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Generic Name: ibandronate

Brand Name: Boniva intravenous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

i really dont know if this has help,

I have been using boniva IV for about 3 yrs and my bone density has improved very much however I went for my IV today 25th Sept only to be told that you are no longer making this I am very disappointed!!!!!

Since I'm already inflicted with Fibromyalgia, arthritis, asthma and a damaged back from a Horseback riding incident, the effects of Boniva, itself, are VERY convoluted. However, the fact does remain that since its use, I cannot walk more than one block and suffer severe and debilitating pain. Nothing shows up in tests that could be contributing to this 'extreme' change in mobility. Coupled with the fact that there has been no real significant changes in my bone density, I see no reason to continue injecting this toxic, foreign substance into my system.

After 4+ years of taking it, did not improve my bone density. To work, you have to be taking calcium (1200) and Vit D2 at the same time.

Been on for 3 years. Have had leg cramps, night sweats, digestive probs/poss. ulcer, low Vit D. I have stopped it 2 weeks ago & won't take again.

I had my 4th Boniva injection in my left arm last week. My doctor prescribed the every three months shots. That night I couldn't sleep on my left arm. First time ever. Weird. Felt like worms were racing through it and it also felt kind of numb. It still feels like that. The next day I ached all over my body in places I didn't even know I had. I mean, everywhere. I thought I really must have some kind of flu. This has lasted several days now and I've felt really achey and sick. I'm reading these side effect notes from other people and now I know for sure that my "flu" is from this last Boniva injection. Will talk to my doctor but I honestly don't want take Boniva ever again. I don't want to feel this sick - it's horrible. The first three injections I received had no side effects at all. I'm just about to have my first bone scan since starting them.

After 6 months of oral medication and a great deal of esophageal pain my physician switched me to the IV infusion. After 9 months of quarterly infusions, I am now having more esophageal pain, severe photophobia with daily headaches and jaw pain. Today I had several jaw xrays taken and I will be having an esophogram later this week. Boniva is poision.

I Have been receiving Boniva Shots every 3 months for about 2 yrs.....I have a reaction almost every time. But my last bone scan showed improvement, so I am continuing the shots. This last time I developed a pain in my shoulder blade that feels like a knot that won't go away. It's been there on and off for about 4 days and is keeping me up at nite. I am now considereing stopping the shots because each reaction seems to be getting worse and I'm afraid one of them may become permanet.

I have permanent nerve damage to my radial nerve due to Boniva. I tried telling my doctor that I was having problems after each injection - swelling, a hard knot, pain, and a hot spot at the site. He said it was not the Boniva and talked me into taking another injection. That was a huge mistake. The medication I have been on prescribed by a neurologist is now losing its effectiveness. The pain is returning, at times my arm goes to "sleep" and at other times I wake up with my arm alternating from feeling on fire to freezing. To top it all off my bone denisty did not improve while on the medication. It actually improved when I got off Boniva and started taking large doses of vitamin D and increasing my weight resistence exercises.

My mother has been taking Boniva for several years now. Before she left for Florida in December, she had a calcium check at my urging. It came back that her calcium was low even with the Boniva. My calcium came back low also (it was 8.1) and my doctor recommended that I take a Tums with every meal. After just over 2 weeks, I had my calcium re-checked and it was up to 9.5. When my mom told me the results of her calcium test, I recommended she quit the Boniva and start on the tums since my calcium increased so much. Since she is paying so much a month for the Boniva compared to what a bottle of Tums cost, I would highly recommend trying the Tums since I saw such an increase in my calcium test. It may not work for everyone, but I saw the results of taking a Tums with every meal for just over 2 weeks in my reports of my calcium. I have already been diagnosed with early stage osteoporosis and will continue with my Tums regimen. I also have an allergy to milk which contributes to my low calcium, but like I posted previously, my calcium has gone up with the Tums.

I did not have any ill effects from the boniva injectable, but after taking it 3 years showed dramatic bone loss in the hip. I was told by the Dr. that Boniva does not work on the hip area. He wants to put me on the once a year Reclast injection. The reviews on that scared me, and I havent taken it as yet.

I had 3 Boniva injections over a nine month period.The first one was tolerable with perhaps some achy muscles for a brief time. On the second one, shortly after the injection I felt a tremendous pressure rapidly spreading over the chest cavity. It lasted maybe 10 minutes. The doctor dismissed my reaction saying there was no connection to the injection. The third time I had the exact same reaction but also experienced some fast nausea and a surge of water that accumulated in my mouth. Who knows what was in store for me on the forth injection? I gave up Boniva and that doctor. He told me after a bone density test there had been minimal improvement on Boniva. I gave up that poison and now with another doctor I am taking Evista.

I had my first and last Boniva IV on Sept. 23, 2010. I was told I may have flu like symptoms for 3-5 days. Well, 24 hours later I had such joint pain I could not even walk. My neck, back, chest, knees hurt so badly. I I had trouble sleeping with pain every time I attempted to move. It even hurt to breathe and I felt like something was sitting of my chest. We called the Dr. and he said this will pass. Thanks, I hope so! It is now 3 days since the injection and my joints, especially knees, are so swollen I have to hold on to furniture to walk. I so wish I would have researched this drug before I had the IV. What is this drug doing to our bodies to give us these side effects and how long do they really last. No one seems to have an answer for any of this. I feel so mad at myself, because I am a person that researches everything and for some reason I did not research this properly. I asked lots of questions to the nurse practioner and she reassured me that the side effects would be mild, if I had any. This is NOT mild and I have beat myself up about this. The pain in trying to walking was just horrid. I am confined to the couch with a disabled husband that needs my help. What a mess. Please do not take this horrible drug.

Good morning, Been in Bed for a week flu like feelings since iv, Im hopeful have pain meds from Doc, I also have Fiberomaligia ( Lyrica and Symbatlta in short term doses really help fibro I swear for me it was god allful none stop pain before in shoulder blade), Osteo score 2.4 ,Arthritis in c4-5-6 in neck ,Crohns Colitis, Asthma. BLA BLA you get the Idea.lol.. cramps and weakness are bothersome with fever for a week, I keep getting in out up Tub so much I stopped draining it everytime even with the pain meds . over all I want this to work . I wanted to try the Forteo but Doc pushed the Boniva. wondering if kickbacks are involved. I am wondering with the Crohns if I will be able to cont as bad tummy aches after iv .My Mom is on Fasamax 5 years and methot, grandma in 90s and they dont give her anything.Any body that can share with me anything thats working god bless us each one

I have had 3 injections in a 9 month period. I am experiencing severe musle and joint pain to the point I sometimes cannot walk. I also am experiencing breathing pains I am going to halt usage on my own. I was using this for osteopiena

Have take iv Boniva for 3(10 D0SES) years. In addition to a complete hystorectomy 8 years ago and steroids constantly for about 10 years I have developed osteoprosis. I had 2 doses withheld while trying to resolve some dental problems, but have resumed taking Boniva to prevent further bone problems. The biggest problem I have had is attitude of dentist when they find out that I have taken iv Boniva. Three dentist refused to extract roots of bad teeth so that I can have permanent bridge implanted due to fear of osteonecrosis of jaw. I am grateful to the Boniva for improving bone density. I had over 12 rib and other bone fractures before taking Boniva and none since then. I think this is a miracle and don't know what I would due otherwise. I have severe GERD so my doctor and I quickly decided on the iv route of adminstration. I have had no infiltration of or other iv site problems. I usually go home and take a nap after receiving the Boniva and cannot say that I have had any other problems. Hope this helps.

jaw and bone pain