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Generic Name: Tirzepatide for Diabetes, Type 2 (tirzepatide)

Tirzepatide for Diabetes, Type 2 Reviews

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) "I usually don’t share reviews but felt this was warranted. I took my first 2.5 mg shot on 9/4, felt fine until 9/7 when the terrible sulfur burps started followed by sour stomach and nausea. Around 10 pm that night, I began 5 days of severe vomiting and diarrhea, which culminated yesterday at the ER getting fluids, CT scans, and IV nausea meds. I will not be taking this shot again. I have not thrown up anymore, but the diarrhea will just not stop. I can’t eat or take any of my other medication properly. Beware. When something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. I’m a past user of Byetta, Victoza, Ozempic, Trulicity, Rybelsus, Bydureon, all the pills, and about every homeopathic treatment ever made. I didn’t take this shot like a blind fool, but I have never had a side effect as terrible as this one. I’ll stick with my insulin. At least I can function like a normal human being!"

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) "I started with this medication for weight loss, and since I am 58 and a diabetic, my insurance covered it. It is a fantastic weight loss drug for me. Starting at 5'6, 242 lbs, I've lost 23 pounds in 12 weeks. I don't remember when I was able to lose this much weight. I've dieted my whole life and finally gave up and ballooned to 242 lbs. You have to be careful about eating greasy food and not overeating. I did vomit a few times after eating greasy food. Other than that, I'm so excited. My first goal is to get to 180 and see what happens. My feet no longer hurt when I stand all shift."

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) "This is my 2nd time posting. Was on Trulicity in the past & now Mounjaro 5mg, 7.5mg & bumped to 12.5. Effects for me are minimal & not bad, at all. Some days the acid reflux or constipation is bad, but it's not way off the charts & is manageable. One thing I noticed, as my doctor progressed me up the ladder to higher doses of Mounjaro...the weight loss is amp'ing up. Gradually starting to lose more per week than when on lower doses. Also, on 5 mg & 7.5mg, I noticed on days 1-4, I wasn't hungry AT ALL & knew that I needed to eat; therefore, I thought of food as FUEL, not just tasty & I made better/healthier choices. Now, on 12.5mg, I find days 1-5 or 6....I'm not hungry at all & still making better food choices, because I have to make myself eat. The 'in between meals snacking' has totally GONE AWAY. This drug has been a miracle for me, as my Thyroid Hashimoto's has caused so much weight gain w/the slower metabolism & I couldn't lose any weight until Mounjaro. It's a blessing!"

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) "I was on Mounjaro for 2 months. I had side effects of lower back pain, increased thirst, and decreased urine output. I increased my fluid intake, cut out all sugary drinks and foods. I could barely eat. I was on 5 mg. I woke on 1/16/2023 vomiting black coffee-like grounds. I went to the ER that afternoon and was admitted. After many labs and scans, I found out my liver was in shock. All liver enzymes were elevated. I am talking 1100 numbers elevated from what the normal is, 40 ish. My liver was on the way to shutting down. My body was shutting down. I also had a GI BLEED. Do not take this medication. There is not enough information!!!"

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) "I was prescribed Mounjaro for weight loss. I took my first 2.5mg dose on Friday, 9/16. Today is Sunday, two days later, and I have yet to feel anything different. I don’t feel full, and there’s no lack of desire to eat. I feel the same as I always have. I wonder if I did the shot right. I don’t know, maybe it takes a moment to kick in. I see people saying they lost weight in the first week, I’m not sure how that’s possible if I don’t have appetite suppression. I guess time will tell."

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) "I completed 4 weeks on 2.5 mg with zero side effects, other than the intended appetite suppression and lost 10 pounds. HOWEVER, after my second week at 5mg, I'm not sure I can continue. I've had awful nausea, vomiting, sulfur burps, and diarrhea, to the point I had to go to the ER for IV fluids and potassium. Zofran, Phenergan, Tums, and Pepto have zero effect. I can barely function, but hey, I'm down a total of 17 lbs in 6 weeks, so at least I'll look skinny for my next trip to the ER."

