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Generic Name: Enhertu (fam-trastuzumab-deruxtecan)

Enhertu Reviews

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I took this drug under pressure from my doctors. I have been through many protocols in the last 6 years: Fulvestrant shots, letrozole, tamoxifen, ACT, CMF, HERCEPTIN, XELODA, +++ AND A LOT OF RADIATION. I wish I had trusted my own instincts and refused to even try this drug. There comes a point when no more means NO more. But I took this dose, probably enough to harm an elephant, and I have been sick ever since. There was no concern for the quality of life that I was still able to maintain, but had to try this big money-hyped drug until the next one comes along. Plus, very hard to find any, if at all, the negative clinical trial info. I guess every one of the less than 300 patients (have only qty I found) came out with flying colors. Not enough honest patient info on this drug. May be great for new and young patients. But for those who ran the marathon already, they need to do some real clinical trials before they give us mega doses and take what QOL we had left."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "Had 2 treatments with Enhertu. The side effects were bad and did not go away for a long time: dizziness, jitteriness in the entire body, fatigue, weakness, diarrhea, sick stomach, felt unwell all over and inside the body. Never, never would have another treatment with Endertu!!"

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I have been on Enhertu for a little over six months. I found it more tolerable when the dosage was decreased. It was good not to have the constant diarrhea I had on a previous drug. You can feel pretty blah a week or so after the infusion, but you get used to its 'schedule' in your body. I was obviously encouraged by the shrinkage of the tumors and hope this continues. I was happier before I began getting a 'tight' feeling in my lower legs, but so far so good. I have recently had a break from the treatment, as I realized it is possible to increase the quality of your life by doing this from time to time. I worried about how the next infusion post-break would affect me, but I haven't had that bad a time. The problem I encountered sadly was that halfway through the break I caught a viral cough which did not have time to clear before the next due infusion. Such bad timing. I am aware that I am on this drug until the side effects or the tumor create a serious problem."

For Stomach Cancer "I have esophageal cancer that spread to my liver. After 5 treatments, one liver tumor was gone, and another was reduced by 50%. Stomach tumors were gone altogether. My cancer surgeon and oncologist were both very happy."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "Have had 3 treatments. The treatment was presented as chemo 'light'. But it knocked me down pretty bad anyway. It takes at least 10 days to recover. This includes a lot of extra pills to make it bearable. Also, it was said, less hair loss. Well, I lost 90% again. It is true that some side effects are less intense. But now I have to endure this treatment without knowing that you can stop and recover after 7 or 8 treatments. I do think it works because my spine pain is gone, but scans have to confirm. Reading here that the dosage can be lowered gives me hope because this will be difficult to uphold. Don't know what that will do to the effectiveness though.."

For Stomach Cancer "As a patient, I can't rate the efficacy of this medication because I have had only one round. After many rounds of chemotherapy using other medications, I can say that the side effects of this medication were much worse and enduring after one round. Sever diarrheas, debilitating fatigue, debilitating nausea, and stomach pain. Side effects began on day four and lasted until day 7. Will take half dose next round but will continue on the regimen as prescribed for now. One lousy week out of three is not acceptable to me. If the next round is as bad, I will cease using this medication. Oncologist stated that while I tolerated other regimens better than most, I tolerated Enhertu worse than most."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I had a response/reaction during the first dose that required stopping infusion halfway through. An emergency team came. Received rescue medication and evaluation in the ER. Ruled out a cardiac event. Went home okay. Side effects included profound fatigue, nausea, dizziness, malaise, mouth and nose sores, persistent bad taste, and indigestion. By day 12, I felt better and was able to do short walks, light social activities, sewing, and light gardening, etc. The side effects above persisted but were less. The second infusion was 21 days later. Received the full dose but given at a slower rate (over three hours). Tolerated well. Side effects so far (day 0-7) post-infusion are heavier. Extreme exhaustion, difficult to be out of bed. Nausea, bad taste, indigestion, vertigo, dizziness, malaise."

For Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "Fatigue is the worst side effect. So far, I have had 9 rounds. Tired all the time, but especially the week of treatment. Constipation and bloating the first week as well, but that is likely as much from the IV steroids as the drug itself. As far as results, no shrinkage of nodules for me, but no new growth, so we stay the course. The fatigue is worth it, at least at this point."

"Having 7th treatment, had my steroid dosage lowered. I find that black cherry juice reduces gas and constipation. I do have fatigue. Tumors in liver and lung have slightly decreased but I am her2 negative. Hopefully this will continue to decrease or at least stabilize my tumors."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I have been on this drug for 15 months lost my hair after 1 treatment, starting growing back after a month. Right now I have neuropathy pretty bad, other then that can't complain. My pet scan showed 2 new very small spots on my left ribs ,and another on my lower spine. I will, get another pet in 3 months and go from there. May have to change chemo, been through alot of it. It's been 5 years and 3 months , been metastatic to the bone."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I've had Enhertu infusions for 10 months. Experienced constipation, fatigue & hair loss. I did have my dosage lowered slightly which helped side effects. Hair did grow back before complete loss, constipation side effects were manageable with magnesium citrate supplement. Cancer responded favorably but now after 10 months may be subsiding."

For Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "Results very positive from CT scan (after infusion 4) bilateral Adenocarcinomas shrinking w/lymph nodes shrinking 50%. Hair loss after infusion 2. Minimal side effects through infusion 6. Some nausea experienced, intermittent side pain, increased fatigue noted after infusion 8."

For Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "I have had 14 rounds so far. Non-small cell lung cancer. As others have noted, fatigue the week of is pretty horrible. I have treatment on Tuesdays and often don't leave the house until Saturday evening. I try to work out, or at least walk, every day but there is usually one day the week of treatment that I feel like a train hit me and I can't do much more than watch TV or read (and nap). I lost most of my hair by round 4 or 5 - has not started to grow back. I get very constipated and bloated the week of treatment - that could be as much due to steroids given with the drug though. I am also much more sensitive to sunlight - as someone who rarely burns, this was a surprise. I don't know what else to attribute it to but the drug. I get tingling in hands and feet and swelling under my eyes, all of which goes away in a few days. The GOOD news is that it seems to be keeping cancer from spreading - so I will continue as the side effects (especially weeks 2 & 3) are manageable given alternatives."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I have received treatments for 6 months. My liver lesions have all but disappeared. All of my lymph nodes shrank or healed completely. Side effects have been minimal, especially compared to the weekly chemo I was receiving. I have pretty severe fatigue and mild to moderate nausea for 5-7 days, my blood counts have stayed stable. I'm honestly not sure of the dose, but I am going every 21 days and will continue it until it no longer works or side effects are unbearable."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I am on a trial and have had 24 infusions. Most of my mets (brain, bone, and lung) have either shrunk or are stable."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I experienced stomach pain and fatigue during the first week. After week three my hair started to thin and my blood count is very low."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "Side effects became worse after each treatment and the side effects lasted for a long time"

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "Primary persistent side effects are dry mouth, change in taste, fatigue, some nausea. Hair loss but some regrowing even during treatment. Mixed results on effectiveness."

For Breast Cancer "It is saving my life & has limited side effects. While I am on it, my tumor did not spread or grow."

For Breast Cancer "True and Best Injection for HER2-POSITIVE Treatment."

For Breast Cancer "Only 2 infusions, on Zofran and dexamethasone, caused severe constipation and cramps. Tumor markers next, only 2 infusions."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I am coping okay, but there are times when symptoms are pretty bad. Fatigue and appetite are not so good. Hair thinning."

More about Enhertu (fam-trastuzumab deruxtecan)

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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: HER2 inhibitors
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Enhertu drug information

Professional resources

  • Enhertu prescribing information
  • Fam-Trastuzumab Deruxtecan-nxki (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Breast Cancer, Metastatic
  • Non Small Cell Lung Cancer
  • Breast Cancer
  • Solid Tumors
  • Gastric Cancer