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Generic Name: clobetasol

Brand Name: Olux topical

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Olux works like a dream! Olux-e (has green bottle or cap) is a nightmare. Makes your hair so oily you have to rewash have your hair. With regular olux you can use it after a shower, dry your hair and then go on with your day. Your hair looks clean and best of all psoriasis is gone for several months before needing to do another treatment. Be sure to ask your doctor for olux only.

I agree that Olux is great and Olux-E is horrible. I don't know why they make the Olux-E and I hate that they force me to buy the Olux-E with the Olux in a kit. I wish they would stop making the Olux-E.

I have been using Olux periodically for 6 years. I had this "thing" (dermititis?) growing on my ankle for 25 years and Olux cleared it in a few days. It occasionally flares up on the same ankle or other areas on that same leg. Olux seems to clear it up in a few days. I get flare-ups about ivery 9-12 months.

In 2005, I used olux that helped the dry scalps and irrations and itchings gone away..

About 2 years ago I started losing my hair in clumps. I was diagnosed with alopecia areata. My dermatologist started treating me with Olux about 18 month ago. I was applying it in the morning and evenings. After about 6 months She switched to Olux in the morning and Retin-A in the evening. About 95% of my hair has come back and new fine hairs are still appearing. I am told my hair may have come back without this treatment. I just know the hair is slowly coming back. There are no side effects from either drug other than a slight stinging when the Olux is first applied. I found a large difference between when I first applied this foam and now. The foam immediately turns to a liquid when in contact with warm skin. When I first started using the foam with little hair I went through a can (100g) very quickly, less than a month. Now that I have most of my hair back, a can lasts 3-4 months. The foam stays a foam until I rub it in. By patting the foam rather than rubbing it, it stings more. I think this is because more of the medicine makes contact with the skin rather than the hair.

Wonderful product. Have uased it everyday for 2 months. About 90% effective. I do need a total of 12 scalp injections to get rid of the remaining inflamation. I use it conjunction with Ketoconazole shampoo.

This stuff is better that white bread!! Easy to use, after a few days my scalp is clear of any psoriasis. Works so much better than tar shampoo and doesnt tint my gray hair a funny yellow color.

Olux worked quickly and effectively for scalp. The newer OLUX E is a mess...it is oily and the foam does not melt as quickly, and does not cover the scalp area as much, gets lost in the hair. I used more of the Olux E than the original OLUX, and therefore spent more money...without a prescription plan....IT is an ungodly price!!!

this was dermatoligst prescribed 4 days ago and what a difference so far

I really like Olux. It has helped clear up my scalp more than any other product I have tried. (Used in combination with Neutrogena T Gel)

I use it for both plaque and contact dermatitis and have found it to be very effective and easy to use in terms of targeting even small areas. It brought results much quicker than previous drugs my Dermatologist prescribed.

Nothing else worked except this... after almost 3 months of other stuff,the foam did the trick!I only put it on once a day for two weeks.....Supposedly,I have sebboreic dermatitis...

I have used this medication now for almost a year and although I do find it works on moderate areas of psoriasis I dont feel it breaks through the tougher areas but as I said worked on the moderate areas. I do find this very easy to use and would really recommend it to people with moderate psoriasis. It did relieve the itching associated with it though. it worked great for that!!

I have had scalp psoriasis for over 20 years and topical medications never worked for me. This works great, it's not greasy, it's easy to use and you don't have to leave it in and then wash it out. My hair is color treated and it doesn't affect the color.