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) "Started on 2.5 mg 3 weeks ago. I’m 5’2” and starting weight was 175.4, my highest was 180. I decided to try medication after my waist was 39 inches. After my 3rd injection, I am now 165 and lost 3 inches off my waist. This is with minimal exercise and mostly appetite suppression. Bacon and eggs that I have eaten faithfully as part of an attempt at the keto diet, I just can’t eat. Food is unappealing. I’ve struggled 2x this week to reach 1200 calories. That has never happened to me before. Side effects: indigestion, fatigue. Hoping this continues to work with minimal adverse events. I’ve been gaining/losing the same 3-5 pounds since my daughter’s birth 5 years ago. This makes sticking to a meal plan so much easier. My binge eating during “shark week” had gotten out of control. I’d like to add my kettlebell training back, hoping I get some energy back."

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) "I have had A1C 11 after two months of using Mounjaro, it's now 7, and I have been losing 2 or three pounds a week. A friend took a picture of me, and I actually saw the weight loss. I am 64 years old. I have had high blood sugar and pressure for over 10 years, so it's more than just nice to be normal. Thank you, Mounjaro medicine helped with both."

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) "Started taking 2.5 last Thursday. Day 1, no side effects, day 2, mild nausea, day 3, everything broke loose! Dizzy spells, clammy sweats, severe abdominal pains, and bloating. Ended up in ER and blood pressure was so high I was at stroke level! Readings were 220/123, 187/113, 197/116, 178/112! No issues before medication! Beware, this medication is so new there is no telling how many other side effects it can have! I pray this mess gets out of my system soon!"

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) "Started 10/26. Weight 245, female. 2.5 1x, 5, 1x, 10mg, last 2 months. Current 214. Zero exercise unfortunately. I have read so many reviews and I am baffled at all these bad side effects, since mine were so minor (except constipation and tiredness day after injection). Learned early, no sugar, breads, or pasta/potato. I take no other meds, do a strict low carb and fast. I have a protein shake at noon, a meat and a LC veg for dinner (small portion always), then freeze a protein shake for two hours and it makes ice creamish. Delish! That’s all I eat daily. Hunger is now fully controllable! My A1C started at 6.7, BUT I was on low carb for 6 weeks prior to blood work so likely much higher in general. Last week's blood test showed A1C at 5.0. My ALT SGPT (liver) was high last test, and normal range this time. What did go up were my top 4 CBC numbers. Overall, this is a game changer. So grateful. I truly believe eating right is the key when on this med. Hope this helps someone."

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) "I'm type 2 diabetic and was on Ozempic for quite some time and having difficulty getting my medication. My doctor changed me to Mounjaro for my diabetes thinking I would be able to get my meds. I started on the 5 mg since I had been on Ozempic. My side effects were typical slight nausea. I was trying to get my second month filled and the issues started with availability AGAIN. The 5 mg and 7.5 mg were on backorder. He increased my dose to 10 mg. I have experienced sulfur burps, but that is about it. I have not seen much weight loss, but then again I'm more concerned about my diabetes. Shame on the drug companies for dangling a medication that works to lower A1C and cholesterol and choosing to utilize it for weight loss where the insurance won't cover it. I'm not using this medication for vanity, it's for my chronic disease."

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) "I have been on 2.5 mg for 5 weeks. My starting weight was 263. I have lost 15 lbs. with no side effects. My doctor has placed me on the 5 mg dosage. Hopefully I will continue losing weight with no side effects."

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) "I started Mounjaro to help control my blood sugar. I had tried Ozempic and Trulicity and could not tolerate the nausea, sulfur burps, and stomach issues. Mounjaro has been life-changing. No bad side effects. I’m not hungry, I don’t have cravings, I’m losing weight steadily, and sweet desserts taste too sweet. Many people say they’ve had bad side effects with it. I say try it as it may work for you. Just like I couldn’t use other meds that other people love. For me, it has been life-altering."

