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Generic Name: Metoclopramide

Brand Name: Reglan

Reglan Drug and Medication User Reviews

Administered via IV at hospital for nausea. I experienced immediate hell: akathisia. I wanted to rip the IV from my arm and run. It was one of the worst experiences, ever. This should be banned or at least, used as a last resort.

If you have POTS, do not take this! It affects your nervous system and made my heart race so bad i though I was going to die, I met a nurse who said the same thing happened to her daughter with POTS. It was scary and I am a bit traumatized from it. Please be careful.

I had a migraine that lasted for two weeks so I went to the ER where they gave me a headache cocktail of torridol, Benadryl, and reglan. They gave me the drugs via IV. As soon as they hit I felt like my skin was crawling. My heart started racing and I was so uncomfortable I couldn’t stop moving my legs and had to take my mask off to gasp for air. They said I would need someone to pick me up because the Benadryl would make me drowsy. Ha! I literally couldn’t get out of the ER faster and drove home in a full-on panic like I had just taken PCP. I didn’t sleep a wink that night with my heart beating out of my chest and I was in a cold sweat. When the ER nurse called to check on me a few days later I told her about my terrifying ordeal and she mentioned many people have that same reaction and she didn’t know why reglan was being given because it’s an older medicine. If you have panic or anxiety like me be careful with this medicine. Take a small dose and quit if you have any anxious reactions at all since it doesn’t get better.

This is a terrible drug. I was given a dose when I went to the hospital with a multiple day old headache. About 10 minutes after the dose, I felt like I was dying. Nothing was wrong, but it felt like the world was ending. I heard loud ringing that felt like it was shaking the building, I couldn't catch my breath, I got severe tunnel vision, and started to lose control of my muscles. At 15 minutes, I had no control at all. I was unable to speak, think, move, and was almost blind. At 20 minutes, the convulsions started. Every muscle in my body began contracting at once. I came close to breaking a hospital bed from thrashing that day. To this day, I still have fits of the same symptoms out of the blue. This drug ruined my life. I would reccomend that anyone stay clear of this drug, so you don't have to live my experience.

If standard antacid medications don't help, I suggest you try Amitriptyline before long-term use of Reglan. Read my review under the condition "feel like throwing up"

If your symtoms are IBD, gerd and/or heartburn, I suggest you try Amitriptyline before long-term use of Reglan. Read my review under the condition "feel like throwing up".

I have never taken this drug but please read on. Eight months ago, while taking Cymbalta, I got a feeling of nausea that would not go away. I eventually stopped the Cymbalta but the nausea continued. Eventually it was 24/7. Doctors blamed it on anxiety and stomach acid. My dentist and my gastroenterologist confirmed I had a stomach acid problem. So for the next several months I was prescribed high dosages of H2 blockers and proton pump inhibitors. I only got worse. I now had stomach cramps in addition to my chronic nausea. Searching the internet, I discovered I had functional dyspepsia (i.e., indigestion that doesn't respond to normal treatments). I learned that that the drug of last choice (due to possible serious side effects) was this drug, Reglan. But I also learned that the anti-depressant Amitriptyline was often helpful at low dosages. (google functional dyspepsia and amitriptyline). I started 10 mg and worked up to 30 mg over a week. The nausea feeling changed to a lump in my throat feeling and the stomach pains vanished. I had the dosage increased to 75 mg but that caused really bad constipation, so I backed down to 50 mg. At this time, I no longer take antacid medication but I am almost symptom free. I have no stomach pain, no constipation, no lump in the throat, and only an occasional light nausea feeling that doesn't last all day. So, my advice to anyone considering Reglan is to first try Amitriptyline. It is much safer. It can help even if you are not suffering from anxiety or depression.

Gave me severe muscle spasms and made me even more nauseated.

This is the most horrendous drug Iâ??ve ever had in my body. I went to the ER 3 nights ago for a debilitating migraine and received the â??headache cocktailâ? injections, one of which was Reglan. I was completely out of it from the other two medicines they gave me, so my symptoms presented the next morning. Muscle issues in my jaw and limbs, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, shaking and twitching, internal tremors, the worst is the major state of panic Iâ??ve been in for 3 days now. If Iâ??m not having a complete meltdown, Iâ??m in the verge of a panic attack while my heart beats out of my chest. I feel trapped in my body and have to urge to just scream for hours. My doctor told me today to keep taking diphenhydramine to counteract the Reglan until itâ??s effects are gone in another day or two so thatâ??s my only option unfortunately. This drug should not exist and the â??rareâ? side effects seem anything but rare after looking into user reviews. Itâ??s a dopamine antagonist and is a danger to people. If you must take it, please be so very cautious and take the warnings with careful consideration. Especially if you have any existing anxiety or depression. I was desperate at the ER and didn't even question the drugs I was receiving. I will never do that again. And I will NEVER take this medication for as long as I live. I wouldnâ??t wish it on my worst enemy!

