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Generic Name: Victoza for Diabetes, Type 2 (liraglutide)

Victoza for Diabetes, Type 2 Reviews

"I'm a 45-year-old woman, diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 4 years ago. I was prescribed Metformin, then added glipizide, which made me gain half a pound a day until I quit taking it 30 days and 15 lbs later. Then I was prescribed Victoza. The first 3 weeks, I was sick to my stomach all day, every day. I had NO energy at all. I would get out of bed, get dressed, and then lay back down - it was really THAT bad. BUT after around the 4th week, I started feeling normal again. My A1C went from 9.2 to 5.4 in just 5 weeks. Now, I am never above 130 - even after having a can of Pepsi. Also, I lost 30 lbs in 45 days. Just amazing! Suffer through the initial sickness, don't give up on it, Victoza is a life-changer! Victoza website for a discount card. I pay $25/month."

"I started Victoza 8 months ago & have lost 83 pounds. I am a woman 57 years old, 5'6' & weighed 290. I have been obese since early childhood. I have dieted all of my life. This is the first time I have been successful at weight loss. Yes, there are side effects, but with the weight falling off of me this fast, I don't care. I woke up this morning weighing 216 so I don't care if I feel nauseous. I haven't weighed 216 in 35 years. When I feel nauseous now, it is the first thing in the morning before my shot. I do start feeling a bit hungry in the evenings when the shot starts wearing off, so I try to inject 12 hours prior to bedtime. The reason I'm succeeding is because I decided to change my eating habits, log my food, walk & drink water."

"I did my research on this medication and to be honest, I was kinda nervous to take it. My Dr. prescribed me this 'cause my blood sugars were so out of whack. Morning BS were running anywhere from 250-270. I started this medication 2 1/2 weeks ago. At first, didn't really get any side effects just a little nauseous here and there. I started out at 2 clicks and gradually made it up to 0.6. My BS morning reading is around 160 which I love, didn't think this medicine would work so quickly. I've lost 6 lbs already, starting weight was 167. I do have more energy and don't feel so sluggish like I used to with the high BS all day long. It curbed my appetite, I don't have any cravings for any sugar. Eat small portions 'cause I get full so easily. I actually noticed food that is too greasy gets me nauseous or stomach ache. I want to continue to share my story as weeks or months go on :)"

"I have been on Victoza for a year and a half now. My A1c levels are good, and I have lost 104 lbs using Victoza along with oral diabetic medicines. I love it! I hope everyone who uses this medicine gets good results like I have. I rate this medicine a 10."

"Actually, I'm pre-diabetic and have polycystic ovarian syndrome. I've been on Victoza since Aug. 2014. I dialed up to 1.8 over two weeks. Was a little sick on my stomach for about a week. Prior to starting, I was on 2,500 mg of metformin with no change in weight or blood sugar. As of November 15, I was down 35 pounds. I'm still on metformin, and my doctor and her staff are amazed. I'm very seldom hungry. Sometimes I experience a weird feeling in my stomach and not sure if I hadn't eaten enough or ate the wrong thing, and nothing makes the sensation go away except for sleeping. I've lost over 10 inches in my stomach and am complaining because I'm losing so fast that people think I'm sick/clothes are falling off. I've struggled with my weight for years and finally this has worked. At 173 lbs."

"Doctor put me on Victoza. Metformin alone wasn't cutting it. Started a little over 2 weeks ago, lost 13 pounds, curbed my appetite. I feel great and my sugar level is averaging about 110 and it was over 220. Love it."

"I have been on Victoza since May. I started with the 0.6 dose, then moved to the 1.2 dose, and now I am on the 1.8 dose. I had no side effects from this medicine and have lost about 45 pounds. My blood sugars are below 130 most of the time. I am feeling fine and can't thank my doctor enough for introducing me to this medicine."

"Food no longer tastes all that great, I have to force myself to eat. My sugar levels are good. I lost 10 lbs after 6 weeks (wife not happy). No side effects so far. Small meals are just great, I take home half a plate from normal menu choices. Buffets are no longer an option. Needles are tiny."

"I have been on Victoza since March 3, 2010. I had previously been on Byetta. Byetta didn't seem to be working for me anymore, so my doctor wanted to try me on Victoza. It has made a big change, my blood sugars are around 120 instead of near 200. I have lost a total of 24 lbs since March 3rd, and I feel great and life is good. It seems like I am hardly ever hungry, and when I do eat, I am full very quickly. Something I would definitely recommend to another diabetic!"

