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Generic Name: Metronidazole Injection

Brand Name: Metronidazole Injection

Metronidazole Drug and Medication User Reviews

After taking the meds for 2-3 days I noticed tingling and tenderness on my hip and upper thigh, lethargy, stiffness, anxiousness & trouble breathing (like horse was standing on my chest). I discontinued this on my own and made the nurse practitioner aware. I haven't received an alternative as of yet. However, this drug will never go into my system again.

This helped my bv a lot. No more bad smell down there which is great. The affects from the pill though weâ??re horrible. Constantly nauseous, feeling like I was gonna throw up. I was super tired, disoriented, dizzy and bad headaches. I wish I got another pill because the affects were so bad for me. I had to take gravol everyday just to keep me from feeling like my head is spinning.

This medicine killed my 7 year old akc scottish terrier on the 2nd of taking this medicine!!! Please do not give to your pets!!! Its a killer!!

I took the Metronidazole GEL for 5 days once at bedtime. That cleared my BV , was symptom free for 3-4 days after until I had sex. Then it came back. I was prescribed the Metro Antibiotic for 7 days. Didn’t see improvement until 7-8 days.. unfortunately that didn’t clear it completely either. Just make sure you take probiotics for vaginal health with the antibiotic. I read that RePhresh works great for BV so I’m trying that next! Sorry to be a part of the never ending BV club, but hoping the probiotic will work. ??

No good. 2 hours in and my skin is on fire

Bv symptoms started to clear up within the first few days but the taste of the medicine and the headaches with it are kind of hard to deal with.

Severe itchy rash all over body. Lasted over a week after taking two pills

The effect was good but the side effect is very serious. It got me the bitter taste in my mouth and its the worst and i feel nauseous everytime. I feel dizzy and each day side effects gotten worse like you got another sickness .


Just started taking this medication seven days ago. I’m on the last day! I just hope that the medication will work. I have experienced heart palpitations (feeling like a panic attack is going to happen) lightheadedness, fogginess, sleeplessness, bloated and nauseous. I never would have taken this RX had I known how it would make me feel. I kept getting pushback and was told to finish out the 7 days. Miserable experience!

I never had physical symptoms of BV, i found out I had it from lab testing, so I don’t know how well the pills were working. I do know that while on this antibiotic, for the five days that I was on it, I experienced dizziness, headaches, irritability, depression, loss of appetite. I also experienced non-stop heart palpitations for days. I ended up switching to the gel after going to the hospital for the heart palpitations, and it was so much better. No side effects at all. Would definitely recommend the gel over the pill

I have been taking this for the past week first few days was OK 3 was hit with massive earache and tiredness. And all the side effects under the sun . I am 38 weeks pregnant and it's the worst I have ever felt. I wad completely fine and didn't even feel ill before taking them now I'm feeling like a bus as run me over :( not even been able to take anything really for the side effects. Last day today and I can't wait for these to be out my system!!!

I was really nervous of side effects, but my experience has been fine on metronidazole! The skin irritation I was experiencing is mostly gone - mostly and not completely because I now have a yeast infection. The pills are dry and taste bad but taking them with food and water helps a lot, I only have a slight metallic taste in my mouth with certain foods. It’s inconvenient not being able to drink alcohol on it, but overall I would take this again with no hesitation if needed.

I am on day 4 of 7 with taking this medication for the first time. The first 2 days was fine but day 3 I was super nauseous and tired all day then on day 4 I woke up with a bad headache and the tiredness continued. Also taking this medication gave me a BAD yeast infection. I found the pills hard to swallow and would leave a lingering taste that would not go away. Taking 2 250mgs in morning and night. So 4 pills a day. All in all I’m not liking these pills at all…

This is the worst med I have ever, ever, taken! It helped with an inflamed intestinal tract, but make me way sicker with each day that went by. I had to call it quits after day #7. It made me dizzy and so weak that I could barely stand up. It gave me stomach cramps, back pains, a cough, constant belching and nausea. It's been a month now and the side effects won't go away. My Dr says it can't be, but I think I know my body. I don't know how long it will take but I've been too sick to work for over a month.