After vomiting everything I eat and drink for 8 weeks treats I was hospitalized and many tests were run. I was unable to get through the gastric emptying study because I could not keep the nuclear egg sandwich down. So they thought I might have gastroparesis and had me take this medicine one time. One time was all I could do because it instantly made it hard for me to breathe and gave me a horrific headache. I was extremely dizzy and confused. I will never take it again and they have put it on my allergy list.

Only took this med for two days. At night had weird dreams,restlessness, could not sleep at all. Having suicidal thoughts, very paranoid. Couldn't wait for it to wear off. Had trembling and anxiety problems. Read reviews terrible drug not going to take it. This drug should come with a high warning and be banned.

I was prescribed to take three times a day for nausea and no motility for a Transthoracic Esophagectomy after Cancer. I take ONLY one 10mg dose a day as needed. Works great!

I have been taking Reglan 5mg, 4x daily, for about 1 and half year's. My doctor watches me very close. None of my other meds react with it. I'm on anti depressant, anxiety meds, nerve blockers, and bipolar meds. I was very aware of the bad side effects, but I have gastropresis and the pain was so bad I felt like I was dying. But with Reglan, and my other meds I'm finally feeling human. I do get tremors and I knew it could happen. But I'm living better on Reglan and having to take all the meds then I would have without it. Its a hard decision but I'm better off with it.

I was having problems with reflux. I couldnâ??t sleep at night because of the burning in my throat. The doctor prescribed Reglan 4 x daily. Took it for 2 1/2 months. I noticed that I would start crying during tv shows, commercials, etc. my body felt shaky and tingly inside but there was no shakiness on the outside of my body. I couldnâ??t sleep and I didnâ??t care if I talked to anyone. All I wanted to do was stay by myself. I was taking care of my infant grandson, and after being on the Reglan for 2 months, I dreaded taking care of him. Before the meds, I was looked forward each day to taking care of him. I finally looked at the prescription information, and it said the medication could cause severe depression in women over 50. That was so true! This happened in the spring of 2009. Itâ??s been over 9 years now, and once in a while, Iâ??ll have that feeling like I was going to have a panic attack or a feeling of depression. This medication has been one of the worse medicines I have ever taken. I will NEVER take it again. In my opinion, it shouldnâ??t ever be prescribed. I talked to my OBY/GYN about what happened, and she was very adamant about me never taking it again. She said it could cause severe depression in women. She couldnâ??t believe my PCP had prescribed it for me.

Do not use this drug in any form, I used the generic and had a year of my life stolen from me. Spent much of the time in deep depression, anxiety, shaking, facial grimace and had to go on two different meds to get me through this nightmare This drug is banned in Europe and Canada and should be taken off the market here in USA. I wrote FDA numerous times, no response, Black box warning now a little too late.

suicidal ideation,try like a hot knife to your brain. horrible, painful, terrifying. Paranoid ideation. I have a fast brain, just fill in what my life was like. lost one job, almost lost another. This drug should be your very last choice, it almost was mine. I told my doctor about it, he wrote in the soap notes "makes patient extremely tired". Did my first sentences relay that fact? I don't think so. Obfuscation is unseemly in a physician. I know there aren't many or any good choices but seriously, tell the poor guy who's nearly starving to death that this drug may very well push him over the edge. It nearly ended me, be very careful. Stomach motility eventually returned and I am starting to gain weight. The journey was dark and terrible. I am not sure I could do it again. As the drug leaves my system the ideations are gone and the lingering side effect is sleeplessness.

I was very worried about the symptoms and or reactions it can cause. I have a great team of gastro doctors who are following my gastro paresis as it is pretty bad. This medication has helped tremendously and its been only 2 weeks.

I am on Oral Reglan 3x day - 5mg each time. I've been on the oral for roughly 4-6 weeks. I am suffering from severe muscle spasms in my right eye and my arms and legs are so spasmatic with muscle cramps and pain. I can't keep still, I fidget all the time and sleep - I can't get comfortable and toss and turn and flip all night long. I find myself just standing instead of sitting for long periods of time. I'm so jittery and hyped up from this med. I haven't felt like this ever and I am so miserable and in so much pain. I wouldn't recommend this drug to anyone!

I am a diabetic and have been having trouble with nausea and vomiting for more than a year, my stomach always feels full. I was started on this drug and finally in over a year, I can eat and not be full, no more nausea. I even know what its like to feel hungry again. My doctor recommend I stop it. I did and within 24 hours I was back to square one. I started taking it again and I feel great. Thank goodness for this pill.

I was given this by my doctor to help my milk supply and so fat it is great and I feel great and it's doing it's job.