"A couple of years ago, I was introduced to Victoza and had a horrible experience with it and stopped taking it. During this time, my doctor instructed me to take it with my Metformin, thinking it would help me lose weight. A couple of years later, I found that the Metformin was causing me complications. I changed doctors, and my new doctor recommended Victoza again. This time without using Metformin or any other diabetes medication. Reluctantly, I tried it, and to my surprise, I have had great results. I no longer have cravings for sweets, and my appetite has changed drastically. I have zero side effects. In 3 weeks, I have lost nearly 15 pounds. In September 2015, I will have my A1C checked again and praying for a better A1c."

"It made me feel sick the 1st month at 1.2mg, queasy stomach, not too bad diarrhea, if there is such a thing as good? The biggest thing I noticed was food did not appeal to me at all. I just did not feel like eating anything. And when I did eat something, I felt full on a few bites. This after about 2 months led to a 36 lb weight drop and an A1c that went from 7.3 to an A1c of 5.6. I have been on it now for 6 months but no more weight loss or gain. 12hr Fasting Glucose is showing from 75-88. I never see levels above the 120's after meals, even sweets. I think the problem with Victoza is that it works almost too good! I think some people will go off their diets or cheat a lot more because they have such low A1c's."

"I went on this med probably about 2 years ago. I've lost 49 pounds, but not just due to the Victoza, but because I've been eating better and exercising more. But the Victoza gave me a good boost in the right direction! I was running blood sugars in the 200s with fastings in the 140s to 180s - not very good. At one point my A1C was 8! On Victoza, my fastings are usually around 100, and my last A1C was 6.5! A big difference! The pen is easy to use, my pen needle is 32G, 5/32', I hardly feel it. The Victoza, at room temp, is undetectable as it goes in, completely painless. I thank God that my doctor switched me over. Oh, and I also take Metformin twice a day. I have no GI side effects whatsoever, and I never did."

"Started Victoza four months ago after trying Actos, Januvia, Glipizide, and Metformin. A1C was 9.5. After three months on Victoza, A1C down to 7.7. Better but not as good as expected. It seemed like Victoza stopped working after the first month. I used to leave the pen at room temperature after starting it. I started keeping the pens refrigerated at all times, and immediately noticed Victoza was working great again. I was concerned that the cold would cause pain on injection, but this was not the case. No extra pain at all. I know they say you can leave the pen at room temperature once you start using it, but for me, I noticed a HUGE improvement by keeping it refrigerated. I can only speak for myself, but that works for me."

"I have been on Victoza now for a little more than 8 mos. When I started, my A1C was at 7.8, after 4 mos. it dropped to 6.7. My last A1C test results, I am now at 5.7!!! I have not ever been below 6.0 since being diagnosed more than 7 years ago! However, the most important thing about this medication is that I have had NO side effects. I've ranged from barely active to moderate/heavily active and other than it helping me lose weight, I have experienced ZERO side effects. I prefer this medication over Metformin, as it has done more in 8 mos. than Metformin did in 6 years."

"Prior to taking Victoza, my glucose was like 384, 297. I changed my diet, and it went down to 234, 187, and the lowest was 166. I then started this shot 2 weeks ago on 2/9/24. Prior to taking it, I lost 14 lbs. (Starting weight 412) Since then, I’m now down 22.6. It’s like every day I’m losing a pound or so. I’ve had no side effects so far. I’m on the 1.2 dose and honestly thinking about staying right there for another week before I increase it. When I last checked my glucose, it was 101. My A1C was 10.9 when they prescribed it, so I can’t wait to see what it is in April."

"Just started on Victoza three days ago. Self-injection seems a bit daunting at first, but in reality, it's nothing. No nausea at 0.6 so soon to 1.2. Right now, I weigh 295 pounds, and should weigh 180, so we'll see what happens. Morning blood sugar this morning was 93. I can live with THAT. By the way, 'eggy burps' usually means your stomach flora are dead, and you need live culture yogurt, or acidophilus milk to re-establish your colony. --Jerry"

"I have been on Victoza now for a month. I'm 57 and previously always had high blood sugar. Nothing seemed to work until my PCP started me on Victoza. First 2 weeks were good, nausea in the second 2 weeks, then went away. I have lost 20 lbs and feel so much better. Blood sugars have been in the low 150s. This medicine saved my life. Be sure to ask your PCP for some Zofran, you will need it in the second and third week for nausea. Don't give up. Thank you, Victoza. A Disabled Veteran"

"I have been a type 2 diabetic for 10 years now. I tried Victoza in May 2016. As of today, September 24th, I have lost 45 pounds. I'm down to one Metformin a day, and my A1C is great! The side effects are minimal, mainly sour stomach, but that can be controlled mostly by diet. Low-starch foods help a lot. I'm so glad after trying a few newer meds that I found Victoza!"