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) "I started taking Mounjaro on 9/1. This resulted in the very worst month of my life. WEEK ONE - Super Nauseous, indigestion, stomach pain for 3-4 days of the first week. My appetite went from a 10 to a 2 (which was good). WEEK TWO - I had diarrhea for 3-4 days, along with sulfur belches, nausea, stomach pain. I ended up having to take sick days and go get an IV bag to recover from the dehydration. WEEK THREE - World-class nausea and vomiting. 3 days of vomiting so hard that I ruptured my esophagus. The entire month, if I was not having diarrhea, I was VERY constipated. I lost 9 lbs in one month, but I don't know if it was because I could barely eat due to the sickness. PASS!!"

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) "I am 6ft and started at 213lbs. Blood sugars were a little elevated and I could see they were headed in the wrong direction. I also have severe sleep apnea. I started at 7.5 and just finished my fourth week. This drug is amazing. I’m down 24 lbs in 28 days. Lost 4 lbs last week. Current weight is 189lb. Goal is 175lb. I check my blood sugar 2 or 3 times a day. My highest reading was 101 about an hour after eating. Most readings in the low 80s which is perfect. I couldn’t have asked for more from this drug. Side effects are constipation (drink lots of water) and tired the day after the shot. I’ve been slightly overweight my entire life. I hope to lose this weight and then see if the sleep apnea goes away. Life changing."

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) "Be careful when deciding to take this medication. I advise you to speak first with your doctor, and if you could find another way to lose weight, you should decide to go with something else. The side effects for some people are almost unbearable. I was 100% healthy before taking this. Now my blood sugar levels are low, I cannot wait for this to leave my system. It’s hard to work out, I feel awful. Ever since I stopped taking it, since my sugar levels are low, I have to eat more sugar, and it’s hard to eat. I feel nauseous, and it’s so hard to start the day feeling like this. Please beware, I know of people that are not even eating while taking this because they lost their appetite, and they have to blend their food because it won’t go down. The side effects at the beginning for many people are really awful. If you have to work and be productive, don’t take this medicine, you will regret it."

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) "I am a 6'2", 46-year-old male who started his journey at 305 lbs. My doctor prescribed me Mounjaro 10.0 in Jan. of 2023. In Dec. of 2023, I went to level 12.5. Mounjaro, along with a balanced diet and exercising 4-5 days a week, changed my life for the better. I went from a 'Living to Eat' person to an 'Eating to Live' person. Mounjaro helps me mentally and physically. After I eat, I feel fuller longer, and I don't get food cravings. It's amazing!! I went from 305 lbs to 238 lbs. That is 67 lbs in 13-14 months. I am off all insulin. I stopped snoring at night. I am participating in 5K races. Achieving goals and having fun! Team Gavin, I treat my body like a football team - Offense - gym four to five days a week, Defense - portion control, Special Teams - Mounjaro injections once a week. I don't think I could be doing this well without all three. The journey continues for me, and I hope after you read this, it begins with you. Good luck!"

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) "Holy side effects. First, if you eat when you take it, it just sits in your stomach and you’ll be burping it for 12 hours. The headache is insane. Starts immediately. Then you are hit with 3 days of nausea, fatigue, and just overall fatigue. Just when you start to feel better, cue the insane heartburn! It took me 5 days to feel normal again. I’ll pass on this even though I lost 5 pounds the first week."

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) "I am a Type-2 diabetic. I have been on Mounjaro for several months. It is controlling my blood sugar great, and I have lost some weight. My biggest problem with the Mounjaro is the fact that I cannot get it because of unavailability. I don't understand how people who want to lose weight take priority over people with a medical condition. The people with diabetes need this medication and are not able to get their prescriptions filled because the people who want to lose weight are hoarding this medication. I also want to lose weight, however, the control of my blood sugars is a priority to me. I cannot control my blood sugars without my medication. Something needs to be done so that diabetics can control the disease. Obesity is not a disease, but diabetes is. Mounjaro is a great medication for type-2 diabetics for controlling their blood sugar. Availability for diabetics should be a priority."

