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Generic Name: Xelstrym for ADHD (dextroamphetamine)

Xelstrym for ADHD Reviews

"This medication is amazing! I always suffered with trying ADHD medications because they'd always be too weak and last too short— both things due to high dopamine metabolism. Since this medication delivers its drug through the skin, it skips the first drug metabolism bypass, the digestive organs, and I experience ADHD relief at long last! My only dislike with this medicine is that it always burns upon the first hour in which I apply it. This is well worth it though, as it's the only drug for ADHD that works consistently for me. I'm super grateful for this medicine having been developed!"

"The patch burns for the first hour it's on, then it goes away quite quickly. I feel the effects start after 30 minutes and it lasts the whole nine hours I keep the patch on plus another hour or two after it's off. The effects are much smoother and with less peaks and valleys than Adderall XR. I would definitely recommend this to anyone with ADHD but especially for people with stomach issues since the patch bypasses the GI tract."

"I just switched from Daytrana to this because the Daytrana started giving me some nasty health side effects I couldn't live with anymore. Xelstrym, however, was so smooth and it crept through my skin with a small burn but lasting effects. I have severe ADHD and get tired easily when I take my ADHD meds, so I was pretty tired after 3-4 hours of applying it. When I say tired, I just mean my mind wasn't racing about 100 billion things, and I could actually sit down and think about one topic, like a normal human, without babbling myself through 90 different topics before I am done speaking. I still have yet to take it off (at about 5 hours in), but I wanted to leave my thoughts here... Always take breaks from these meds, guys, because they do mess with your dopamine, serotonin, and other happy brain chemicals. If you don't take a break, you will have a lot harder time stopping these meds when you will eventually have to."

"I would give the medication an even higher rating, however, I have one problem, and that is the dose of a single 18mg patch does not produce any noticeable effect on my ADHD. However, two 18mg patches applied at the same time have a very, very good effect without a single noticeable side effect. No jitters, no bruxism, no peaks and valleys at all. However, the pharmacy is fighting with my doctor and refusing to fill his prescription for two patches instead of one patch. This is unfortunate because I have required high doses of all previous ADHD medications-- I simply metabolize them at an extremely high pace and have developed a tolerance after twenty-five years of taking my stimulant medication daily. Before Xelstrym, I was taking two 30mg Daytrana patches, which I am glad I am no longer taking. Daytrana patches are very large and become loose at the slightest increase in body temperature and even slight sweating. Xelstrym patches can be worn while working out at the gym or swimming."

"I took this for several years as a child and it worked great. The only concern was that after wearing it for too long in one spot it irritates the skin, having to constantly which locations everyday was slightly annoying, but still an effective medicine."

"This is the first ADHD medication I've ever tried, and I'm a little over halfway through my first month of use. I'm using the 4.5 mg patch, and it significantly improves my focus and productivity. It does burn for around 25-35 minutes about 30 minutes after applying it. I have reactive/sensitive skin, so it does leave a red mark at the application site for a few days after removing it. The adhesive is pretty good, but I do cover it with a band-aid if I take a shower after applying it because it did come off once. It holds up great while swimming or sweating, but I do find it more effective applying on my arms, chest, and upper back/shoulder rather than on my hip or lower back. I feel as though it's not as effective as it was my first week or two of use, but that's likely due to how small of a dose I'm on. I would say the biggest disadvantage is having to change the location of it each day due to the marks it leaves behind. That's the only side effect I have experienced."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: CNS stimulants
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  • En español

Patient resources

  • Xelstrym drug information

Other brands

Dexedrine, Zenzedi, ProCentra, Dextrostat, Liquadd

Professional resources

  • Xelstrym Patch prescribing information
  • Dextroamphetamine (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Dexedrine, Zenzedi, ProCentra, Dextrostat

Related treatment guides

  • ADHD