"I've been on Victoza now for just over 2 years. From reading the reviews, I'm one of the lucky ones side-effect-wise. In other words, no nausea, increased headaches, etc. I started at 0.6, and after a month, moved up to 1.2, where I have been since that time. I reduced my adjunct Metformin from 1500 mg daily to 1000 mg daily. Weight loss has been a nice side effect, especially since it impacts the illness in the first place. The only issue I have now is that my blood sugar can go low quite easily, so I will be cutting back the dose to 0.6 for a test run of a month. Unhealthy high levels of blood sugar are a thing of the past. Hopefully, that stays the same at 0.6."

"Victoza is a wonder medicine. I've been on it for two weeks and have lost about ten pounds. (With many more to go!) I am rarely hungry at all anymore, and when I am hungry, it doesn't take much food at all to make me feel full. In between meals, I sometimes get a slight stomachache, but I much prefer that to feeling ravenously hungry all the time. Victoza also seems to be controlling my blood sugar in conjunction with Glumetza and Lantus. I've been able to stop Novolog and hope to decrease or eliminate the Lantus. I hope it continues to work so well for me."

"My doctor told me upfront I would experience nausea for around a couple of weeks. I did. My numbers dropped like a rock. Lost 40 pounds, and look better and feel better, and have a new closet of clothes. After about 2 weeks, I realized the nausea was gone. If you can 'hang in there' with it that long, this might be just what you need to help with your diabetes."

"I've been on Victoza for almost 3 months. Why didn't someone tell me about this sooner. There are some side effects in the beginning: nausea, headaches, loss of appetite, but they only lasted a few weeks. I did experience bad stomach cramps and major nausea when I increased to 1.2, but I called my doctor and she told me to stick with the 0.6 until my next visit, which she kept me on. My sugar levels have been great, 95-115, a far cry from the 200-300's. My A1C went from 7.6 to 6.2 in 2 months, and I have lost 22 lbs so far. I also take metformin 1000mg 2x a day. I have noticed that my blood pressure has increased slightly, so we are watching that and may need to increase my blood pressure medicine. About administering the shot: I was intimidated at first, but it's painless."

"Was on Victoza 4 years ago and lost about 48 pounds. Had an A1C of 6.8-7.1. Switched insurances to one that didn't cover Victoza. Had to go on insulin instead, 70/30 55 units before breakfast and dinner. So I gained back 40 pounds in about 10 months. A1C has been as high as 11.2 and as low as 8.0. Have had to deal with hypoglycemia several times. Just got new insurance this month, began Victoza last Thursday, and took my insulin that day, too. Glucose dropped from high 200s average to having a 104 and a 118 that day. I haven't seen numbers like that in a couple of years! Friday, I skipped my insulin dose. Glucoses are staying in the 100s, appetite is much less, and I am INSULIN FREE, which will help in so many ways!"

"I'm one week in with Victoza and my appetite has decreased significantly, having gastroenteritis symptoms in the evening and really bad flatulence! I am eating small meals of bland food to compensate. I started on the 0.6 dose and will increase to 1.2 in a couple of days. Good news, I am losing weight! No sugar cravings! Will keep you all posted on how it progresses."

"Since I have been using Victoza, my blood sugar has been great. My A1C went from 12.9 to 6.8. Before my doctor put me on Victoza, I was weighing 189 pounds. Today my weight is 140 lb, so I have lost 49 pounds. I have no side effects from this drug. Very happy my doctor put me on this drug."

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  • Drug class: Incretin Mimetics (GLP-1 Agonists)
  • Breastfeeding
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  • Victoza prescribing information
  • Liraglutide (AHFS Monograph)

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Related treatment guides

  • Cardiovascular Risk Reduction
  • Diabetes, Type 2