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) "This is my fifth week, and I started on 2.5 mg and now on 5.0 mg. I have had only one side effect: dry mouth, but I lost 29 lbs in the first month. I weighed 243 lbs and now I am down to 214 lbs. If you don’t eat fried foods, sugar, or heavy carbs, you will do great. I don’t overeat anymore. Plus, I exercise, I walk 5 miles a day. I drink at least 64 fl oz of water. This medication is worth taking. I had no issues at all and feel great. I can’t wait to fulfill my journey. The key is to follow a plan. If you want a life change, this is it! I used the coupon, and only certain pharmacies know how to code it. I got lucky because my pharmacy worked with me."

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) "Constant nausea no matter what I eat. Muscle weakness and tired all the time. I’m feeling mentally down. Tomorrow will be my 3rd shot, and I’m seriously hoping these side effects go away so I can get type II diabetes under control. Probably losing some weight because I dread the nausea after eating so am not eating as much. The verdict is still out for me on this medicine."

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) "Female age 56. Started Mounjaro for type 2 diabetes in February 2022. Start weight was 249 pounds. Today, my weight is 162, down a total of 87 pounds! No more high blood pressure or high cholesterol. My lower back pain that prevented me from walking for more than 5 minutes is gone. I no longer get out of breath just trying to do normal everyday things. I was very depressed and miserable due to the struggle of trying to live life being so overweight and basically semi-handicapped. I was very introverted and unhappy overall for decades due to being overweight and countless attempts to lose weight and not able to be successful and continued to gain. Now I can walk for miles on end without any pain. I can do things I did 25 years ago. I got my life back. Wish this drug was around many years ago but better late than never. I am on a 15mg dosage. If I get nausea the day after the shot, I take a couple of tums and it’s gone. I take a stool softener to combat hard stools and it does the trick."

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) "I saw this medication on TikTok and decided to try it. Started on 2.5 mg on 9/23/22 at 204 pounds. Had some chills and started feeling a little off, lightheaded, metallic taste in mouth, major loss of appetite, increased anxiety. Continued through the 2.5 mg then moved up to 5.0 mg. On my 4th injection of 5.0 mg, my life flipped upside down. This medication caused me some serious side effects, syncope, dehydration, electrolytes to be out of sync, chest pain, and one heck of a panic attack while at work, I had to be rushed to the ER. Very scary and thankful I was not driving when it happened. I've stopped the medication immediately. I want to feel normal again. Down to 190 pounds now, not worth the risk."

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) "This is my 2nd post, I am on 7.5 mg of Mounjaro, and I have loved every moment of this journey. I was 243 lbs and lost 49 lbs so far since October 2022. I also eat a healthy diet and exercise. Stay hydrated because my side effects are dry mouth and constipation. I did, however, find out that if you eat carbs, sugar, or fried food, you will get nauseous and possibly throw up. Lesson learned. Stick to protein, vegetables, and fruit. I need to lose 34 more lbs to be at my ideal weight. I am still excited to be on this journey."

Mounjaro (tirzepatide) "I don’t have diabetes. I may have insulin resistance. I’m taking this for weight loss. BMI 48. Took the first dose, a sample dose, five days ago. I didn’t even feel the needle. Within a day of the injection, I started having pain in my low back, in the tailbone area, squeezing muscle pain when standing or walking. The pain goes away after a few minutes of sitting or lying down. (I had similar pain when taking Belviq. I don’t normally have back pain.) I also have some intermittent mild itching at wrists, ankles. I still think about food all the time, but I’m not actually interested in eating it. Someone brought me a quarter-pounder sandwich for supper. I had to cut it in half, and then I shared my half with the cat. There’s cake in the refrigerator, and I haven’t touched it. I’m hungriest in the mid-morning now and today had 1 low carb tortilla, one link turkey sausage, a slice of cheese, cilantro, and a bowl of watermelon."

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  • Drug class: Incretin Mimetics (GLP-1 Agonists)
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Mounjaro, Zepbound

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  • Tirzepatide monograph

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Mounjaro, Zepbound

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  • Weight Loss (Obesity/Overweight)
  • Diabetes, Type 2