put me back on eight pills a week. This medicine has been a godsend for me.

I have used mxt for 2 years. Other than the fear of all the side effects, mxt has worked well for me along with Enbrel. I currently haven't had any side effects. I'm taking (8)2.5 mg once a week. The last two months I've tried to cut down to 6, because I was feeling so well and didn't like the possible side effects. I feel like my pain has increased and my mobility has decreased, so with the Dr's approval will probably work back up to 8.

I've been diagnosed with RA for over 10 years now and have been on and off of methotrexate a couple of times. Currently, I've been on it for 1.5 years and am having moderate success with it. However, it does make me tired and nauseated on the day that I take it. And it hasn't completely made me pain free or fatigue free from the RA. However, because of other medical conditions it is really my only option.

I was diagnosed with RA 2 years ago. I tried methotrexate without much relief for 8-9 months. They dosed me with a wide variety of NSAIDs along with it, but none of them helped at all. A new dr. put me on Arava, with the metho & my liver enzymes went sky high. They are still not back to normal after nearly a year with no meds at all. I just got scared away from taking anything, but wrist joint damage has begun. So, I started plaquenil, and I am trying milk thistle and staying away from all alcohol for the time being. We shall see, not much relief so far, just digestive issues, increased hot flashes and mid-afternoon into evening fatigue that wrecks my life. I have Sjoerens & Reynauds also. I had wheezing yesterday – haven’t had that since on metho. But, of course the Drs. say it is not associated.

I have been taking methotrexate now for almost a year and see no change in my current psoriasis areas and i have noticed that i am still getting new break outs.