My infection is gone but this drug was very difficult to swallow at 500mg x4 a day for 1 week. I have been off of it for 1 week but I still have terrible side effects. Very unhappy. I don’t know why they Used this awful frig for an infection after a tooth extraction.

500mg 2/day for 10 days 30 min after first dose, I feel a strange pain at my left elbow. Now, I feel this strange throbbing on the inside of my right elbow. Now, I'm feeling a pain on the inside of my left knee. Is this poison working it's way through my joints? I definitely feel this poison in my body. I also feel a little off balance and light headed. Mild head pain near my right temple.I've been drinking cacao and it has a chemical called Tyramine. My guess is this is why I had a slight headache yesterday. Headache was just noticeable, 1-2 on a scale of 10. 40 mins after taking 500mg, started getting a headache and I definitely feel foggy. Sharp pain top of my stomach but below my sternum. Pain in the right side of my jaw.Neck stiffness.Definitely experiencing short term memory issues.Eyes felt tired & dry. My wife has been dealing with a vaginal infection, so we both had to take this poison for 10 days. It has a metallic taste because it obviously has a toxic metal in it. In the end, it seemed to have worked for my wife.

I haven’t felt nauseous or had a bad stomach like some people but it do feel quite groggy on this medication. Not quite dizzy but definitely foggy. I don’t like the feeling but it’s manageable. Plus I’m really tired all the time.

The ingredients list two types of Parabens!!!! They are carcinogenic!!!! I will no longer be using this gel despite it helping avoid vagina bacteria issues well!! I cannot believe these ingredients are in a gel that is directly inserted into the most receptive sponge in a female’s body!!! Talk about a fast track to reproductive organ cancer!!!! Appalled!!! We need better medicine folks! We need the doctors and scientists who create out remedies and medicines and who also do the studies to find out what causes cancer to provide us with solutions that are healthy and safe. I’d rather have bv, than any kind of cancer. Period.

i tried both the pill and gel form of flagyl for my recurrent bv. i had it 6 times this year for 8 months. i had pelvic pain /discomfort, and weird smelling vagina. i never saw anyone mention pelvic pain being one of the symptoms, but apparently it can happen according to the doctors i have spoke to. i tested negative for all stds but positive for bv. anyways the flagyl helped, until it came back a month later. the pelvic pain and then taking flagyl was like a routine for me for 8 months. i recommend the gel over the pill 100% btw. they both work the same to me but the pill is GROSS lol. i stopped having sex with my bf for 3 months cuz i thought i was getting it from him but i still got it even tho we weren't having sex for that long. i tried boric acid too and it didn't work. anyways antibiotics are bad for your body. it kills the bad bacteria that causes bv as well as the good ones that maintain a healthy vagina. it wipes EVERYTHING out. literally everything. i also didn't have a good diet (barely any fruits/veggies, typical american diet hahah) so there was no chance for the good bacteria to grow, and the bad bacteria overgrew every time. well i've been bv free for 3 months now. here's what i did: 1. PROBIOTICS. i take one with 20 billion. it helps lactobacillus grow which is the KEY to a healthy vag 2. eat healthy. you don't even have to eat that healthy. I make sure to incorporate smoothies in my diet everyday which has fruits/veggies in it. eating healthy is so good for your gut health (my gut health was terrible after all those antibiotics) 3. get a bidet. it just keeps your area clean. i think this can stop fecal bacteria from ur other hole from getting into ur vag. 4. LUBE. omg this changed the game. i think rough sex when you're not that wet can also cause bv. i have not had bv for over 3 months now :) if you have recurrent BV like i did, flagyl is just a bandaid. we all know it will come back. you have to find the root cause to truly fix it.